Imagine for Neveah

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“Venti caramel frappuchino for Neveah.” The barista announced, sliding your drink across the counter. You picked it up and stepped outside of Starbucks and onto the crowded Los Angeles sidewalk. It was a blisteringly hot day, as usual. Even in a pair of shorts you were sweltering. L.A. was almost unbearable in August. You made your way down the sidewalk, glancing down at the map pulled up on your phone. You had moved out to Los Angeles a week ago to attend UCLA on a full scholarship. Your mom had originally freaked out at the thought of you living in such a big city, but even she couldn’t argue against a completely paid college education. You had adjusted to big-city life fairly quickly. You still needed a map to get around some parts of Los Angeles, but you were navigating pretty easily on your own. You were so focused on your phone that you weren’t paying attention to where you were going. “Heads up!!” you heard someone call. You looked up to see a blonde boy heading towards you on a skateboard. Before you could step out of the way he came crashing into you, knocking you down on the sidewalk. You felt your head hit the ground & everything went black.

You were faintly aware of a quiet beeping noise coming from somewhere in the room. You could smell the faint stench of some type of sterilizer. You slowly opened your eyes, looking around you. The room was filled with shades of white. Your flowered high-tops were laying on a chair next to the all-white bed you were laying in. You were in a hospital room. Why were you in a hospital room?? You quickly sat up. You felt a strong pounding in your head. “Ughh.” You moaned, cradling your head in your hands. A nurse came walking into the room. “Oh good, you’re awake.” She noted, walking over to you. She placed her hands on your shoulders, gently pushing you back down. “Lie down sweetie, it’ll help your headache.” She said. You obeyed, laying back against your pillows. “What happened?” you asked feebly. “You were knocked over by a skateboarder on the sidewalk. You hit your head pretty hard, you probably have a concussion.” She replied, typing something on the computer beside your bed. “How long was I out?” you asked. “Not long, they brought you in about thirty minutes ago. Your vital signs were all normal so the doctor decided to let you wake up on your own.” She stepped out of the room and walked back in seconds later, holding two cups. One contained water, the other an assortment of pills. “For your headache.” She clarified. You gratefully swallowed the pills before laying back down in the bed. “When will I be able to go home?” you questioned. “Tomorrow morning. You had a pretty nasty fall, it’s a miracle you didn’t crack your skull. The doctor wants to keep you overnight for observation, just to make sure everything’s ok. You should be cleared to leave tomorrow. I’ll go find you a clean gown to put on.” She smiled at you and left the room again. You stared up at the ceiling, contemplating whether or not you should tell your mom. You knew she would freak out if you even mentioned the word “hospital” in the context of yourself. You heard a gentle knocking at the door. You glanced over and saw the blonde boy that had knocked you over standing there. He was extremely cute. He had on jeans and a pink tank top that showed off his well-defined arm muscles. His blonde hair was slightly tussled. “Can I come in?” he asked meekly. You nodded slowly, trying to avoid worsening your headache. He stepped inside the room, walking over to stand next to your bed. “Cool Chucks.” He commented, looking down at your shoes on the chair beside you. “Thanks.” You replied, smiling. “I am SO sorry about earlier. I should have been more careful.” He apologized. You waved your hand dismissively. “It’s no big deal. Just a mild concussion. Possible brain damage. Nothing serious.” He laughed, shoving his hands into his pockets nervously. “I’m Ross by the way.” He said shyly. “Neveah.” You returned. You felt your cheeks turn pink; you prayed he wouldn’t notice. “So Neveah, I was thinking that after you get out of here I should take you out for an apology dinner.” He offered, smiling hopefully. You smiled as well. “I think that would be great.” He looked down and blushed slightly. “So…I guess I’ll be needing your phone number then. You know, for communication purposes.” You giggled; he was so shy it was adorable. After exchanging numbers, the nurse walked back into the room. “Sorry darling, visiting hours are over for tonight.” she said apologetically, looking over at Ross. He nodded. “No problem, I’ll see you tomorrow Neveah.” He said, smiling at you once again before leaving the room. “He’s cute!” the nurse commented once Ross was down the hall. You grinned. “Tell me about it.” 

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