Imagine for Kelly

174 9 3

Good Girls

"Yeah, mom. Okay. I will, mom. Love you too." You clicked -end- and laid your phone back on your desktop. "God, will she ever stop calling?" you mumbled as you dove back into your algebra homework. Your best friend Ross snorted and shook his head. "She's just looking out for you, Kelly. Just like she should." He said matter-of-factly. You glanced up at him out of the corner of your eye. "And what's that supposed to mean?" you asked snippily. He just shrugged. "You tell me." He mumbled. You sighed and shook your head before returning to your work. You knew exactly what Ross was talking about. Your new boyfriend, Wesley. He was, well, a troublemaker. To put it lightly. He was three years your senior, a high school dropout, and had had his fair share of run-ins with the law. Pretty much the exact opposite of yourself. You were the straight-A student, the one with the full ride scholarship to any college of your choice after graduation. You hadn't been in trouble a day in your life. Neither of your parents were particularly fond of Wesley, although they truthfully didn't know the half of it. You had been sneaking out of your house at night to meet up with him for the past month. Your grades had been slipping as a result of all the late nights you spent out with him. "Just help me get this work finished, please. If I don't have it all turned in by tomorrow Mr. Jones is going to call my parents and let them know how many classes I've missed." You said tiredly. Ross sighed audibly and tossed his pencil down onto your desk. "Well you know what I think? I think you need to stop sneaking around with that delinquent boyfriend of yours." He snapped. You lifted your head slowly to look at him. "Is there something you want to say, Shor? Because if there is, say it. Please." You threw your pencil down gruffly and turned your body fully to face him. Ross stood up from your desk and came to stand in front of you, his tall frame towering above you. "Yeah, Kelly. There is something I want to say. You've changed. You aren't this person. This guy, Wesley. He's changing you. You come to school late, when you even come at all. Your grades are constantly slipping. You stay out late partying and you come home every night smelling like alcohol." His expression softened. "I'm just worried about you." He finished quietly. Your face hardened as you stood as well. "Well you know what, Ross. I don't need you to worry about me. I can handle my own life." You snapped. You both tensed when the sound of a loud car engine sputtering roughly came echoing through your cracked window. "That'll be Wesley." You said coolly. You crossed the room and snatched a navy colored hoodie off of your coat rack. "If my mom comes home early tell her I went up to Starbucks, will you?" Ross sighed disappointedly as he stared down at the wood paneling of your desk. "You're a good girl, Kelly. Don't do this-" he started. "You know what 'good girls' are, Ross?" You interrupted. "Good girls are just bad girls that haven't been caught yet." You pulled up the hood to cover your face and stepped out into the darkened hall.


"If a train leaves station A traveling at 100 miles per hour and another train leaves station B traveling 120 miles per hour approximately ten minutes later..." Ross groaned and ran his fingers through his blond hair. "Why am I even doing this?" he muttered. He jumped slightly when his phone began to ring. He immediately recognized the tune as Riker's ringtone. "Hello?" he answered tiredly. "Hey man, how's the homework going? Kelly finished yet?" his older brother questioned. Ross scoffed. "No, Kelly's not finished. She's not even here. She left an hour ago with Wesley." He spat. Riker sighed audibly on the other end. "Ross, man. I don't even know why you're putting up with her crap. Maybe if you just let her fall flat on her face she'll realize what an idiot she's being." Ross shook his head slowly. "You know I can't do that, Riker." He said quietly. He could imagine his big brother shaking his head as well. "I know you won't. You're a good friend, bro. She needs to be with someone like you." He said gently. Ross sighed. "Yeah...try telling her that." A faint beep alerted him that he had another incoming call. "Hold on one second, Kelly's calling in right now. I'll call you back." He ended the call and clicked over to the other line. "Hey, Kel- Wait what? He did WHAT?" Ross quickly stood from the desk and made his way over towards the bedroom door. "I'm on my way right now, where are you?" 


You were sitting on the curb across from the parking lot of an abandoned gas station, clutching your pounding head in your hands. Tears rolled slowly down your cheeks, mingling with the light drizzle of rain that had begun to fall. "I'm such an idiot." You mumbled to yourself. Wesley had told you earlier that he was taking you to a late movie. Instead, he'd driven you out to a parking lot in the middle of nowhere. His intentions for the evening became evident pretty quickly. You had refused, of course. Which is why you were now sitting alone on the side of a run-down country back road. You tensed up when a pair of headlights caught your attention in the distance. All alone in the middle of nowhere, you were at the mercy of any psycho that came along. It wasn't a position you'd ever dreamed you would be in. You felt relief wash over you when you recognized the silver colored paintjob of Ross's car. He pulled it smoothly onto the graveled side of the road and hopped out. "Kelly, are you okay?" he questioned feverishly as he ran to your side. You immediately burst into tears upon seeing him. His eyes were so full of concern. You had treated him like absolute crap over the past couple of months, yet he'd never left your side. "No." you mumbled as he pulled you to your feet. "I'm not okay. Wesley drives me out to the middle of nowhere and tries to get into my pants in the backseat of his car. Then he leaves me on the side of the road when I say no. And you... Ross I'm so sorry. I've been so awful to you and you should have just left me on my own months ago." You sniffled. Ross shook his head as he gently pulled you into a hug. "Never. We all make mistakes, Kelly." He wrapped his arms securely around your waist. The warmth of his embrace immediately cut through the chill that had set in from your soaked hoodie. "Thank you." You said quietly. You could feel him shake his head against your cheek. "Anytime."

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 11, 2015 ⏰

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