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"Mornin." San who was at the table eating his breakfast greeted a still sleepy Wooyoung who wobbled his way over to him.

"Morning, honey." Wooyoung greets back and presses a kiss to his forehead when he notices Jongho sitting next to him.

"You look good..." Wooyoung smiles as he took in his white shirt and slacks.

What's with white shirts and men?

"I can't say the same to you." San jokes and it's followed by Wooyoung's fake sulking.

Jongho smirked as he witnessed the drama unfolding in front of him. Shaking his head thinking if they thought this was enough to make him believe in their relationship.

"Oh, why you mad, baby?" San pulls Wooyoung to his lap allowing a gasp to escape Wooyoung's mouth. Jongho laughs in disbelief seeing how Wooyoung himself, looked shocked and uncomfortable.

"Do you need some rescuing, brother-in-law?" Jongho asks, interrupting their moment.

"Also, you guys can stop the act-- brother, you know I ain't gonna spread good words about you or Wooyoung to our parents. So if you got any tricks, use it on them, and not on me." Jongho deadpans while San rolls his eyes.

"I am sorry that your miserable ass is still single but if you plan on living here with me, you will be witnessing a lot of things. If you don't want to be a third wheel, you're welcome to leave." San counters back, half hoping that his brother would take the hint and leave.

Who would want to put on an act in their own house?

"Nah, I love the garden here." Jongho shows off his cheeky smile. "Love the garden, my ass. You haven't touched grass in years." San raises his eyebrows, ready for a challenge. He can be cheeky too.

San noticed how his brother sat like he owned the place. His legs manspread, leaned back, a relaxed figure who knew his cards.

He's my brother after all. San smiled internally, seeing himself in him.

"You bore me, brother." Jongho yawns and between this "brotherly" feud, a very confused Wooyoung-- who was still perched on San's lap-- couldn't seem to stay awake.

"I will sleep for an hour more or so before heading to work. Have a nice day, honey." Wooyoung mentally cringed at the word as he adjusted San's tie for him.

San nodded and Wooyoung got up to leave but before he could even take a step, a hand comes in contact with his ass, smacking him.

He turns around instantly to see San who was checking him out, shamelessly, and Jongho who had gone completely red.

"Y'all disgust me!" Jongho mumbles before leaving the table. Once he leaves Wooyoung decides to confront San, "What the hell was that?!"

"You saw how unconvinced he was! I had to do something!" San defended himself.

"And you were ready for all this! You signed up for this, Wooyoung." San seemed to turn red, himself. Flustered as he could still somehow feel how Wooyoung's ass jiggled at that moment.

He got a fine ass--

"Fine. I will let this one go but tell me beforehand when you wanna get physical with me, Choi or I will be roundhouse kicking you in the face." Wooyoung threatens and San puts his arms up in surrender.

"I am leaving now. Bye, baby." San opens his arms wide for a hug, his head tilted, asking for permission.

Wooyoung chuckles a bit at the instant implementation and goes in for the hug.

San wraps his arms around him tightly and squeezes him. "I can't breathe." Wooyoung taps him on his biceps, "Unhand me!" He chokes out and San releases him.

"You're so cute." San chucked before grabbing his bag and leaving. "Ugh! I am wide awake now...ruined my sleep for me." He mumbled to himself.

He was about to return to his room when he heard giggling. He looked around to find a few of the staff there who seemed to have witnessed the entire exchange between them.

Wooyoung goes beat red when one of the ahjummas gives him a thumbs up. He bows his head, greeting them. "You're the first partner young master has brought home!" One of them said.

"Ah, really! I am Wooyoung, San's fiancé. Sorry for not introducing myself sooner." He bows again and they wave their hands, dismissively. "No. No. You're being too kind. You aren't obliged to tell us anything." She chuckles.

"You're the first one to actually be so nice to us." Another ahjumma chimes. "I am sorry for that as well. The Choi brothers are literal assholes sometimes, aren't they?" Wooyoung counters which was followed by multiple gasps.

"It's okay. You guys can tell me your secrets. I am on your side." Wooyoung winks, playfully and they all laugh. With a few "aigoos" and "ommonas" sprinkled along the way.

"You two seem to match well. Get married soon and live happily!" They bless him and he feels a sting. He was deceiving them all. He couldn't bring himself to say anything to that. He gave them a small, sad smile before walking away.

Hours had passed. Wooyoung skipped his way down the stairs, ready to work for the day. "Lover boy!" The serotonin boost he was experiencing had been completely diffused.

"How are you getting yourself to work?" Jongho asks as he spins his car keys with his index finger. "Bus." Wooyoung answers as he jumps off the last step.

"I will drive you there." He says. "No--"

"It wasn't an offer. It was a statement." Jongho drags Wooyoung by the wrist. "Okay. Okay. Fine!" Wooyoung stops resisting and is given back the freedom of having wrists.

Wooyoung gets in and seeing Jongho leaning towards him, he quickly puts the seatbelt on by himself. Jongho smiles and retracts to his seat.

They're one and the same. How annoying! Wooyoung thinks to himself.

After an hour of driving and traffic, they reach his cafe. "Why does this place seem familiar?" Jongho asks. "You would have had the best coffee in the city, at least once duh!" Wooyoung answers, confidence dripping as he got off the car.

"Whatever you say, lover boy. Get me an iced americano, will you?" He makes an order as they enter the half-empty cafe.


To be continued...

A/N- double update :)

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