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Sirce sighed, arms folded around her legs. The floorboards were warm beneath her feet. The princess flinched as Jason set down a kylix on the table.

"They'll be here any minute now, there's no reason to worry."

Sirce twisted her lips and glanced out the window, praying for a glimpse of Atalanta's long ginger-brown hair. There's always reason to worry when you don't have a dick between your legs. "They're taking a long time."

The man smiled dismissively and sat across from her, lips drawing a long sip from his cup. "The seas are rough - you saw them - they must be careful."

The girl nodded, fingers drumming against the stem of her kylix. Her nerves buzzed in her fingertips like angry bees, begging for a sign that it was okay, that they were truly safe. Sirce ducked her head.

"Have some wine," Jason said gently, tilting his head. "It will calm you."

"I've heard that before," Sirce chuckled cooly. "It was my mother's answer to everything."

The man took another sip, a small red droplet trailed down from the corner of his mouth. "Trust me, this make is different. Not like that mainland hogwash."

Sirce raised a brow, fingers closing around the delicate cup. "How do you know I come from there? I could be from an island."

"That right there," he smirked. "Confidence veiled with caution. If you came from an island you would be in a temple by now, praying for protection."

Sirce swallowed and raised her cup. "Do I need protection Jason Dolos?"

The boy grinned, eyes sparkling. "Not yet."

Sirce snorted and lifted the cup to her lips. Cool scarlet wine flowed on her tongue. Her mind froze for a moment, the foreign flavour halting her thoughts. A sweet spice laced with cool fire. A hint of citrus and a sprinkling of light bitterness. You could hardly tell it had been mixed.

The princess swallowed slowly, lips tingling with sugar. Jason leaned on his elbows, ran his fingers through his hair. "Well?"

"It's...different." Sirce smacked her lips, the bouquet of spice and sweetness still clinging to her mouth. "You're not wrong - there is no wine like this where I come from."

She took a longer sip, throat thirsty for more. Jason raised his cup with a grin. "That's Callkis for you. Our grapes here are not like others."

He rose to his feet and strode to the window. The view outside was lovely; a tall hill rose over the village, its slopes holding the weight of shining stone temples. Wooden posts were propped at the base of the hill, long emerald vines curling around them, boughs heavy with violet grapes. Sirce scooted out of her chair and joined him, eyes drinking in the natural beauty of the island.

"Those grapes are huge."

"This summer has been good to the vineyard." Jason smiled softly, hand resting against the window frame. "The past winter was not kind to us."

"The vineyard is yours?"

He nodded, picking at his nails. "Yep. My family have held it since the gods laid our people on this earth."

Sirce turned away, throat clogged. "Huh. Family legacies are hard to protect - you've done well."

A silence settled between them. Sirce shifted back to the table, eyes searching the villa. The bounty of the vineyard could be seen in every crevice of the space. The floor was all polished tile, a row of heavily painted amphoras placed in neat tiled holes at the back of the room.

It was built like a typical villa in Eila; a centre with a kitchen, long table, fire pit and wine storage, with spacious corridors leading off from every corner to the bed chambers and other leisure spots. The only difference was the shrine.

Sirce frowned as she saw it. "Is that?"

Jason turned and laughed gently. "Yeah. Our family owe a lot."

She didn't wait for him to explain, to drawl on about some stuffy family history. The princess edged toward the marble shelf slowly, eyes lit up by the dozens of burning candles. Her mouth went dry as she looked, feet stuck to the floor.

Jason sidled up next to her, cocking his head in a puppy-like way. "Things like this aren't common here either, so don't worry. We're not part of any Mysteries."

"I've only seen things like this in temples," Sirce breathed, eyes captured by the warm light dancing against the white stone. "You must owe more than a demigod."

Jason wrinkled his nose. "It's a long story I'm afraid."

Sirce pouted, eyes narrowing. "Who is it for? I don't seen a figurine?"

"I can't tell you that, I'm afraid. Family business."

So someone is holding your tongue. What kind of debt are you in, huh? Sirce ignored the shudder running down her shoulder blades and forced herself away.

"Do you think they've gotten her yet?"

"Be patient. You're lucky there are getting your friend at all."

Jason sighed and sat back down at the table, legs propped up. The princess chewed the inside of her cheek, heart racing. Lucky? That's a stretch.

She grasped the kylix again and took a swig of the rich wine. The spice seared the roof of her mouth, her throat warmed as it slipped down. Sirce leaned against the table, eyes pinned to the thin grape mosaics lining the tops of the tall stone walls.

The face of the girl - Abigale - entered her mind. She wondered how her hut was; did she share in this plentiful grandeur? Sirce doubted it. If what Jason said was true...well there would be no chance of anything like this for her. Doesn't matter. She's an angry bitch.

"So what are your plans while you're here?"

Sirce blinked. "What?"

The princess frowned at Jason. He shrugged, picking his teeth. "You came here for a reason, didn't you? You know people don't just come across this place."

Sirce crossed her arms, face plain as oats. "I don't know what you mean. I'm a traveller. I travel."

Jason stroked his chin. "Why travel here? Why not visit one of the great poleis like Eila?"

Stay calm stupid. Don't give anything away. Sirce wet her lips, throat suddenly dry. "I wanted to visit places no one speaks of. Make my own stories. Any idiot can visit one of the great places of the world."

Top notch answer. Must be this wine. Sirce felt tension leave her shoulders as Jason's face fell, all the exciting mystery of his guest vanished into mere curiosity. "I'm afraid you won't get any great stories from Callkis. There's a reason the demigods of before never came."

Sirce nodded, lost again in her thoughts. Doubt was attempting to creep its way in, poison her path. Until that clear, strong voice returned. Fiercer than ever.

The demigods did not know. But you do. Oh, you do.

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