wedding bells

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Wooyoung was back to ignoring San, it's not that it worked the first few times he tried it. Worse. It always ended up with them kissing and getting physical with each other.

But this time it was different, at least that's what Wooyoung believed. San made himself clear, it was useless to carry the growing feeling he had for him.

He remembers San calling out to him a couple of times but he didn't pay him any mind. Right now, his head was filled with conflicting thoughts as the helpers there surrounded him.

"Sa-ra ahjumma! That's enough." He politely denies another bowl of rice they were serving him. "No, eat. You seemed to have lost your cheeks and that's not good." The other next to him says. "I ate a lot, my stomach will burst at this point." He says and they finally agree to put the bowl away.

"Do you know something about this Choi family?" Wooyoung asks them and they all look at each other.

"I just wanted to know more about the people around San and his childhood."

"His childhood...I have been working here for more than twenty years so I do know a little. San had a difficult childhood. You could say his father only wanted an heir and nothing else..."

Wooyoung felt he was gonna hear the same things again. "But he was a sweet boy, at least before becoming what he is today. I remember him helping me do chores when he had some time to spare..."

Instead, he heard something unexpected.

"I am sure you met most of the family at the gala. They're all messed up in so many ways, especially San's aunt."

"His aunt...the one with a lot of energy?"

"Must be her. She just wants to see the downfall of this family. Her father never gave her anything since she was a girl child while San's father inherited most of it. She still has that vengeance in her. Can't blame her though."

"But she was really nice to me, she was the only one who seemed okay with us..."

"San's father wanted him to marry a chaebol daughter and you stopped that from happening...she would have enjoyed that."

Wooyoung didn't know how to feel. From the outside, the Choi family was mostly presented as a happy, harmonious one while the truth was the complete opposite of that.

"Is there something bothering you?" They asked him and he nods. He shows his engagement ring to them, "I want to throw this down the drain." He confesses and they all collectively gasp.

"Don't joke like that!"

"I am not joking. He gets on my nerves, I don't think I can do this anymore."

"You're the only one who has made a significant change in him, I felt it. It was like my old San was coming back to me again..." Sa-ra ahjumma told him.

"My ass." He mumbles.

"You guys make a cute couple!" They all gush not noticing San leaning at the doorway.

"No, he's the worst. He a dick!"

"Am I?" Wooyoung hears that annoying voice he never wanted to hear. The ahjummas start murmuring amongst themselves before fleeing the place.

Wooyoung sits there while he ignored the other person in the room. "Are you ignoring me?" San leans in, supporting himself against the counter.

Wooyoung acts nonchalant even though his heart was beating fast at the proximity.

"Here..." San places a box in front of him, the size of a book. Wooyoung finally looks at him and San juts his chin towards it, asking him to open it.

The box was made out of wood, coloured emerald green and it resembled a jewellery box.

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