Imagine for Laney

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“Please be negative, PLEASE be negative.” You mumbled, staring at the pregnancy test in your hands. You were sitting on the edge of the tub in your hotel room. You couldn’t be pregnant. You just couldn’t. You were a teenager! You couldn’t take care of a baby. You heard Rydel knock on the bathroom door. “Laney it’s me. Let me in.” she said. You laid the test down next to the sink before opening the door. “Well??” she asked. You shook your head. “Nothing yet. I guess it’s going to take a few minutes.” You mumbled, stepping out of the bathroom. You threw yourself face down on the bed. “I can’t believe this is happening.” You said, your voice muffled. Rydel sat down next to you and stroked your hair. “It’s gonna be ok Laney.” She said soothingly. You shook your head, keeping your face buried in the comforter. You rolled over and looked up at the ceiling. “It’s not gonna be ok Rydel! We’re TEENAGERS. We can’t take care of a baby! And Ross-oh my God ROSS! He’s going to be in SO much trouble! He’s on Disney Channel!! What are they going to do to him when they find out his girlfriend is preg-“ “Laney!” Rydel cried, cutting you off. “You don’t even know for sure that you’re pregnant yet! So will you please calm down until you find out for sure? You could be worrying over nothing.” You nodded as you sat up. “You’re right.” You said, taking a deep breath. Rydel smiled and patted your back. “Why don’t we go to Starbucks? You can check the test when we get back. I think you need a few minutes to get your mind off of it and relax.” She suggested. You nodded again. “Sounds good. Let me grab my wallet-“ Rydel grabbed your arm. “Nope, it’s on me today.” She insisted. A few minutes later the two of you were walking down the sidewalk away from your hotel towards Starbucks. “So, IF you’re pregnant, how far along would you be?” she asked. You thought for a moment. “Only about a month.” You said, looking down. She was silent for a few moments. “I didn’t even know you guys…you know.” She said awkwardly. You sighed deeply. “We WEREN’T. It just…kinda happened one night.” You admitted. Rydel groaned. “Crap Laney, I’m sorry. I was supposed to be taking your mind off of it! I shouldn’t have brought it up again.” You shook your head. “No Rydel, it’s ok. My mind won’t truly be off of it until I know for sure.” You said. She smiled and linked arms with you. “Well whatever happens, I know that Ross is going to stay by your side no matter what.” You smiled back. “I know he will.” You said quietly.

An hour later, you and Rydel were standing in front of the bathroom door. “Here goes nothing.” You said, starting to walk into the bathroom. She grabbed your arm and pulled you back for a moment. “Laney remember, no matter what it says, I’m gonna be here for you. And so will Ross. And all of us.” She assured you. You nodded. “Thanks Ry.” You whispered, before turning to walk into the bathroom. Your hands were shaking as you approached the sink. You picked the test up and looked at it. Positive. You sat down shakily on the side of the tub. You were pregnant. You felt terrified and oddly relieved at the same time. At least now you knew for sure. You felt a single tear roll down your cheek. You knew this was going to change everything. You got up and walked to the bathroom door. Rydel only had to take one look at you to know what the result was. You rested your head on her shoulder as she wrapped you into a hug. “Oh Laney, it’s gonna be ok!” she said as you began to cry. “I’m so scared Ry.” You cried. You could feel her nodding. “I know you are.” You cried for a few minutes, then walked back into the bathroom to wash away the mascara streaks going down your face. “You need to tell Ross.” She said, standing in the doorway. You nodded. “I know. I’ll wait until after the show tonight. I don’t want him to be distracted.” You said hoarsely. You heard a knock on the door. “Rydel, it’s me.” Stormie’s muffled voice travelled through the door. “Crap! She can’t see that I’ve been crying!” you whispered. “Shut the bathroom door! I’ll tell her you’re taking a shower.” She whispered back. You nodded and shut the door, waiting until you heard Rydel and Stormie leave the room before emerging. You walked over to sit down by the window. You had to figure out a way to tell Ross that you were pregnant.

After the show that night you were sitting in Ross’s dressing room. You still had no idea how you were going to tell him. “Woo! That was awesome!” Ross cried as he burst into the dressing room. You smiled slightly. “Ross, you say that after EVERY show.” You said quietly. He laughed, then noticed your expression. His face dropped. “What’s wrong?” he asked. You sighed. You couldn’t get anything past him. “Ross, I have something to tell you.” You said hesitantly. He sat down next to you on the couch, taking your hand in his. “What is it?” he asked. You could see the concern on his face. You took a deep breath. “I’m pregnant.” You whispered. He froze. The two of you sat in silence for what felt like forever. Ross’s expression was now unreadable. “I had a feeling.” He said quietly. He stood up and walked a few steps away, running his fingers through his hair. He turned back to look at you. “Is it bad that I’m a little bit…happy?” he asked. You shook your head. “No. I am too.” You admitted. He smiled slightly. “I mean, I’m freaking terrified. I know my parents are going to kill me. I don’t particularly WANT to be a parent at 17 but…still. It’s a baby, you know?” he said. You nodded, smiling back at him. “I feel the exact same way.” You said. He came over to sit by you again. “Laney, I love you. And we’re going to take care of this baby together. I’ll stand by your side through everything.” He promised, taking your hand again. “I love you too Ross.” You said, leaning over to kiss his lips.

**five months later**

“Ok, so we’ve narrowed it down to Brenna Noelle and Ava Charlotte.” Ross said, holding up the paper with nearly a hundred baby names written down and scratched out all over it. You nodded, rubbing your stomach gently. You had gone for a sonogram last week and found out that you were having a baby girl. Since then, you and Ross had been looking through every baby name book there was to find the perfect name. The two of you had decided that you would narrow down the list to your favorite two, then let the family vote. “In the end, no matter what they like best, we’re still going to go with the name we like. Ok?” he assured you, kissing your forehead. “Guys come ON!” Rydel called from the living room. “We’re coming!” Ross called back. You followed him into the living room. “Ok.” Ross began. “We’ve narrowed it down to….” He paused dramatically. “Oh come on Ross!!” Riker grumbled. You laughed. “We narrowed it down to Brenna and Ava. Brenna Noelle and Ava Charlotte.” You said. “Hey!” Ross complained. You laughed and kissed his cheek. “Awwh, guys those are beautiful!” Stormie gushed. “Ok so you guys can tell us which one you like better, but remember, in the end it’s our decision.” Ross reminded everyone. Rydel was the first to speak up. “I like Ava!” she said excitedly. “Ava Lynch. It just flows.” Ryland shook his head. “I like Brenna better.” In the end, it was a tie. Rydel, Rocky, and Stormie liked Ava. Riker, Mark, and Ryland liked Brenna. “Which one do you like better Laney?” Ross asked. The two of you were sitting on the front porch in the moonlight. Everyone else had gone to bed hours ago. “I like Ava.” You said, smiling down at your stomach. He rested his hand on your growing bump. “I do too.” He said. You felt the baby gently nudge Ross’s hand. “I think she likes it too.” He laughed. “Ava Charlotte Lynch.” You said. He looked up at you. “I love you.” He said, leaning in to kiss you. “I love you too.” You whispered, just before his lips touched yours.

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