Imagine for Kaitlin

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“Okay so your mom said ‘Everly’, Riker said ‘Darcy’, Rocky said… ‘Rocky Jr.’” You gave Ross an exasperated look.

He laughed. “Well that one’s definitely out.”

You shook your head. “You think? My mom said ‘Lucy’… I really like that actually. Lucy…”

Ross pursed his lips. “I don’t know about that one… Lucy Lynch? Kind of sounds like a cartoon character. What else?”

You continued picking through multicolored strips of paper. You and Ross were expecting your first child in less than two months, and you had asked both of your families’ inputs on the name of your daughter.

“Rydel said ‘Adelaide’, your dad said ‘Wendy’-”

“Definitely not, I would always think of the restaurant.” Ross said, laughing.

You nodded in agreement. “Me too. Ryland said ‘Raina.’” You paused. “This is it.” you said quietly.

Ross stared at the slip of paper in your hand in disbelief. “Wait…Ryland actually had a good suggestion?” he questioned. 

“Raina Lynch…” You said, repeating the name over and over in your mind. It was absolutely perfect. Simple, unique… Plus it fit in with the ‘R’ theme Ross’s siblings had going on. 

“Raina…” Ross repeated. “I love it. And I love you.” He smiled down at you.

You smiled in return as his lips softly met yours. “I love you too.”

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