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Sirce let out a moan as her head reached air. Something gripped her armpits, harshly yanked her up. Alcmene if this is you, I swear -

It's not me, you idiot. Do I look like goddess of the seas?


Wrong again. Gods you can be such a mortal.

Her body felt heavy, her lungs stained to their last strength. Sirce was helpless as a damsel as those arms wrapped around her chest, propped her chin to the sky.

Water splashed against her ears, muffled them as far away voices erupted in ruckus chattering. How am I doing this?

You're not. Open your eyes, girl.

Her vision was wonky with salt and burning tears. Sirce squinted against the bright glare of the sun, gaze wandering to the flaxen arms gathered around her. It wasn't Atalanta. They were too thin, frail. Definitely no god either then.

"Who?" Her voice grazed like gravel.

"Oh, so you're awake, huh?"

Sirce flinched with surprise as two narrowed green eyes peered at her. Her rescuer rolled them, teeth bared with weariness. The princess gawked as the face of a young woman came into focus.

The girl jerked her arms with a loud hiss. "Well, sailor? Can you swim?"

The princess choked on her words. It didn't help that strands of the woman's coral curls clung to Sirce's face. Who the hell is this?

"Fucking gods, I'll do this myself."

Before Sirce could answer, she was propelled forward into the waves. Foam blinded her, salt stung her tongue and those oddly strong hands hauled her through the surf.

Waves slammed over their heads, but the green eyed girl held fast, hands like vices as she yanked Sirce forward. The grip dug into her shoulders as Sirce was forced up high, chest heaving as her lungs tried to take in all the air the sea had stolen.

Another wave collapsed on top. Sirce felt the grip slacken as the princess was thrust on her back, mouth only just brushing air. Those hands moved from beneath her arms to her back, pressing her up, up, up. She's trying to give me air. Who the fuck is this?

"Kick your legs, you idiot! You could help a little!"

Sirce's stomach flipped as that mean face popped up beside her. The green in her eyes was like nothing she'd seen before - it was a blend of summer and forest, a light gleaming behind the colour that made streaks of gold pop out-

"Hello? Are you even trying to live?"

Oh, right. Sirce sluggishly refocused, gained her legs beneath her. A sharp pain pulsed in her temple as she attempted to listen, think through whatever was going on.

Her rescuer dug her nails in Sirce's shoulder, a wry smile on her lips. "OW!"

"Listen here, you confounded bitch - I almost died swimming out here, you need to fucking focus."

The sea lifted them gently with the waves. The current began to draw them back. Uh oh. The mean girl cursed, eyes widening. Her nails dug in deeper. Fuck me, what is this chick's problem? Sirce gazed around blankly. The sunshine scattered across the blue water in spiralling licks of light. Like magic...

Throb, throb. Sirce gingerly pressed a hand to her forehead as pain bloomed behind her eyes. Fuck. Should've clung to that fucking railing.

"Oh shit. You're useless."

Sirce swung her head to meet the woman's eyes, black spots winking in and out of the edge of her vision. "What...?"

"Just shut your mouth and hold on."

She obeyed without question. Something in this woman's voice was commanding, alluring. Even with her wits intact something told Sirce that resistance would prove fruitless. That, or she'd hit her head against the ship as she fell.

Those skinny arms wrapped around her waist, pulled her close. Cold lips brushed her ear. "When I say so, swim down."


"Swim down," the girl growled, jostling the princess. "Or die. It's up to you."

"You're a fucking lunatic," Sirce snarled, pushing the woman off her.

"Oh so you can speak."

The two girls glared at one another, a familiar flame shared between their eyes. Sirce shook her head, the ache behind her eyes growing. "What the fuck is your game here, huh? Are you some kind of vengeful Nereid? Some scorned spawn of a gorgon I should know about?"

The girl didn't even bother to retort, her mouth twisting. "Dive or die, bitch. Your fucking choice."

Splash! The coral-haired girl lunged down into the blue, legs kicking wildly. Sirce stared at her, torn between logics. She made it out here to you - she may know a safe way to land. Or I really did hit my head and Cain Ending is playing some game with me.

Sirce glanced behind her. Her heart leapt as she spied the Drakōn bobbing on the waves, a figure leaning over the rail. Atalanta. What would she say?

The princess sighed and glanced down at the churning water surrounding her. We've done worse.

"Fuck it."

Before she could heroically plunge into the deep, a hand snagged her ankle and pulled her down. Sirce gasped a full breath before her face hit the water.

She was met with stony eyes and a vulgar gesture. The coral-haired girl rolled her eyes and snatched Sirce by the wrist, legs kicking wildly against the current. The princess joined in, legs flailing less expertly, one arms stretching to claw against the tide.

The angry woman guided her deep enough to touch the sandy floor. The current seemed stronger here yet somehow they maintained their pace, lungs not yet throbbing for a snack of air.

It was dead silent down there. Sirce struggled to believe the same furious sea churned above them. Not when gentle sunlight danced over their skin. Not when her ears were full of that strange quiet. All she heard was the thud of water as the two kicked, flurries of bubbles that weaved through their hair.

They swam for what seemed like only a few minutes, when the sea floor began to slant, the current weaken. Sand began to graze Sirce's fingers, brush her toes. The deep hue of blue faded to a mirror of the bright sand.

Sirce grunted with surprise as her head was suddenly resting on a pile of sand, arms splayed out like a beached turtle. Sirce's chest heaved as she lay there, a weight pressed on her breasts. How the fuck...?

You're stupider than I thought.

Sirce deflated as Alcmene's voice rung like a bell. Far too cheerful for almost losing a worshipper. Sirce swallowed, hands gripping the soft sand. A quiet laugh broke through her lips. "You were right, you lunatic. Thanks."

The princess looked up slowly, vision hazy. She expected to find the other girl beside her. Nope. Oh. Great - that's another debt. Sirce rubbed her head, gazed around confusedly.

Hundreds of faces were staring at her. Oh gods. Sirce shrunk away as a young man slowly walked to her, blue eyes warm with compassion. He smiled and knelt before her, hair falling into his eyes.

"Hey there - looks like you've had a rough day."

Sirce chuckled weakly. "Yeah. Sorry to, uh, intrude."

She arched her head, heart pounding as what looked like an entire community peered at her. The man grinned and rose to his feet, hand outstretched. "You're not intruding, stranger. Welcome to Callkis."

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