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"Ah, auntie!" San jumps up from his seat and hugs her. "This is?" She asks and points to Wooyoung. "My fiancé." San beams and Wooyoung bows his head.


"Hello, darling." She hugs him tight and Wooyoung is shocked by the gesture. "Just go with it." San mouths and Wooyoung nods.

"You're such a delight to the eyes." She scans him up and down, Wooyoung feeling small at the scrutiny.

"Come, come let me ask you." She grabs Wooyoung by the arm and pulls him with her. "How did you meet our San?" She looks at him with anticipation.

"Uh, we! We met at my cafe!" Wooyoung comes up with a story that was more or less true. "Oh, so you own cafes? Hahaha nice! Do we get free coffees if we stop by?"

"Um...of course...?"

"Hahaha, I like this one, San!" She says and pushes Wooyoung to him. Wooyoung almost trips but San cushions him safely with his chest. His arm immediately wraps around Wooyoung's waist, steadying him.

San's aunt chuckles and points at them, "What a lovely couple!"

Wooyoung blushes and he feels San's fingers gently kneading his skin. "Relax." San whispers.

San's aunt excuses herself and the two are left in the same position. Wooyoung turns to face San, surprising himself at how close they were to each other.

"I am sorry..." Wooyoung says and tries to move away but San holds him there. They could feel their breath hitting their faces, eyes pinning each other in place.

San moves in, closing some more of the gap between them. Wooyoung closes his eyes, welcoming the-- "You two!" San's mom interrupts them.

"It's time for the donations! Hope you brought a big check, San." She smiles at him.

Fundraisers were anything but that, it was more on showing off the wealth you own and how better you are than the other. This is exactly why San hated them. He would rather do these things on his own.

The host takes the stage and everyone settles in their allocated seats. "Today the highest donation will receive this!" He pulls the cloth, revealing a small yacht miniature on a trophy.

"No, no! This is just the teaser. A life-sized one will be waiting for you at the end of the event. It's a 10 million dollar yacht." The crowd gasps.

"The second highest donation will receive two tickets to the luxury cruise--"

"Wasn't the cost of all this taken care of by your family?" Wooyoung asks him and San nods. "It's all just to show off. They don't care about donations and all."

"Still! It does help the needy!" "Maybe..."

"Are you planning on winning this?"

"No, but my mom probably would."


"Yup." He looks at him. "She will get the yacht, for sure!"

Wooyoung shakes his head and laughs at the irony.

"Now that the main event is done, we still have the dancing left! So put on your dancing shoes and get to the floor, everyone!" The host announces.

"I can't believe, you were right!" Wooyoung mumbles to San when they see San's mom with the tiny yacht miniature trophy.

"Aren't you guys dancing?" San's aunt pops out of nowhere. "Go, go, go!" She pushes them to the dance floor.

"I am not a good dancer." Wooyoung confesses. "Neither am I but let's go along with the music."

The slow waltz music reaches their ears. Trying their best to mimic the others on the floor, they start dancing.

"I thought you would have gotten dance lessons! You know rich people stuff." Wooyoung says and San laughs. "You're right but I never attended them. I would never show up."

"Tch, privileged."

"Very much."

The finale approached and San wanted to make a statement. He pulled Wooyoung in and dipped him before pressing his lips onto his. Wooyoung almost faints at the intensity but still kisses back, just as hard.

San lifts him back up but they don't break the kiss and they could feel all eyes on them. Wooyoung knew there were a few cameras that went off too.

The kiss was passionate, their lips molding perfectly as if they had just found the missing puzzle piece.

They break apart, turning to see how awkward the atmosphere had become. "Well done, brother." Jongho, who was dancing by them with his partner, mumbles.

"San..." Wooyoung was worried by all the stares, he clutched onto San's shirt. San looked at him, his eyes wide with worry, so fragile and small. San swore his heart skipped a beat.

"It's okay, honey..." He side-hugged him, protecting him from all the stares.

"Let's go." San pulls Wooyoung away but soon is confronted by Gayoung-- San's "ex-fiancé". The people had stopped staring at this point except for San's mom who was still in shock and San's aunt who had a smirk on her face.

"Oh, look. Putting on a show are we?" She pushes Wooyoung a bit. "Oppa, is he better? Really? We could have been--"

"You should leave." San pushes Wooyoung behind him. "Oppa! Really? Is he made of glass or something?! I am not going to do anything to him for you to be protecting him like that!" She raises her volume and San smirks.

"Let's keep this civil, shall we? I wouldn't want my parents' event ruined. Oh, and I am not protecting him from you. Rather I am protecting you from him. He can be a bit feisty, only I can handle him."

Wooyoung laughs, loving the words that were coming out of San's mouth. He sure wasn't a damsel in distress.

Gayoung's eyes widen before her face turns in disgust for a moment. She smiles again, "I will be waiting for you...when this ends...come find me." She kisses San on the cheek and leaves.

"I don't understand her." San looked back and Wooyoung was steaming. "What the hell is wrong with her?" He pulls out a handkerchief from his pocket and wipes the lipstick off of his cheek.

San looked at how focused Wooyoung was being and a smile made its way to his lips. San pulls him in by the waist as he wiped the stain and placed a quick kiss on his cheek. Wooyoung drops his hand, blushing as San released him and walked away.

Wooyoung knew this was becoming an issue. He wasn't planning on falling for San. No, he shouldn't be falling for San but the situations seemed to work against him.

He looked around and locked eyes with San's mother, who was glaring at him. He knew whatever plan she had for them had failed miserably. Instead, she let them put on a show.

San's aunt however looked excited and gave him a thumbs-up. He gave her a small smile before following San.

"That was stressful. Thank you for playing along. You did great today." San says as they reach the car. "Ah. Don't mention it." San had lost the smile, the sparkle in his eyes he had a few moments ago.

"How was the last bit?" He asked and Wooyoung's heart slows down a bit. "Huh...?"

"The last one, the kiss on the cheek. I bet it left my mom fuming." San got into the car, Wooyoung following him behind.

"You knew she was watching?"

"Obviously. Why else would I do that?" He shrugs and Wooyoung could feel his heart shattering.

Of course, he should have seen this coming. He was stupid to think it meant something.

He was stupid to think it was real.

To be continued...

A/N- I love heartbreaks.

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