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"Open your eyes, sweetheart."

Abigale jerked awake, struggling to drink in air. Her fingers flexed into damp leaves and dirt and her eyes flew open. "What the fuck."

The witch sat up, eyes wider than summer daisies. The night sky was over her head, bright stars winking in the black. Long grasses swished in the breeze; she was in a meadow. Abi launched to her feet, mouth agape in shock. "Fucking fuck."

"You've got a foul mouth for girl with so fine a face."

Abigale stiffened, turning slowly. Just beyond the long grass grew a towering tree line. Birch trees that glowed like ghosts in the darkness. That alone was eerie enough in the gloom of night. More when she spied the outline of a figure. Waiting, watching from the edge of the thick forest.

She took a sep back, blood rushing in her ears. This is a dream. It must be a dream. Abigale clenched her fists, prayer on her tongue as the figure moved toward her.

A laugh loud as thunder echoed from its lips. Abi sucked in a strangled breath, the hot summer air thickening with...with.... She didn't know.

"Wake up, idiot. Wake up."

Another bone-shattering laugh. "Oh darling, you are awake. Who do you think I am? Oneiroi?"

Abigale shuddered, goosebumps spreading over her arms. "I don't know what you mean."

"You called, didn't you child? You called for me."

The deed is done. Take the power back, whichever god will claim it. The witch blinked, hands digging into her chiton. With effort she dug out a lump of courage and croaked, "So you took it? I thought..."

"You expected Lejla. You got me. I can see your disappointment Medea."

A gasp burst from her lips as moonlight showed down, illuminating a male bright as fire. A god was visiting.

Lejla shield me, she thought miserably as the deity tilted his head, eyes glittering like autumn leaves. Her voice managed to hold steady as she answered, "My name is Abigale."

"Abigale Medea. I can call you what I want, child."

The god smirked, skin beaming like the sun as he adjusted his long flowing toga and sat amongst the grass. He pat the ground beside him. "Sit Medea. Let's talk."

"Abigale." The witch crossed her arms, trying to forget that the wave of a finger could get her pulverised. She glanced about. Abi couldn't recognise anything. Just the trees; they were still on Callkis.

She frowned at the god, stomach churning. No god had ever visited her after returning magic. Only Lejla, but they had a weird relationship. Usually the potion would just vanish in a colourful puff of smoke and she was left to slug through the day. So this - well, it couldn't be good. That sort of luck tended to avoid Abigale.

"Just sit down, if I was here to punish you there'd be a lot of screaming by now."

"If you aren't here to punish me, why am I out here. Why aren't we in my cottage?"

"I thought fresh air would do you some good. Besides, I don't need one of those empty-headed fools overhearing us. You're in enough trouble as it is, eh?"

Abi couldn't help but smirk. With icy caution she knelt beside him, nails digging into her palms. The god grinned and put a toned arm across her shoulders. "I knew that would draw you in - you're not one to shy from a fight, are you Medea?"

"It's Abigale."

"Point made." He cocked his head, sparkling gold hair falling into his eyes. "I like a good fight, you know? It weeds out the weak."

Abi swallowed, his stare pressing her down. Oh shit - did I call him? Seriously?

Her lips trembled as she rasped, "Fighting is the way of mortals - there is no way around it. Unless you are involved. Then it is a mere series of defeats."

"Only for the cowards. Lucky for you then, Medea. You are no craven."

"You flatter me Andriel."

The god of victory and courage angled his head, eyes narrowed. She could feel him assessing her. She wondered if he sensed the same on her part.

Andriel chuckled and plucked up a long blade of grass. His smile remained as he curled the strand round and round his fingers, weaving it tight. The witch wet her lips, somehow bold enough to add, "So why am I here? You gods always have an agenda. Lejla wanted me to save that useless girl from the ocean and now you want something. If it's kill the stranger I'm afraid i cannot help you."

"A shame - I hadn't pegged you for a prude."

"A misfortunate decision on your part then." Abigale's eyes wavered toward the stars, the bright eyes of Lejla flickering in her mind. "I am prudent when it comes to my goddess."

"A worthy trait." Andriel pushed his hair back, eyes half closed. "I would never dare to fuck that up."

Abi snorted, eyes rolling. Pretty lies you're spinning, you shiny prick. She clenched her fists, heart beating faster. Her eyes were bouncing between the god and the forest, time dragging on between an appropriate moment of escape and a deadly flee.

She wasn't some fool. Abigale was raised on the stories of the gods. Their meddlesome devices. If a god visited, they needed something. Wanted something. Something they couldn't do themselves. Unless it was fuck some poor girl and disappear, leaving behind a wretched demigod; that they could certainly do themselves.

Abigale swallowed the bile rising up her throat, knees weak as the silence drew out. She quietly rose to her feet, praying that her feet could take her away fast enough before Andriel could run her down. Her ankle arched, body buzzing with anticipation.

"Don't leave, child."

The god rose to his feet. Andriel's light dimmed as he leaned in, breath like rich wine. "I am making you an offer."

The witch laughed bitterly, nose crinkled. "If it's sleep with you, then here's my answer-"

"Seriously?" Andriel scoffed, eyes sharp. "Why would I want that?"

"Well, your fellow deities seem to enjoy it..."

"Oh sweetheart, you're really not my type. Like, at all."

Abi's cheeks reddened and she ducked her head. "Yep, I get it."

Andriel sniggered, eyes still dancing with abhorred amusement. "I mean, you're not bad but I... Well I'm more of a Nymph guy, you know?"

"Okay. You can stop talking about it now. Just tell me what you want."

The god smirked, eyes dancing with fire. Abi nodded impatiently, itching to run back home, a little relieved she wasn't picked out to be some magic asshole's plaything. She planted her hands on her hips. It felt like she was talking to a sparkly Jason. Ew.

Andriel pat her shoulder and sneered, "Take a seat; this will take some explaining."

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