Imagine for Erica

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“Hey Ross! Maia! Over here!” You glowered as your boyfriend Ross and his co-star Maia turned to face a group of photographers. You were walking a few yards behind him with the rest of R5. You were happy for Ross; you really were. But you hated that you always got pushed to the side whenever Maia was around to promote Teen Beach Movie. “Why the long face?” Riker leaned in and whispered in your ear. He followed your gaze to where Ross & Maia were standing. “Ah.” He said. “Don’t worry about it Erica; you know they’re only promoting the movie.” You sighed. “I know. I just hate getting pushed to the side every time they have something to do for the movie.” Riker nodded. “I understand.” Just then Ross leaned down & kissed Maia on the cheek. Cameras clicked furiously. You gritted your teeth and turned back to Riker. “Ok…that’s a little much.” He admitted. You rolled your eyes. “God, I just wanna go home!” “Riker over here!” you heard a photographer call. Riker turned to face the camera and smiled. “Erica, give Riker a kiss!” another called. Pretty much everyone knew who you were; you and Ross had been dating since you were young teenagers. Without even thinking, you stretched up on your tiptoes and went in to kiss Riker’s cheek. At the exact same time, Riker turned to face you. You felt your lips meet his. You both jerked back immediately. “Oh my God.” Riker said, clamping his hand over his mouth. “Do you think they got that?” you asked quietly. Riker nodded nervously. “I think they did.”

**five days later**

“ERICA!” you heard Ross boom from the front of the tour bus. You were sitting in the back lounge between Rydel and Rocky. He burst through the doors a few seconds later. “What’s this??” he cried, throwing a magazine down in your lap. On the cover was a picture of yours & Riker’s accidental kiss with the caption: “Real life love triangle? Ross Lynch’s girlfriend gets cozy with his brother Riker on the red carpet.” You stood up. “Ross calm down. It was an accident!” He stared at you incredulously. “An accident?? How do you ‘accidentally’ shove your tongue down my brother’s throat?!” Your jaw dropped. “My TONGUE?! Really Ross?? You looked at the picture! It was a peck! And an accident!!” you repeated. Rocky and Rydel slowly got up from the couch and left the room, shutting the door behind them. “Well you’ve still yet to explain how it happened!” he snapped. You sighed and sat back down. “I was walking with him and the rest of the band at the movie premier. You had just kissed Maia on the cheek and I was feeling really upset and neglected. So I went in to kiss Riker’s cheek for a picture and he turned his head and we accidentally kissed. I swear we pulled back as soon as it happened and we both totally freaked out.” You looked up at Ross. “I’m sorry.” You whispered. You could feel tears welling up in your eyes. His expression softened. He sat down next to you and pulled you closer to him. You rested your head on his shoulder. “No Erica, I’m sorry. You’re right…I have been neglecting you lately. I’ve just been so busy with promoting the movie. But believe me when I say that the only person I want to be with is you. No matter how much time I have to spend with Maia, you’re the only girl for me. I love you Erica. Only you.” You sat up and looked into his eyes. “I love you too Ross.” He leaned over and kissed you. “ROSS I CAN EXPLAIN!” Riker cried, bursting into the room. He stopped when he saw the two of you kissing. “Oh…well I guess everything’s good then?” Ross gave him a thumbs up; his lips never left yours. “Alrighty then.” Riker said. You heard the door shut behind him. A few moments later Ross broke the kiss, pulling back to look at you again. “What do you say after the show tonight we go get something to eat? Just the two of us.” You nodded. “I’d love that.” He smiled as he leaned in to kiss you once again.

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