287 16 14

This is stupid.

So fucking, stupid. 

Reckless behavior.

You ever had that feeling? When you just know something's bound to end up horribly. Possible disaster? But still, despite that uneasy warning coming from your stomach, you just can't help but do it? Wondering what it is that could turn out so unwell, it physically makes you shiver.

It thrills me, even if it probably shouldn't. God, I know I shouldn't.

But of course I went against every single ounce of my morality. Like the many times I've come to bend my own rules, whenever he was around. Just so I could explore the curious spark held within his look.

"There's a club not to far from here."

Of course there was. Figure he knows them all by heart.

Just this one time, the mistake doesn't carry his fault. Because it was me, who nodded the second the suggestion left his lips.

Fuck it, I need a drink. My very first thoughts and probably why I agreed. After todays events it's sure to say, I'd like to forget about the past 24 hours. Because I'm not sure how much longer I can keep the 'built in movie projector' in my mind turned off. Or how long it takes for the bridges around me to break down.

But yeah, nooo I'm really optimistic. Suuuper chill.

It's not like a literal psychopath has my work pass and hotel room key card. 

Funny, right. I could swear I wasn't thinking when I thought that. What even am I thinking to think, right now? Honestly my entire body feels like liquid stone so I'm not sure my brain has enough oxygen to keep itself awake for much longer anyway. If that's even possible, the stone part. -Or everything.

I look at Lando's back. Tense muscular shoulders. White linen pants and a blue dress shirt.

The bouncer shows the way inside with a nod, Norris head turning to reassure I'm behind when we walks into the camouflaged place. 

Instantly, I'm hit with thick air. Hot fog lays on my face, and I slowly feel the goosebumps on my skin disappear. That's until the steps leading downstairs, stop.

And we're stood before a long narrow hall.

I can hear the faint sound of music ring behind the dark red door when he turns to look at me in the darkness. All different kinds of beats mixing with my seemingly more prominent heart rhythm.

Nervous. Fucking terrified. I hate to admit, but I can't ignore my gut feeling any more than I have. It must be screaming at this point. Begging me not to follow the man so blindly.

Am I really doing this? Willingly going into the depth of a dungeon, a club, with someone I wouldn't trust even if my life depended on it. Hell, I'm unsure whether I would run to save him, if his life depended on it.

And he knows. Picks up my doubts about this. The hesitation I masked so well, or at least believe to be doing. Yet, he fucking sees.

Somehow he always looks right trough me. Reads my mind, even when it's the last thing I want him to. I can't tell if is should like or hate it.

But I sure know how badly I can't stand the way the corner of his mouth curves up in a challenging demeanor.

Back out now? Even if I wanted to, not an option.

He towers over me from a foot away. "Change your mind?"

Even if I want to.

My bottom lip finds itself in between my teeth when he starts to head towards the door without me.

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 09 ⏰

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