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Abi didn't look back. She could hear the smatterings of laughter, the quiet jabs. It wasn't anything new. A few idiots were wondering whether she was covered in scales beneath her chiton. We'll soon see, the fools cackled. Fools they were.

The waves crashed against the sand as Abigale slowly inched forward, heart pounding. The water was cool, refreshing even. Her eyes fixed on the hand still flailing, the occasional bob of the drowning man's head. I could've been home with a cup of tea by now. For once Abi wasn't so grateful for Lejla's looming presence. It would have been nice to walk away from this one.

Power like this comes from the gods; it is why we must do their bidding, child. That's what her mother said. Long before she abandoned her for misery elsewhere.

The witch bent down and began to slowly unlace her sandals. Salty air stung her eyes, ocean spray covered her legs as she cast her shoes aside and took a step forward. The horizon looked darker than before, the sun lower. Darkness was falling.

"Any day now!"

She flinched at the sound of her father's grating voice. Don't look back stupid. Don't give him the satisfaction.

Abigale sucked in a long breath and let her feet guide her into the waves. This better be worth it. If I die, I'm coming for you Lejla.

I know.

A small grin crept over her lips for a brief moment. And then the first wave came.

It was small enough that it didn't throw her down, but large enough to completely soak her chiton. In an instant the coarse fabric clung to her skin and hung like loose skin. Gods help me. I'm going to throttle Bruce after this.

The girl risked a glance back. The whole of the village were staring at her, whispers weaving from man to man. And she began to realise she was not Callkai like them. Just a pest.

None of the faces showed any warmth, compassion, Abi would take even pity at this point. But there was nothing on those faces but indifference. Amusement. Spite. Everything she felt for them. Fucking assholes.

Abigale went to turn away for the last time, when her gaze landed on Jason. Bloody Jason. He stood closest to her on the sand, eyes shining with something she couldn't recognise. The same thing she'd seen in the forest.

No words came from his lips. No mockery or laughter. Not even his usual weaselly scowl. I don't like this. The witch's chest rose with slow breath as she beamed her brightest smile and stuck up both her middle fingers.

Before the encore of shouts came, Abi ran forward and dived into the sea.

Wham! Waves far taller than the first slammed down over her head and pressed her down. Her feet grazed sand and clinging seaweed as she jerked out her arms, praying for enough strength to guide herself up. Her eyes were burning, mouth filled with bitterness as she tried to regain her wits. The waters were churning so fast around her Abigale didn't know which way was which.

Abigale tried not to gasp as more waves beat down on her. Her body tossed in circles, the only part of her that felt air was the tips of her toes. She clawed beneath her in a desperate attempt to gain leverage over the tide. Kick, kick, kick. Her feet thrust up, up, up, knees aching as Abi reached at the blue.

Something brushed the bottom of her feet; a deep shudder spread down her back, eyes popping with panic. Please don't be some kind of demon. That really wouldn't work for today's plans. The witch pushed her hands against the water, legs slowly kicking her to the surface.

The whole space around her was swaying. Back and forth, back and forth. Each mighty step thrust down with each touch of a strong wave. Her hair swirled around her eyes in flaming orange, snagging on her eyelashes and mouth. Ignore it. Keep. Fucking. Swimming.

The water was loud, drumming against her ears in a way only silence could. She grit her teeth and wrenched out her hands, eyes wide as she remembered what she was meant to be doing. Not proving a point, not shocking the Callkai, but - well, the shock factor was a perk - saving someone. An outsider. Some idiot like me.

Her head broke through with a deafening crack of the water. Abi drank in the air, chest heaving as her arms floundered around her. "Breathe, dumbass. Just focus."

Her eyes were blurry with droplets as she splashed above the water. It was deeper here than she'd thought. Abigale craned her neck, trying to catch sight of the person she was supposed to be rescuing. The sea bobbed her up and down, turning her unwillingly. Abi clawed against the tide, nostrils flaring with effort as the ripples around her began to grow in size. Oh fucking fuck.

She jerked her head around frantically, scanning the shifting blue for that hand, maybe even a face. Anything. Abigale couldn't fail. She'd never live down the humiliation. Lejla would probably cast her off too.

"Focus, focus, focus," Abigale hissed to herself, shoulders aching. "Prove those imbeciles on the beach wrong. That's all you have to do. Easy." I do it all the time.

The girl's heart sank as the tide began to pull her backward. Oh gods no. Please no. Abigale knew what was coming. All too well.

She dug her fingers into the sea, legs thrashing. All the warmth of summer drained from the water, her body, as a tall, dark wall of water began to rise.

And yet somehow amidst that panic, Abi saw it. Any fool would have missed it. Lucky for her, she was a witch.

Just beyond, maybe a few metres, was a limp hand.

Abigale spat. "You've got to be kidding."

She could already feel the waters drawing back, trying to drag her back with them. NO. Abi glanced over her shoulder tears springing into her eyes; or maybe it was just water droplets, either way her eyes stung.

Abigale let out a strangled gasp of a last-ditch effort, stomach curdling with despair as laughter from the shore reached her ears. No. Focus. Please...

Abi lunged forward, feet kicking, arms flailing. Pain coursed through her arms as she strained against the tide. All her effort was utterly useless - the pull was too great.

This wasn't a moment from the great stories. Her strength was not great enough to fight the ocean. She had no sparkly pegasus to pull her from the depths. Lejla certainly had no power here - the sea was Llyr's, and -

That's it.

Abigale could almost cry as she drew in as much breath as she could, the wave beginning to lean over her head. With a scream of pain, she thrust her arms to the heavens and screamed, "I CALL UPON LLYR WATERS! SPARE MY LIFE TO SAVE ANOTHER'S AND I WILL SERVE YOU!"

The shadow of the rising water loomed down on her. She couldn't help but bow her head, arms trembling with fear. Please. Help me.

The wave fell.

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