Imagine for Carly

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You skipped down the stairs of the Lynch’s house and made your way into the kitchen. You grinned when you saw one delicious chocolate cupcake sitting on the table, all by itself. The last one. Just before you wrapped your fingers around it, another hand reached around you and snatched it off of the table. You whirled around, angrily. Ross was standing behind you, already taking a bite out of the cupcake. “Maybe I wanted that.” You snapped. He just shrugged. “Too bad.” He returned bitterly. He turned around and left the room, still munching on what should have been YOUR cupcake. You groaned and sat down at the table, burying your face in your hands. You were an old family friend of the Lynch’s. A few years ago you had moved out to Los Angeles to live with them. Shortly after moving in with them, you and Ross had begun to date. You had been together for nearly three years now. As with any relationship, you and Ross had had your fair share of fights. Especially since you lived in the same house. But this past week had been one of your worst fights yet. You weren’t even sure how it had started. It was probably over something stupid. But whatever had been the cause, it had escalated quickly. The two of you had been snapping and screaming at each other for the past five days. His family was getting tired of it. You felt awful for fighting in front of them, especially after they had let you into their home so generously all those years ago. But you were just as stubborn as Ross was; if he wasn’t going to be the first to apologize, then you certainly wouldn’t be either. “Hey Carly.” A male voice said quietly. You glanced up and saw Mark walk into the room. He sat down at the kitchen table next to you. You half-smiled at the man who had become a second father to you. “Hey Mark.” You whispered. You sat in silence for a few minutes. “I’m really sorry about all the fighting this week.” You apologized. He shook his head. “It’s ok, trust me. When Stormie and I were younger, we had our fair share of fights as well. It happens, especially in long-term relationships. But you do realize we leave for tour in two days, right?” he asked. You nodded silently. That was something many of the Lynch’s had brought up this past week to try to get you and Ross to reconcile; he was leaving for tour at the end of the week, you wouldn’t see him for three months, you should try to work this out before then, blah blah blah. “I know, I know.” You muttered finally. Mark patted your hand and stood up. “You and Ross are both too stubborn for your own good.” He looked you directly in the eyes. “Talk to him. Be the bigger person.” He encouraged before exiting the room.

**the next day**

“Hair dryer?” “Check.” “Straightener?” “Check.” “Makeup? Shower stuff? Toothbrush?” “Check, check, packing it in the morning.” Rydel glanced through her suitcase one last time before zipping it up. You had been helping her pack all afternoon. It was around 8:00 p.m.; they would be leaving for their North American tour in exactly 12 hours. You sighed and sat down on her bed. “I know you’ve been the one packing, but I’m exhausted!” you breathed heavily. She laughed as Rocky came walking through the door. “Hello ladies! Delly I can take your suitcase downstairs if you’re ready.” He offered. She nodded and gestured to the several other bags lying around her room. “These too.” she said, grinning sheepishly at him. He groaned. “Hey Ross, get in here and help me carry the princess’s bags!” he called out into the hallway. Rydel giggled and ruffled his hair playfully as she walked out. “Don’t you ever forget it.” She commented. Rocky picked up two of her bags and followed closely behind her. Ross came walking into the room seconds later. He bent down and picked up two bags, ignoring you completely. “Are you just going to pretend I’m not here?” you asked snippily as Ross turned to leave. He paused for a moment. “That was my plan.” He muttered, continuing out the door. You leapt up from Rydel’s bed and immediately followed him out into the hallway. “You’re such a child!” you yelled, coming up behind him. He continued walking down the stairs, acting as though he couldn’t hear you speaking. “Ross!” you called again. He stomped down the last few stairs and stepped into the living room. He threw Rydel’s bags down next to the door and turned around. “WHAT?!” he roared. “I said DON’T IGNORE ME!” you shouted back, just as loudly. You both turned and saw the rest of the Lynch family standing in the living room. “Err..hey.” you said awkwardly. “Nice job.” Ross muttered. You snapped your head back over to look at him. “Shut up Ross!” you barked. You whirled around and stormed away. “Don’t you walk away from me!” he yelled, following behind. His family groaned as the two of you continued bickering loudly as you walked down the hallway towards the kitchen. “This is ridiculous.” Riker muttered. Stormie nodded. “If they don’t make up before we leave in the morning they’re going to regret it.” Ryland groaned again. “Oh no way…I am not dealing with mopey-whiney-depressed Ross for three months! Someone needs to fix this. NOW.” Rocky suddenly reached over and grabbed Riker’s arm. “Dude. I have an idea.” He said excitedly. “What??” Stormie and Rydel chorused eagerly. Rocky gestured for everyone to come closer. “We have to hurry before Ross and Carly come back…” he began.

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