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Sirce woke to the echoes of birdsong. Sunlight streamed through the floorboards above her head, sprinkling the room with warmth. The princess yawned and sat up slowly. She glanced down at bed.

Atalanta nestled beside her, all tangled in the furs and sheets. Gods she's magnificent. The huntress's brown hair shone like fire in the sparkling sunshine, her face smooth as porcelain beneath the brush of Sirce's fingers. Somehow her lips were even smoother.

Sirce laced her fingers through the girl's hair, stroked her bare shoulder. The bliss of the night before still lingered.


Sirce smashed her lips against Atalanta's, hands moving down past her hips, hoisting her up. "Shut up and let me kiss you."

The huntress cackled, legs wrapping around Sirce's waist tightly, her breath short and hot. The princess gripped Atalanta's ass and carried her into her cabin, heart engulfed with flame. A small gasp escaped her as Sirce nipped her neck, thrust her down upon the bed.

The ship felt still as Sirce pressed a light kiss to Atalanta's cheek. Actually, it was very still. The princess stiffened. "We're not moving."

Her brow furrowed. But why? This ship can't get damaged - it steers itself, surely not some type of malfunction? Unless we've made it to Callkis, but I was sure... Sirce blanched and sprung out of bed, tugged on her tunic still piled on the floor. With trembling legs she staggered to the corner of maps.

"If we were about here yesterday, then today...Shit."

The princess raced back to the bed, hands shaking Atalanta roughly.

"Atalanta, wake up - we're here."


The Drakōn ceased sailing, the prow moaning like a dying mule. Dear gods. We actually made it. Sirce gently shook Atalanta's shoulder, smiling warmly as the girl begrudgingly sat up. The huntress rubbed her eyes and planted a kiss to Sirce's neck. "Why'd you wake me up?"

"We have arrived - we're in Callkis."

Atalanta stiffened, mouth dropping into a wide gape. She shoved Sirce in the shoulder, eyes wide. "We are?"

"We must be - why else would the boat anchor?"

Sirce tried not to let her own doubt creep into her voice. They couldn't afford fear. Not when they were so close to help. She didn't wait for Atalanta to get up - one of them had to see where exactly they were, and risking Atalanta...well that just wasn't an option.

Sirce slid off the bed and strode out the cabin door before her companion could object. Outside the waves were crashing loudly against the hull, the smell of salt stung her eyes.

Her hands clung to the stair rail as she sluggishly took each step. The weight of what to expect was heavier than she'd expected. The fear more than she was used to. Sirce sucked in a breath, forced her feet to press up. Stop being a dickhead - just get up there and get it over with.

The princess wet her lips, took another hesitant step. The stairs to the deck seemed much shorter than normal. Unfairly brief. Just get up there you ninny.

Sweat pooled in her palms as she laid her hand on the hatch and slowly pushed it up. Bright light cascaded down, the glare blinding against the floor of polished wood. With burning eyes Sirce heaved up and staggered onto the deck.

"Oh shit."

The princess froze, lips parting with laughter. Her hand pressed to her breast in disbelief as the island rose before her. For a moment in the cabin Sirce expected it was just a mistake. Surely the boat was having some sort of malfunction or reaction to foul weather. Yet here their destination loomed before them, the sun shining down in all his glory.

"So this is Callkis." Sirce flinched in surprise as Atalanta climbed up beside her. Should have known. Bloody hunters. The huntress wore her tunic from the day before, as well as a crimson flush. Sirce couldn't shake the warmth that crept through her skin as the woman grasped her hand, brown eyes set with determination.

"It's not what I expected," Sirce said, squeezing the girl's hand. "I'd expected less..."

"Beauty," Atalanta finished, head resting against her shoulder. Sirce nodded and let her eyes take it in.

High rocky cliffs rose above the colour of sand, veins of ivory weaving through the stone. The top of the cliff was mainly long, sweeping grass and smatterings of the occasional tree. From there sprouted a ghostly forest of birch trees. The trees pressed together in a dense mass, their leaves dark enough to swallow up whatever laid beyond. Tiny brushy flowers peeked up from the sandy earth, petals bright yellow and purple.

The sandy soil was golden and sparkled as Nell Bright's light hit the ground. A collection of storm-grey rocks jutted out just before a tiny beach, edges polished by the waves.

How are we to get across?

The cliffs were too high to scale freehand and there was only a thin band of beach they could make it to. With the unpredictable tides, who knew when that window would close? Sirce edged to the bow of the ship, eyes squinting at the treacherous edges of the island. Behind her Atalanta drew in a sharp breath. "This isn't going to be easy."

"It never is." Sirce pinched her nose, heart hammering. Her eyes scanned the shore for any inkling of a safer harbour. Without a doubt the Drakōn would have to remained anchored here, they couldn't risk getting beached if Callkis failed to provide aid.

"What do you think?" Sirce crossed her arms, eyes pinned to the steep incline of the forest. Even if they made it to the beach and onto the grass beyond the trek itself could prove perilous, especially if any inhabitants took badly to visitors.

"We don't have much choice, do we?" Atalanta gulped, fingers running over her hair. "There's no way we can climb up that cliff-face. The only place we could make it is that beach. That's if the current here isn't overly strong."

The huntress tapped Sirce on the shoulder and pointed behind at the churning teal sea. "It's whatever you think. We could wait until morning, see if the tides draw out further."

"I'm done waiting." Sirce clenched her fist, heart rising in her mouth. "The ship anchored, maybe that's a good sign?"

"Maybe." Atalanta huffed, lips pressed together. Sirce couldn't read her. It wouldn't change anything. We need to get across. What if the beach is gone tomorrow?

The huntress snorted and nudged her in the belly. "C'mon. Let's get this over with."

Sirce blinked in surprise as Atalanta leaned against the railing and slipped one leg over to the outside. "We don't have all day Sirce. You want to go - let's go."

"Are you sure?"

"Nope." Atalanta smiled wearily. "I'm not. But...well, we have to try something."

Sirce nodded and slowly swung her leg over, pulled herself up and over to the edge. "Alright. Let's do this."

"Gods you're a dork." Atalanta grinned and kissed her roughly. Sirce went to reach for her neck, ravenous for her skin, when suddenly her feet slipped and the princess toppled down into the surf.

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