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Wooyoung was tired both physically and emotionally. He let out a sigh for what seemed to be the millionth time. He took off his shirt and stood in front of the mirror, a lot of things happened today and he wasn't sure about anything anymore.

He sat in front of the vanity table and leaned back on the chair. He pulled out his phone and started scrolling through his photo gallery. He smiled, unconsciously looking at the photos they took during the date.

The first half of it was going well but Wooyoung had to do something stupid, as always. He shut his eyes close, groaning.

The picture in hand showed them at the amusement park with cute headbands on. Wooyoung remembers how San inclined to anything he wanted-- even if it was wearing cute headbands.

He remembers clutching onto each other during some of the rides.

San won him a plushie.

San carrying all the stuff while Wooyoung walked around happily.

San who seemed fearless cannot do haunted houses-- Wooyoung had to shield him throughout the whole course.

San. San. San. So perfect yet so full of flaws.

Everything started going downhill when they decided to get on the giant wheel before heading to the movies. They got themselves into a tiny capsule, sitting opposite of each other.

"This thing is so crammed." Wooyoung says when he notices their knees tangled with each other. "I guess it's one of the reasons it's recommended to couples." San winks and Wooyoung turns red.

This thing was huge and slow, any tension between the two might result in some...things.

Wooyoung cleared his throat while San smirked, "It's hot in here." Wooyoung waves his shirt collar and San chuckles.

"You can take it off if it bothers you that much. No one can see us from here." San smirked again and Wooyoung wanted to slap him for making him feel so vulnerable.

"Haha, good joke." Wooyoung sticks his tongue out, playfully.

"Hey, I am being see there's no one around." Wooyoung takes a proper look and notices all the other pods empty.

"What?--" He was interrupted when the wheel stopped at the topmost possible position. "San, what the hell is going on? You're scaring me." He says and starts to panic.

"Woo, relax. I just thought of doing something special. You worked hard, the past three months."

"You can thank me elsewhere, not minutes before I fall to my death--"

"Woo...just take a deep breath and look to the side..." San's eerily calm voice reached his ears.

"Trust me..." San says again and Wooyoung complies looking to the side while his hands turned red with how tight he was holding the railing on the side.

Wooyoung's eyes were blessed with the most beautiful view, the sunset between the faraway mountains and a tiny spring that could be seen flowing from the mountain creaks.

He forgot where he was and let go of the railing, looking at the beautifully painted skies, the oranges and yellows that were straight out of an artist's canvas.

"One of the prettiest views you could witness around here but I must say today it's exceptionally beautiful. Haven't seen a view like this in a while." And this was the exact moment Wooyoung wished he could've stopped himself.

While San was dazed by the view, Wooyoung was drunk on San. Before he could think, he leaned forward and kissed San right on the lips.

They have kissed multiple times, this shouldn't have been a problem. At least that's what Wooyoung thought. But it was.

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