Imagine for Maria

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“Maria hurry up! We’re going to be late!” Ross called up the stairs. “I’ll be down in five minutes!” you yelled back. “You said five minutes almost an hour ago!” he grumbled. “Well it’s better to arrive late than to arrive ugly!” you called. You heard him groan from downstairs. You laughed silently and turned back to face the mirror, putting the finishing touches on your makeup. “Maria I swear I will leave without you!” he threatened. You poked your head out of your bedroom door and looked down the stairs at Ross. “You wouldn’t dare.” You challenged. He folded his arms across his chest, smiling. “Try me.” He said playfully. You rolled your eyes and stepped back into your room, slipping on your wedge sandals. You checked yourself in the mirror one more time before quickly making your way downstairs. “It’s about time.” Ross said, quickly pecking your lips. “Can we go now?” he asked, holding the door open for you. You were Ross’s date tonight to the Teen Choice Awards. You’d been dating Ross for almost a year now, secretly. He had seen the hate that a lot of other celebrity girlfriends got and he didn’t want that for you. So you had agreed to keep your relationship a secret for as long as he wanted. Finally about a month ago, you had begged Ross to make your relationship public. It was so tiring trying to keep it a secret all the time. He had agreed that it was time & decided to take you as his date to the TCAs. You sat in the car with Ross and the rest of R5, playing with a strand of your curled hair. “Nervous?” Rydel leaned over and asked you quietly. You nodded. “Oh yeah, extremely.” You admitted. Ross put his arm around your shoulders and pulled you closer to his side. “Don’t be.” He whispered in your ear. “Everyone’s going to love you, I promise.” Ross knew you were extra nervous about coming out to the fans tonight. You knew how many of them were hardcore Raura shippers. You didn’t know how they would react to you. “We’re here!” Rocky called, interrupting your thoughts. You could feel your heartrate pick up. Ross leaned over and kissed you on the cheek. “No matter what happens, just remember that I love you. Ok?” he whispered. You nodded and stepped out of the car after Rydel. You could hear the clicks and flashes of cameras. You saw rows and rows of screaming fans standing behind safety rails, hoping for an autograph from their favorite celebrity. Several of them were holding R5 posters. Ross stepped out behind you. “Ready?” he asked, taking your hand in his. You nodded. “I’m ready.” He followed behind Rydel, Rocky, Riker, Ellington & his date Kelly. Once you stepped onto the blue carpet, you were blinded by the flashes of the cameras. You held tightly to Ross’s hand. You and Kelly stepped to the side a few times so the photographers could take pictures of the band. As the seven of you made your way down the walkway, you could hear the photographers shouting questions. “Ross who’s this?” “Ross is that your girlfriend??” Finally Ross stopped in front of a group of photographers. “What are you doing?” you mouthed. Ross wordlessly leaned down and pressed his lips against yours. You heard the clicking of the cameras increase. He broke the kiss after a few seconds and continued walking down the blue carpet. He approached a group of fans standing behind the guard rails. “Hello ladies.” He said, smiling. He began signing autographs and posing for pictures. You stood off to the side, waiting. You could feel some of the girls staring at you. “Is that your girlfriend?” one asked, while Ross signed her ‘Teen Beach Movie’ poster. “It is.” He said, smiling over at you. You smiled in return. “She’s so pretty!” another one added. “What’s her name?” the first one asked. “Maria.” Ross replied as she snapped a few pictures with him. A few of the girls smiled and waved at you. You grinned in return and waved back. He made his way back over to you after a few minutes. “See?” he said, kissing your forehead and taking your hand. The two of you continued walking towards the amphitheatre.

**one week later**

You were sitting on the couch at the Lynch’s house, watching TV with Ross and his brothers. “Guess what I have!” Rydel announced, stepping into the living room. She and Stormie had been out shopping most of the day. “What?” Ross asked, looking over at her from his spot on the couch. She walked over and laid a magazine down in your lap. On the front cover was a picture of you and Ross kissing at the TCAs with the caption ‘Ross Lynch’s new leading lady! Story inside.’You flipped through quickly to find the story. “There it is.” Ross said, stopping you from turning the page. ‘Ross Lynch gets cozy with new girlfriend at the Teen Choice Awards.’ There were several pictures of you and Ross holding hands, hugging, and gazing into eachothers eyes. “Awwwh, you two look so cute!” Rydel gushed. You smiled and looked over at Ross. “I told you they were going to like you.” He said, putting his arm around your shoulders. “Yeah yeah.” You said, laughing. He pulled you closer and kissed you gently on the lips. “I love you.” He whispered. “I love you too.” You replied. “Hey, hey…none of that.” Rocky grumbled. “We’re trying to watch a movie!” You rolled your eyes and turned back to the magazine, looking through the rest of the article with Ross.

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