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"Yui!" San calls out to her. She sat at the table they always used to sit at. "San!" She smiles wide. San could tell she dolled up a bit.

"I thought we were done?" She smirked and San stopped himself from rolling his eyes. "What can I get you?" The waitress approached them. "Iced americano for me and you, San?"

"A glass of water will do." He replied and Yui loses her smile. "You don't want anything?" She fakes a smile. "Not really. I want to get out of here soon."

"...are we going somewhere else after this?" Yui tried to find something positive about this whole situation.

"No. I just-- Yui listen. I know you and I were inseparable. That was because we practically grew up together. We were a lot similar, we related to each other. We bonded because of our fucked up families..." San looked away and Yui's forehead creased.


"But...we are not children anymore. Whatever I had with you was great. You helped me out in a lot of ways but that's in the past. We never really broke up and I am still stuck there. I couldn't bring myself to be in another relationship..."

Yui could feel her heart shatter but she put on a brave face, "Just spit it out, San."

"I want to end things between us. Once and for all." He looked straight into her eyes.

"Fine. It's not good to hold onto things that aren't yours. I had already made up my mind on that but when you contacted me again, I thought...forget it. This is better." Her iced coffee was placed on the table.

"I can stay until you finish that..."

"That's fine. I don't want you to linger around and sway my emotions again." She laughs awkwardly.

San nods and stands up from his seat before he makes a beeline to the counter and hands them his card. He pays for the coffee and also orders a chocolate muffin for her knowing it's her favorite.

"Stop spoiling it for me!" Wooyoung pushes Hongjoong off the couch. "It's called a snippet!"

"I don't care! I will read the book myself!"

"So basically the main character is sent off to--" "BLEHBLUBEHBLAHBLB"

"As I was saying..." Hongjoong crawls onto Wooyoung pinning him there before talking into his ears. "The female lead--" "DIPAPADADIPIDAPEEPAHREEMBAM--"

They both stop when they see San by the main door. "Your hubby is here..." Hongjoong gets off of Wooyoung who couldn't care less.

"Fake hubby, you mean." Wooyoung corrects and Hongjoong just stares. "Are you supposed to be saying that out loud?" Hongjoong asks in a low volume.

"No, but it looks like he doesn't care." San crosses his arms and walks towards Wooyoung who was still lying down and paying no mind to him.

"I learned to accept things as they are so that might have affected my speech too. I apologise, husband." Wooyoung pokes his cheek with his tongue.

"Here..." San sat down after lifting Wooyoung's legs up and placing them on his lap.

Wooyoung looked at him suspiciously but a fancy packed box was being offered to him.

"What is this?" Wooyoung gets it from him and opens it to find a macron assortment from one of the finest patisseries in the city.

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