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They sat in pleasant silence for a few more minutes, when finally those hopeful words arrived.
"Well Sirce, your companion has joined us."
The princess leapt to her feet, eyes wide. Before Jason could stop her she ran out of the villa. Every sense of caution disappeared as she saw those soft umber eyes.
The girls collided. Sirce let out a raggedy sob as she embraced her huntress. Her fingers dug into Atalanta's back and she grasped onto her. The huntress nuzzled her head into Sirce's shoulder, chest heaving. The princess frowned and breathed, "What's wrong?"

Atalanta gasped again, hands gripping Sirce's arms tight as vices. Her eyes were covered with a film of tears. "I thought you would die."

Sirce swallowed hard and pulled her closer. She could feel the eyes of the villagers on them as they held one another like desperate lovers. Let them. Sirce buried her face in Atalanta's neck, breathing her in like she was frankincense. Her voice shook as she whispered, "I'm fine now. I'm safe. We made it."

The princess would have held Atalanta like that for hours if Jason hadn't tapped her on the shoulder. With great hesitation she released the other girl and turned to him.

The man's face was clouded with concern, his eyes sharpened as he stared at the crowd still watching them. "Come on, let's get inside - treat you both to some hospitality."

Atalanta looked to Sirce, brow furrowed. The huntress squeezed her hand, teeth peeking out from her lips as she stared Jason down. "And he is?"

"A friend," Sirce muttered, smiling. "I think."

The princess nodded and quickly released the huntress. Jason nodded slightly, mouth set in a harsh line. He outstretched a hand, voice wavering as he said again, "Come, let us get inside."

The girls followed Jason into the villa, the eyes of his people still pinned to their backs. Atalanta remained close, her eyes wide as she gazed about.

Jason didn't look behind as he said, "I'd be careful, the Callkai are watchers."

Sirce swallowed, shoulders still tensed as the door to the huge house closed behind. "What do you mean?"

Jason sighed, stopping near the fire pit. He sat on one of the huge cushions laid there, eyes wary. "We don't welcome people in; everyone will be watching you, waiting for the slightest notion of threat. You don't want that."

Atalanta frowned, face stony. She placed a firm hand on Sirce's shoulder. "Then perhaps there is somewhere we could stay, far from their eyes. If as you point out, they are indeed watching."

Jason snorted, running a hand through his hair. "We haven't met - I'm Jason Dolos."

The man held out a hand, a smirk on his lips. Sirce glanced expectantly at Atalanta. The huntress didn't move, shoulders rolled back. Her voice was uncharacteristically cold as she replied, "I am Atalanta. And I'm afraid we don't have time for pleasantries. If what you say is true."

The man laughed coyly, eyes narrowing. "So dramatic. I didn't say that you were in danger."

"You did."

Sirce took Atalanta's hand and squeezed hard, flashing her a frown. "Enough."

The princess pinched the bridge of her nose. "I trust your judgement Jason. You know these people. And gods be good, you might tell us our options."

Sirce crossed her arms and joined him on the floor, blue eyes strained with desperation. Atalanta sighed and slumped down beside her, gaze unflinching.

Jason wet his lips and leaned on one arm. "Well...I suppose you have two choices."

"And?" Sirce balled her fists, trying not to let her nervousness show.

"You are welcome to stay here, with me." He rubbed the back of his neck. "I'm no stranger to odd women. Or perhaps you could find refuge in one of the temples."

"We barely know you," Atalanta snapped. "Don't act like we can trust you, Dolos."

Sirce scowled and pushed the huntress back. Don't be a fool. The princess ground her teeth, fidgeting with one of the pillows beneath her. "What my friend means to say, is that we are not the most trusting of people; I don't think it would be wise for us to remain in your house. Not for the time being anyway."

Jason nodded slowly, smiling softly. "Very well. Although I will tell you, I'm not one to harm guests. I have been raised on the stories of Xenia's wrath. No harm would come to you beneath my watch."

"Can I talk to you?"

Sirce blinked as Atalanta stood up and took her hand, guiding her from the room. They wandered into a small storage room and Atalanta slammed the door shut.

"What are you doing?"


The huntress groaned and covered her face with her hands. "You seriously need to screw your head on Sirce."

The princess huffed, crossing her arms tightly. "It seems your chill juice needs to be refilled."

"Oh fuck off," Atalanta snarled, teeth bared. "What the fuck does that even mean?"

"You're acting like a raging lunatic!" Sirce threw up her hands, brows knit. "The moment we came inside you've been nothing but rude."

The other girl laughed. Atalanta shook her head, arm pressed against the wall. Silence fell and Sirce rubbed her eyes, convinced this was some sort of bizarre nightmare. Across from her Atalanta drew in long breath, eyes screwed shut.

Sirce sighed and slowly inched close, hands pressed against Atalanta's shoulders. Her voice grew gentle as she said, "Hey. It's alright. You don't need to worry right now."

"Sirce, you don't know this man. We can't just trust that he means well." She turned slowly, all ferocity gone. The huntress wrapped her arms behind Sirce's neck, her eyes twinkling with fear. "What kind of person invites total strangers to stay in their home? Especially ones like us."

The princess cupped Atalanta's cheek, jaw set with determination. "He was the first of them to help. Besides, we can't offer him anything. He has nothing to gain."

"He wasn't the first." Atalanta pouted, and shook her head. "He didn't save you from the sea."

"That girl is deranged; you should have seen the way they looked at her, spoke of her."

"She saved your life."

Sirce exhaled and pulled her closer. "It doesn't matter. Not now. I just...I need you to trust me."

Atalanta kissed her cheek, offered a tiny smile. "I do."

"Good." Sirce kissed her softly. "That's all I need."

Atalanta smirked, ducking her head. "I suppose I should apologise to him then. If you truly do believe him."

The huntress went to leave when Sirce grabbed her arm. "You can apologise to him later if you want."

Atalanta grinned, raising a brow. "I like the sound of that."

Sirce pulled her into a wild kiss. Their lips met with ravenous need. Atalanta gasped as she was backed against the wall, Sirce's hands in her hair.

The huntress's voice was ragged as she rasped, "You're redoing that braid."

Sirce chuckled and pushed a hard kiss to her neck, hands sliding past her breasts to her hips. With achingly slow pace, she ran kisses down Atalanta's throat, fingers rubbing the divots of her hips.

Atalanta pushed backed, a hand seizing the back of Sirce's head and drawing their lips together. Her hands slipped beneath Sirce's tunic and brushed her breasts, a wicked grin on her face.

"He's gonna have to wait until tonight for that apology."

Sirce kissed the huntress fiercely. "Let him wait then."

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