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Abi was close to collapsing when she finally made it to the village. Her legs trembled with each step more. Dried blood was crusted to her lips and her beautiful wild curls were full of grass and foliage. Almost...there...

Abigale sucked in a breath, tightened her stomach. She could see the alleyway through to the rich quarter up ahead. So close. So fucking close. The witch grunted, fingers glued to her side. The pain was like splinters of glass all up her chest, rattling with each gasp of air. Her eyes couldn't seem to focus, the colours around her floating in and out of blinding vibrance.

She didn't exactly know where she was headed. The path to her home had passed by ages ago. Abi was convinced her body was just too stubborn to die alone in her cottage without having one of those self-centred bastards watching as she died. Let them suffer, see what they did to me. That's what her mother would advise. She had a taste for vengeance.

"Oh gods," Abigale shuffled forward, feet lifting faster as she made it to that sloping alley; she couldn't remember the ground here being so steep. Her knees ached as she pressed a little harder, a little faster. The colours of the world bled into one another in an iridescent haze. It was like staring directly into the sun.

That sunlight was no help because in a matter of seconds she collided with something else and came toppling down. Someone gasped beneath her splayed curls. Uh oh.
Before Abigale could even move two hands grabbed her by the scruff of her neck and her waist and threw her backwards. "Get off her!"

Jason. Oh fucking gods. Abi hissed with pain as she was tossed aside, knees banging against the pavers. Her head spun, Jason's hair shifting from burning gold to blood red in her haze of vision. Abigale took every last ounce of strength to keep herself from wrapping her hands around his throat and squeezing.

And then she saw her. The girl from the sea. The witch stiffened, hurriedly clambering to her feet. Those hard blue eyes fell on her as the woman brushed the sunflower hair from her face and looked to Jason. Of course. Because he's the one that saved your life.

She looked her up and down, eyes resting on where Abigale's hand cradled her side. Her voice scraped like rusty metal as she said, "Trust me, the last thing I wanted to do was fall into someone's lap."

No answer. Silence. Jason shook his head, corner of the mouth twisting as Abi wiped the blood from her mouth. The eyes of the blonde girl didn't move from her as the witch straightened up. Sharp stabbing pains shot through her chest as she drew a ragged breath.

Another woman joined them; the one from the ship. Abigale swallowed hard as the girl hung back, brown eyes fixed on hers. There was no anger there, no loathing fire. The eyes were softened in a way Abi had only seen twice in her life. Why?

Abigale wet her lips, arms clutched her chest harder. She stared rigidly at the drowned girl, jaw feathering. She took her last blow at Jason. "Watch out stranger." Abi laughed softly, gaze turning to the scowling man. "Jason is a fuck-head."

"C'mon Sirce, let's get away from this lunatic." Jason helped Sirce to her feet with a smug wrinkle of the nose. The girl frowned deeply at the witch, nostrils flaring. Typical.

Abigale snorted not bothering to answer. She'd wasted enough time on Jason and his new lackey. I should have left her in the sea. They always end up hating me in the end. Abi turned on her heel and hobbled up the road. The girl with the brown eyes was still watching her.

By this point Abigale's thoughts were swirling and the sunlight flashed from grey to bright white. Her eyes watered with effort, hand fixed to something solid at all times. Oh gods just keep walking. Abi gagged loudly, salty mucus spilling up her throat.

The witch gasped wetly, slumped against the alley wall. She couldn't seem to steady her legs, stop the world from spinning round and round. Any ounce of reason was gone, her body fixed only on self preservation. Abigale gulped loudly, head pressed against the brick. Her voice strained as she whispered, "Where do I go? Where the fuck do I go?"

The temples were too far, as was her cottage. She dared not visit her father. Abi groaned, stamping her foot. Just. Keep. Walking.

The witch pushed off the wall and staggered forward, teeth grit. She could feel the zing of blood climbing up the back of her tongue. The hand clutched to her side grew tighter. Her insides felt close to bursting out. Abi snarled as she stumbled onto the noble streets, eyes bruised. "Oh shit, oh shit."

With a wretched moan she fell to ground. Abigale's eyes filled with tears as agony bloomed from her ribs, a pounding throb pulsing there. No. Not now. The witch's throat burned as a scraping cry tore from her lungs. She forced herself to sit up, cheeks now damp with furious tears. Must...keep...going....

Like a wounded soldier she dragged herself along the road, one hand clawing the ground, the other attempting to shield her ribs. She was trapped in a fog of stifling pain. No warnings or thoughts disrupted the shattering throb, throb, throb. Abigale just needed to find someone, anyone. The Callkai were cruel, but they feared the wrath of gods more than a feisty little witch. Guests - even if they crawled upon your courtyard with out warning - were to be cared for.

Abi could hardly life her eyes, hardly understand what she was doing anymore. All her mind knew was to keep moving. Keep moving until the gravel became anything else. Keep moving until a pair of eyes laid on her. Take advantage when you can daughter. Abigale could hear the cool voice of her mother, see her curt nod.

She reached her hand out. Smooth rock slid beneath her fingers. "Yes."

Abi went limp, lungs begging for air. Her head rolled back, ear pressing deep into the sun-warmed stone. The fog around her head thickened as a shadow leered over her, ginger eyes narrowed. A hand prodded her arm. He said something. Abigale's ears didn't catch it. A giddy, twisted smile crossed her lips as she rasped, "I'm here for another bath."

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