Imagine for Morgan

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“MORGAAAAN!” your boyfriend Ross called, bursting through the front door of the tour bus. You groaned in your bunk and rolled over, putting your pillow over your head. You had no idea what time it was, but you could feel that the bus was no longer in motion. You must already be at the venue. R5 was playing in Chicago tonight. You heard the curtain being snatched open. “Morgan Morgan wake up!!” Ross cried, pulling the pillow away from your face. “Ross!” you whined, rolling over to face the wall. “Go away, come back in a few hours.” You pulled the blankets over your head. He snatched them away. “Morgan it’s almost noon. Get up!” he begged, poking your back repeatedly. “Well you kept me up half the night playing Xbox! So go away.” You grumbled. He reached his arms into your bunk, rolling you over to face him. He brushed your tangled hair gently away from your face. “I’m sorry.” He said, poking out his lower lip apologetically. You sighed. It was literally impossible to stay upset with Ross. “Not the puppy face.” You groaned. “That’s not fair.” He grinned. “Who said anything about playing fair? Now get up! I want to take you out for lunch.” He insisted, tugging on your arms. “Fine, fine. Move.” You mumbled. Once he stepped out of the way you leapt down from your bunk. He quickly pecked your lips before making his way back to the front of the bus. “Hurry up and get dressed. I’m going to go beg Riker for his car keys and I’ll be back in a few minutes.” He called over his shoulder, shutting the door behind him. You searched through your duffle bag for something to wear. You had no idea where Ross was taking you so you decided to dress casually in burgundy jeans and a gray t-shirt. As you were getting ready in the tiny tour bus bathroom, you thought back on your relationship with Ross. You’d met him two years ago while you were on a school trip to L.A; he had almost run you over on his skateboard. The two of you had been together ever since. This summer, your parents had agreed to let you spend the entire summer on tour with Ross. Unfortunately, it was nearing the end of the tour. You couldn’t complain though; you had gotten to see parts of the country you’d never seen before. You pulled your hair up into a ponytail and slipped into your favorite white Vans. You stepped off of the tour bus, looking around for Ross. He came walking over to you, holding up a set of keys and grinning. “Riker’s actually letting you borrow his car?” you asked in disbelief. “What’s the catch?” Ross frowned. “Unpacking all of his stuff and cleaning up his room once we get home from tour.” He grumbled. You laughed, kissing his cheek. “Cheer up babe, you know I’ll end up helping you.”

Two hours later, the two of you were walking down the sidewalk sipping on Starbucks. “What time do you have to be back?” you asked. He shrugged. “I’m not sure, 3:00 I think.” You laughed. “Ross, isn’t that information you should have found out before we left?” He shrugged again. “It’ll be ok. Obviously I’m not supposed to be back yet or someone would have texted me.” A few seconds later your phone buzzed. It was a text from Stormie. ‘Morgan dear, could you tell Ross he needs to get back ASAP. He must have turned his phone off.’ You held up your phone for Ross to see. “It might help if your phone was on!” you scolded playfully. He grinned sheepishly.  “On second thought, they might have said TWO o’clock…” he admitted.

Later that evening you were sitting backstage, scrolling through Twitter on your phone. The band had a meet & greet with some fans that had won VIP backstage passes so you had to wait a little longer than usual. You didn’t mind. You knew how much Ross and the rest of the band appreciated their fans. You checked the trends on Twitter and noticed that #RauraForever was the 3rd most popular trend worldwide. You frowned. You knew that a lot of people wanted Ross to date his costar, Laura Marano. They were very close friends, but Ross only had eyes for you. No matter how many times he denied having feelings for Laura, a lot of Austin & Ally fans just couldn’t let it go. You scrolled through the tag, reading fan comments. ‘Ross should be with Laura, not Morgan! #RauraForever.’ ‘He’ll get tired of Morgan eventually. #RauraForever’ ‘Ughh…how much longer are we going to have to endure #Rossgan?? #RauraForever!!’  You frowned. Lately the Raura stuff had gotten a lot worse. Usually your Twitter mentions were filled with positive comments and support for you and Ross. But over the past few weeks, you had been getting more and more hate. You felt a tear roll down your cheek. What had you done wrong? Why didn’t they like you? “Hey babe, sorry it took so long-” Ross stopped short when he saw you crying. “Whoa, what’s wrong??” he asked, kneeling down in front of you. You shook your head. “It’s nothing.” You said, trying to brush it off. Ross took your phone out of your hand and scrolled through, reading the Raura tweets. He looked up at you. “Babe, don’t listen to them. I love YOU. Only you.” You nodded. “I know you do Ross. But still! It’s really hurtful sometimes. Why won’t they just accept our relationship?” you asked, sniffing. He reached up and gently wiped a tear away with his thumb. “You’re right.” He said softly. He handed you back your phone and reached into his pocket, pulling his out. “What are you doing?” you asked. He said nothing, continuing to type on his phone. Moments later your own phone buzzed, signaling that you had an update from Twitter. ‘@rossr5: #RauraForever Seriously guys? I LOVE MORGAN. Only Morgan. Laura and I are close friends, but we’re nothing more than that. I don’t understand why you all can’t accept the fact that I’m happy. #disappointed #r5family’ You looked up at Ross and smiled. “I love you.” You whispered. He leaned his forehead against yours. “I love you too.” He whispered back, pecking your lips gently. In less than ten minutes, there was a new trend on Twitter: R5 Family Loves Morgan.

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