Imagine for Cedara

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“Moooooom! Could you come start the movie??” Ross called over his shoulder. “Why can’t one of you do it?” Stormie called back from the kitchen. “Because we’re already comfortable!” Rocky cried. You heard Stormie sigh. Seconds later, she appeared in the living room. “You guys are lucky I love you.” She said, pressing play on the DVD player. “You know this is what they made remotes for.” She commented as she walked back towards the kitchen. “Ross dropped it into the pool earlier.” Rydel replied. “How did he…nevermind.” She said, shaking her head and stepping back into the kitchen. The six of you laughed. “Well my question was answered; the remote wasn’t light enough to float!” Ross said. You rolled your eyes. You were sitting in between him and Rydel on the couch, with Rocky on Rydel’s other side. Ryland & Riker were squeezed into the recliner. “I’m heading to bed guys, anyone want a blanket?” Stormie asked, reappearing in the living room. Ross, Rydel, & Ryland all raised their hands, indicating they did. She disappeared into the hallway and reemerged a few seconds later carrying three blankets. “Alright, I’m off to bed. Behave yourselves!” She said, handing Ross the blankets. Ross handed one to Rydel and one to Ryland, before spreading the blanket he had asked for over the both of you. You snuggled up slightly closer to his side, but not close enough that anyone would notice. A few moments later Ross laced his fingers through yours, making sure that both your hands were covered by the blanket. You looked up at him and smiled slightly. He winked back. You and Ross had been secretly dating for about a month now. You had been best friends for years, and over time you had fallen for each other. You weren’t quite sure why the two of you had decided to keep the relationship from everyone else; so far, no one knew that you were together. Not even Rydel, who was practically your sister. You felt a tiny bit guilty for hiding the relationship from everyone, but at the same time it was really exciting. All the secret dates and stealing kisses when no one was in the room gave you such a rush. You casually laid your head down on Ross’s shoulder. No one would suspect anything; you fell asleep on Ross all the time, long before you started dating. Sure enough, halfway through the movie you fell asleep. “Cedara.” Ross whispered, waking you up. You sat up and looked around sleepily. “Hmm?” you asked, still half asleep. “The movie’s over, we’re all going to bed.” Rydel said, reaching to snatch the blanket off of you and Ross. He reacted immediately and snatched his hand out of yours just before the blanket came off. You stood up and stretched, trying to move slowly so you and Ross would be the last ones left in the living room. Riker and Ryland had already left the room; Rocky and Rydel were the only ones left. “Well I’m off to bed, I’ll see you guys in the morning.” Rocky mumbled, leaving. Rydel started to walk out behind him. She stopped in the doorway and turned around to face you. “Are you coming?” she asked. “Yeah, I am. I’m just going to get a drink from the kitchen.” You lied. She nodded and turned around, leaving the room. Ross stood up once she had left and wrapped his arms around your waist. “We’re going to get caught pretty soon Ross.” You laughed, wrapping your arms around his neck. He shook his head. “Nah, I don’t think so. We’re pretty stealthy.” He joked, leaning down to press his lips against yours. “Why are we even keeping it a secret?” you asked. He shrugged. “I don’t really know. I guess because it’s fun. And I want to know how long we can go before everyone figures it out.” You jumped when the sound of footsteps from upstairs echoed down the staircase. “I better go, Rydel’s going to wonder what’s taking me so long.” You reached up and quickly pecked his lips. “Love you.” He said, resting his forehead against yours. “I love you too.” You whispered. You broke apart and walked up the stairs, him staying a few steps behind you.

**one week later**

You were spending the night at the Lynch’s house, again. You practically moved in with them during the summer. It was around 2:00 in the morning; Rydel had fallen asleep hours ago. You however, were still wide awake. You heard your phone buzz and reached down to check it. You had a message from Ross. ‘Meet me downstairs. And put on your bathing suit. ;)’ You smiled and slowly got up, careful not to wake Rydel. You changed into your navy blue bikini and quickly made your way downstairs. Ross was waiting for you in the living room, wearing his neon pink swimtrunks. He pecked your lips before taking your hand and walking out towards the pool. “Cannonball!” he cried, taking his hand out of yours and running full speed to the pool. He leapt up into the air and tucked his knees in, landing in the middle with a loud *splash*. “Ross shh! You’re going to wake everyone up!” you whispered. He shook his head, slinging water back and forth. “Nahh, they’re all sound asleep. Now get in here!” he called, just as loudly as before. You rolled your eyes and jumped in, joining him. Once you resurfaced he swam over towards you, pulling you closer by your waist. “I love you.” He whispered. “I love you too.” You said, winding your arms around his neck. He leaned in and kissed you, softly but passionately. “Well well well, what do we have here?” you heard Rocky’s deep voice boom. You quickly pushed yourself away from Ross and looked up at Rocky. He wasn’t alone; Riker, Rydel, & Ryland were all with him. You could feel heat rising in your cheeks. “Uhh…hey guys! Care to join us?” Ross asked feebly. Riker grinned down at you. “Someone’s been taking our song lyrics a little too seriously.” He said. “Yeah guys, next time you want to go for a midnight dip in the pool, try not to wake the entire neighborhood.” Ryland grumbled, clearly half asleep still. “I told you that you were being too loud!” you cried, swatting Ross’s arm. “You guys better get back inside before mom and dad wake up. I don’t think they’ll appreciate you having a girl in the pool at 2:00 in the morning, Ross.” Rydel scolded. “Yes mom.” Ross muttered, climbing out of the pool. He reached down and extended his hand to you, helping you out as well. The other four headed back inside, leaving you and Ross alone again. “Well so much for that.” He said, laughing. You shrugged. “Oh well. It was fun while it lasted.” He smiled down at you & quickly pecked your lips before taking your hand and leading you back into the house.

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