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Abigale flicked a stone over the cliff, green eyes shining with malice. She bared her teeth as she watched it topple down, landing with a soundless plop! Behind her, the stink of rotting corpses burned the summer air and stung her tongue. The young woman didn't look back. Her eyes were fixed on the horizon as she slowly trudged along the cliff edge, eyes scanning the dry grass for any signs of herb. Up here usually she managed to find some heathersnail or gosseltrout beneath the scraggly brush of the sandy ground. Sadly the ground was down trodden and sprinkled with red, any possible herbs too covered up for her to spy and snatch up. A shame.

She hoisted up the skirts of her chiton and shuffled a little closer to the edge of the drop. Down below the sea crashed her mighty waves against the golden rock. The waters seemed higher today, the spray of waves almost reached Abigale as she bent over the peer, a light smile dancing on her lips. Amongst  the green swirls of the ocean, broken ships churned about, their sails weaving underwater like serpents. Abi glanced over her shoulder at the sailors now stacked in a bloody pile, their shields shattered and their blades stained with their own blood. A pity. Or not.

Abigale sighed and finally turned away. She was needed home. With a swift spring in her step, she headed toward the slope. Abi circled the pile of bodies and snatched up the basket she had left beside one of the few trees still braving the cliff top. No herbs today. She imagined it would be more fruitful to search when there wasn't blood, dirt and horse shit coating half the ground. Combat always put a damper on herb collecting. Abigale sighed and gracefully found the flattened ground where she had walked so many mornings before.

Her sandals moulded to the slick sand and pieces of rock scattered beneath her feet. Women of Callkis were surefooted, built to venture untrodden places. Abi retained that reputation. Her body knew this island. Her back knew to arch a little as she stepped over that one forgotten root of a long-gone olive tree, her arms knew to extend a little as she passed over the gathering of small boulders. They also seemed to know to do that as she stepped over a few left over corpses.

Abigale didn't coil as her eyes met those watery lifeless ones. She had seen them before. Had known lifeless eyes. She did not know these ones. So... it didn't really matter. She merely glanced at the bodies as she passed, the warmth of security nestled in her heart. There was no fear. They were safe again.

Down below she could see smoke rising from the village, curling in thick silver strokes that tangled with the fluffy clouds sailing above. Abigale pressed her lips together. They will need me. Without a lick of hesitation, she forced herself into a sprint, flinging the basket back to the grass. She could retrieve it later. Her legs pumped down the slippery hill, her toes flexing in each turn to keep herself upright. The village was at the foot of the slope, so there wasn't much distance, but the treacherous rocks and uneven soil made one take longer than necessary. I should have brought a horse.

Abigale grit her teeth as her feet slammed against stone after stone, skin on the bottom of her feet singing as the soft leather of her shoes failed to protect her. Her lungs expanded to the point of bursting while her mouth opened for the salty wind. A little elated, she sped up, her legs practically leaping with each stride, a wild dancer. Abigale let a smile creep back to her lips as the strong wind tugged her loose coral curls behind her like an amber flag, as it caressed her neck. Above her gulls cawed, their cries replaced those of the soldiers' from moments before.

The girl wet her lips as she finally came to the base of the slope, the scent of thick smoke now undeniably strong. She coughed, lungs straining to expand. Abi paused there for a brief moment, hands on knees. She could hear voices now, a few shouts or orders. She swallowed the thick saliva coating her tongue and straightened, eyes tracing her surroundings. People were bustling about, eyes hard and faces splattered with blood, sweat and...well, not much else. The Callkai were not a people that shed tears.

Abigale ran a hand through her hair and gathered herself, before making a beeline for a hut on the edge of the village. Outside there were a few people loitering, eyes scanning about. For me. Fuck. The girl hissed and forced her legs into a run, heart hammering against her ribcage. She couldn't help the feeling of dread that curdled her stomach. She forced her lips together as she jogged to the awaiting men, throat tight.

As she made her way, they all stared at her seriously. She recognised them; her uncle, her cousin and Jason. Urgh. Abigale stopped running and straightened her dress, trying her best to flatten her unruly hair. "Hello gentlemen. Bruce, Neil..."


"Jason." Abigale cringed and forced her cheeriest smile. "To what do I owe the pleasure, Uncle?"

Bruce frowned, rubbing his all-too clean beard. She could feel her Uncle's frustration oozing as he growled, "Let's go inside."

Abi laughed. "What? When I haven't even time to clean the place up? I -"

"No arguments, wipe that smile off your face girl."

The girl blinked and tried to mimic Bruce's stony face. It was incredibly difficult as she saw the bright sunshine bouncing off his bald head. Abi couldn't help but tremble as she made her way to the door of her ramshackle cottage and pressed a hand on the bronze bear door-knocker. Her heart was beating so loud she was certain the three ugly men could hear it. Abigale bit her lip, starting to panic. Her voice was high as she said, "Let me just clean up first..."

"Abigale. Let us in."

Her shoulders sagged as she replied squeakily. "Seriously? C'mon, what is this about?"

Bruce huffed and pinched the bridge of his nose. "Fine. I'll say it. You're under investigation for sorcery."

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