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Wooyoung was officially going crazy. They hadn't talked after the kiss. San didn't even look his way. They both walked back into the place, flushed-- even earning a few giggles from the staff there.

Right now, Wooyoung was pacing along the beautifully carpeted floor of his room. He bit his nails-- a habit which tends to show up when he's anxious. He wanted to barge into San's room and ask him about the kiss but he couldn't.

He plopped onto his queen-sized bed which was covered with beautiful silk blankets. He rolled around for a bit thinking of a way to stop his tormenting thoughts.

He heard his phone ping, notifying him that he received a message. He taps around his bed, trying to find the device. He grabs it and checks the bar.

Yeosang- *picture*

Yeosang- y'all are everywhere.

Wooyoung opens the picture and his face drops, his stomach plummeting at the sight of it.

Why were they on this...kissing?

'The Woosan couple caught making out in front of a Tiffany & Co store'

"Isn't this a...? Gossip tabloid?" The worst of its kind. These tabloids feed on celebrities' personal lives.

"Was San aware of this? Was this what it was?" Wooyoung jumps out of the bed and heads straight to San's room. He knocks the door, "Yes?"

Wooyoung soon barges in catching San in his sleeping robe, sitting on the edge of his bed. "What is it? Can't get enough of me? Have you decided to sleep with me as well?" He jokes and Wooyoung fumes.

"What is this?" He throws the iPad he had found around there with the article loaded in it. San looks at it and his playfulness disappears. He takes the iPad in his hand and starts reading.

"Are you this cheap, San? A gossip tabloid? Really? That was the reason? I thought we already did this at your parents' stupid fundraiser. Was this necessary?" Wooyoung didn't hold back with the questions, he was red with anger.

"Wooyoung I--"

"Shut up! Stop playing with me. I don't want you doing these things without my knowledge!" Wooyoung's eyes start to get blurry.

"How could you? I didn't think you were this low..." Wooyoung couldn't stop himself.

"Enough." San's deep voice rang across the room. He got up from his bed and walked forward. He was soon towering over Wooyoung completely but Wooyoung didn't flinch nor did he back away. He stood there, not backing down.

Wooyoung had some kind of hope when San looked at him all sweetly, a sickly smile on his face. But that was shattered in a moment.

"And what about it?" San smiles and then eventually ends up laughing. He covers his mouth, mockingly, "Oh, sorry. I would be a jerk to laugh. But I don't understand, I thought you agreed to the contract."

Wooyoung backs off, not because he's scared but because he's done. So done.

Wooyoung leaves the room, his tears start to fall. San sat back on his bed, picking up the iPad again. He finds his phone and makes a call.

"Hello, I need you to do me a favor. Yeah. Get this off the internet."

Wooyoung was full-on crying now. He rushes through the corridor, trying to avoid being seen in this condition but his effort goes in vain when he hits against someone. He looks up and an unfamiliar figure looks back at him.

"Are you okay?" The person asks him and Wooyoung panics. "I am fine. I just messed up a recipe! In the kitchen!" Wooyoung was blabbering at this point. But he knew he had been caught when the figure looked back at San's door.

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