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The witch sucked in a breath. Jason's eyes were locked on her as she staggered backward. Her tongue flicked against the back of her teeth. "Spit it out then."

The man's eyes darkened as he watched her, jaw fluttering. "How do I know you won't run away?"

Abi snorted, fingers digging into the fabric of her dress. "You don't." Have you learned nothing?

Jason chuckled, patting his donkey's neck. The blue of his eyes flickered in the darkness. "Very well, witch."

Abi stiffened as he edged closer, beast following in suit. Her skin tingled as the warmth of his breath caressed her cheeks. As he looked down at her with a cruel grin. Soon he would lower his voice to a whisper. That doesn't work anymore. 

Jason's head tilted. "You're not scared of anything, are you?"

Abigale sneered. She wanted to spit in his face so bad. She was close enough to get a good shot to his eyes. Then the dickhead would leave me alone for good. The girl shrugged and folded her arms with a huff. 

"I know you love the dramatics but can you move this along so I can go to bed?"

The pompous prick's face moulded back into a frustrated scowl. Abi smiled, batting her eyelashes like a silly little girl. Go on, say something to that. I've already dealt with a bitchy god today - don't even try.

Jason sighed, pinching the bridge of his nose. "You always have to make everything more difficult Abi."

"Don't call me that." 

"I can call you whatever I damn well want." Jason jabbed a finger in her face, teeth bared. Abigale froze. Her nostrils flared like a bull. Her nemesis stepped closer, shoulders trembling with rattled breath. 

The two glared at one another, eyes a mirror of fury. Abi jutted out her chin as he grabbed her arm, reins slipping from his fingers. The witch hissed and pulled back, teeth clenched with pain. He didn't release her. Jason just clung tighter, tugged her forward. Get out. Get out. GET OUT. 

Abi gasped and dug her free hand's nails deep into the flesh of his arm. Thin lines of ruby leaked down over the skin, trickling onto her own hand. Jason laughed sharply. "You're an idiot if you think that could hurt me." 

She didn't deign to answer, eyes darting around for something sharp, stronger. A sword was sheathed on the donkey's saddle. An easy target if she could get close enough. If he doesn't anticipate it. Unlikely, but still a  possibility unfortunately. 

"Let me go Jason," she hissed, trying to pull herself to the right. The donkey was about four paces - five to get the sword. 

"You're not fucking off this time!" Jason's face flushed vermilion as he gripped her wrist. She hadn't seen him this angry in a long time. Good. He'll be easier to escape. 

The witch kicked her legs up and staggered back in the grass. Jason's body moved with her like water, back arching to fight the inertia. Abi craned her neck over her shoulder; the donkey hadn't wandered far. It watched them with dim dark eyes, mouth full of dry grass. 

Abigale whipped her head back around and thrust herself down with a mighty snarl. Her ass hit the ground with a thud, curls catching around buried thistles and weeds. Jason tumbled down too, hand still attached. Bastard. 

Abi swallowed twice, eyes scanning for a sign, an idea. Anything. Now would be a great time to help, Lejla. Just saying. 

The witch winced as Jason wrenched her forward, brows lowered. He was practically foaming at the mouth as he growled, "You're not escaping that easy, you little bitch."

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