Imagine for Monica

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You were awakened at 8:00 in the morning by a loud knocking at your front door. “Ugh.” You grumbled, as you threw off your blankets and trudged to the front door. You slung it open to find Rydel, Rocky, & Riker standing there. “Ummmm….hi?” you said, confused. Rydel just smiled at you as Riker and Rocky took your hands and dragged you outside. “What’s going on??” you demanded. Rydel walked around you and shut your front door. “It’s not locked-“ you started, as she held up a house key. “How did you get a key to my house?!” you cried, as she turned the key in the lock. “So many questions!” Rocky laughed, as he looked down at what you were wearing. “Nice PJs by the way.” He smirked. “Seriously guys….what are you doing?!” you demanded once again. “Just relax Monica!” Riker said, as he led you down the driveway to his car. He opened the back door for you and you reluctantly stepped inside. “Buckle up.” He winked, as he shut the door and walked around to the driver’s side. Rydel got in beside you. “Seriously, what are you guys doing?” you whispered to Rydel, once Rocky and Riker had gotten inside and started the car. She just rolled her eyes. “Monica, do you know what today is?” she asked simply. You thought for a moment. “Saturday….” You started. Then you remembered. “It’s mine and Ross’s anniversary!” you said, a little too loudly. “Oh she does remember!” Rocky piped up from the front seat. You were horrible with remembering dates. You had forgotten yours and Ross’s anniversary at least 3 out of the 5 years you’d been together. But luckily, Ross never had. “So where are you taking me then? And why does it have to be at 8:00 in the morning??” you griped. All three of the Lynch’s laughed. “You’ll see!” Riker teased, smiling back at you from the front seat.

About 30 minutes later, Riker pulled the car up to a dress boutique a little ways outside of the town. “Why are we here?” you asked. Rocky leapt out of the car and opened your door. “Out of the car, sunshine.” He said, as he extended his hand to help you out. “Wha-“ you started. “MONICA GET OUT OF THE DANG CAR!” you heard Rydel growl from her side, giving you a push. “Ok, ok!” you said quickly, taking Rocky’s hand and stepping out. Once you were out of the car, Rydel shut the door and Riker drove off, leaving you standing with Rocky in front of the store looking quite puzzled. He extended his arm to you. “Shall we?” he asked. You sighed, taking his arm. As you approached the door, you froze. “Wait, Rocky, I’m still in my pajamas!” you cried, pulling backwards. He laughed. “It’ll be ok, Monica. Come on! They’re expecting you.” He opened the door and you stepped inside. You gasped as you looked around. This was no ordinary dress boutique. This was a fancy dress boutique. A VERY fancy dress boutique. You looked down at your pajamas; plaid boxer shorts and a tank top. “I think I’m a bit underdressed…” you whispered to Rocky. He laughed as the two of you approached the counter. “I’m here for Monica’s appointment.” He said, gesturing in your direction. “Oh yes, Monica!” the young blonde behind the counter gushed, as she walked around to greet you. “My name is Ashley, I’ll be your consultant today. Follow me please!” she chirped. You gave Rocky a questioning look. He gestured for you to follow Ashley. She led the two of you back to a private corner of the store. “And you’re looking for a formal dress for an anniversary date, correct?” she asked, looking at Rocky. He nodded. “Alright then! I’ll bring out a few for you to try on.” Ashley quickly looked you up and down, then walked back out into the store. You sat down in the cushioned chairs, awaiting her return. “Oh I almost forgot.” Rocky muttered, walking back in the direction Ashley had left. He returned holding an envelope. “For you.” He smiled, handing it to you. You gave him a puzzled look as you opened the envelope. It was from Ross. ‘My dear Monica:’ the letter began. ‘I’m sure you’re probably thinking that my siblings have all lost their minds. Sorry about waking you up so early this morning; I know you enjoy sleeping in on Saturdays. I’ll see you at 7:00 tonight. I can’t tell you where yet. Enjoy today. Happy anniversary baby. Love, Ross’ You looked up at Rocky, who was beaming. Just then, Ashley walked back into the room, her arms laden with at least 15 different dresses. “Are you ready to try some on?” she asked, smiling at you. “Absolutely!” you said cheerfully, as you stood up and began to look through the dresses she had selected. 

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