Imagine for Brooke

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“That was so cheating!” you yelled at your best friend Riker. He had elbowed you while you were both playing Mario Kart, causing you to fall behind and allowing him to take the lead. Your other best friend Rocky sat on your other side. “That wasn’t cool man.” He said, not looking up from his phone. Riker shrugged. “I don’t know what you’re talking about. It’s not my fault…I had a twitch!” He elbowed you again, causing you to fall further behind. “Oops! There it goes again!” You reached over and smacked his remote completely out of his hands. “Oops!” you said innocently. “Oh you’re going down!” he cried, pulling you into a headlock. “Ah!! Rocky help!!” you pleaded, struggling against Riker’s strong grip. “Hey guys who wants icecream?” Rydel asked, walking into the living room. She stopped when she saw you struggling against Riker. “Riker…let Brooke go!” she demanded, laughing. “You’re no fun.” He pouted, releasing you. You considered yourself to be best friends with all of the Lynch kids, particularly Rydel. You had known them for years, so long that you didn’t even remember meeting them. You had grown extremely close to all of them. All of them except… “I’m home!” you heard Ross call from the front door. You groaned. “Fantastic.” You muttered. He came walking into the room. “Hey guys!” His face fell when he saw you. “Oh. You’re here.” You flashed him an obviously fake smile. “It’s nice to see you too.” You honestly had no idea why you and Ross didn’t like each other. It had probably started over something stupid. But whatever it was, overtime it had grown into a passionate dislike for each other. You truthfully couldn’t remember a time when you and Ross got along. “Hey Brooke, why don’t we go back to my room?” Rydel suggested, trying to break the tension. “No, stay. Please.” Ross said sarcastically. You rolled your eyes and got up, following Rydel back to her room. Normally you would have stayed, just to annoy Ross with your presence. But today you weren’t in the mood. “I really wish you and Ross could just get along.” Rydel complained once you were in her room. You shrugged. “Can you even tell me why you two don’t like each other?” she asked. You shrugged again. “I don’t know. But whatever the reason I’m sure it was his fault.” She rolled her eyes. “Well you’re going to be on a tour bus with him for three months so you guys seriously need to tone it down.” You sighed. You knew she was right.

**four weeks later**

You were sitting in the back lounge of the tour bus with Rydel and Ross watchingMean Girls. “Who picked this dumb movie?” Ross complained. “I did.” You snapped. Rydel groaned and stood up, leaving the room. “Look at what you did!” Ross said. You turned to look at him. “Seriously?? You started it!” you cried. He looked over at you and smirked. “You know you’re cute when you get angry.” He said flirtatiously. You paused. Was he FLIRTING with you? “Well then I’m about to get real freakin’ adorable.” You grumbled, looking away. You could still see him smirking out of the corner of your eye. “And wipe that stupid grin off your face!” you snapped. He scooted a little closer to you. “Why?” he asked, still smirking. You rolled your eyes and stood up. “I’m not in the mood for this today.” You muttered, walking over to the door. “Wait don’t leave!” he said quickly, standing up. You turned around to look at him. “Ross why do you care? We hate each other, remember?” He shrugged, stepping closer. “I know.” “So why are you acting like this?” you questioned suspiciously. “Acting like what?” he asked innocently. “Like…like…” You trailed off when you realized how close he was to you. He brought his lips inches away from yours. “I dare you to kiss me.” He challenged, unmoving. You shook your head, unable to get any words out. He shrugged and frowned slightly, stepping around you to leave. Before he had even opened the door halfway you grabbed his hand and yanked him back towards you. You pulled him down to your level and crashed your lips onto his. He put his hands on your waist and pulled you closer to him. You wound your arms around his neck, deepening the kiss. “Hey guys we’re he- WHOA!” Rocky cried, stepping into the back lounge. You quickly pushed yourself away from Ross, causing him to stumble backwards onto the couch. “Heyyy Rocky!” you said casually. Rocky opened his mouth to speak, then shook his head. “I’m leaving.” He muttered, walking back out.

A few hours later you were sitting alone backstage. You had been avoiding all five Lynch’s since yours and Ross’s makeout incident earlier. You were sure that Rocky had told everyone about catching you kissing Ross; you weren’t ready to face Rydel and you certainly weren’t ready to talk things out with Ross. “There you are!” Rydel exclaimed as she approached. “Ah dang.” You said, looking up at her. She pulled up a chair and sat next to you. “WHAT happened earlier??” she demanded. You shrugged. “I don’t know! One minute we were snapping at each other like usual and the next…we were kissing!” Rydel stared at you for a few moments. “Wow…” She said finally. “Have you and Ross talked about it?” You shook your head. “No…I’ve kinda been avoiding him too.” Ryland came walking over a few seconds later. “Rydel, 5 minutes.” He said. She nodded her head. “I’m coming.” He nodded in return and left. She stood up. “Talk to him!” she urged, before walking off in the direction Ryland had left.

About forty minutes into the concert, Ross stepped up to the mic. “Alright guys…this next song goes out to a very special lady.” You froze as ‘Fallin’ for You’ began playing. A smile began spreading across your face. You quickly shook your head. What was happening?? You and Ross were supposed to hate eachother! Were you actually beginning to feel something for him?

After the show was over you quickly made your way to Ross’s dressing room. You burst in without knocking. “Ok Ross…what’s going on??” you demanded. He turned around to face you. “I like you Brooke, ok? I can’t explain why…I don’t know when it happened…but I do.” He moved closer to you. “We need to figure this out.” You nodded. “Yeah…we do.” He continued moving closer until his lips were inches from yours again. “I dare you.” You whispered this time. He grinned as he leaned in to kiss you. You heard the dressing room door open. “Ok Ross we’re leaving in- OH MY GOD! Really?!” Rocky cried. You broke away from Ross, slower this time. “We’ll be out to the bus in a minute. Bye!” Ross said. Rocky shook his head and left, shutting the door behind him. Ross turned back to you and smiled nervously. “Brooke…we have a day off tomorrow. I’d like to take you out on a proper date, if that’s alright with you.” You nodded, smiling in return. “I’d love that.” Ross’s grin grew. He leaned in to quickly peck your cheek before reopening his dressing room door. You followed him out, back to the tour bus.

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