𝕯𝖗𝖚𝖓𝖐 𝖒𝖎𝖘𝖙𝖆𝖐𝖊𝖘

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When we came to a stop in front of the house, Tom immediately leaped out of the car to open the door for me. I'm still trying to figure out his intentions behind this gesture. I reached my hand out for him to help me get out without risking another stumble that might completely ruin my pants. Bill was already walking towards the front door, a bottle in each hand. When he reached the door and turned around to look at us, as we were still standing next to the car, I realized that Tom had been holding my hand the entire time Bill was walking. I yanked my hand out of his and took the house key I had gotten from Georg earlier out of my purse, walked to the door, and unlocked it for us. At this moment, Tom had already caught up with us, and they both were right behind me. 

Bill placed the bottles on the coffee table and sprawled out on the couch. I could finally see what Tom had brought: whiskey and coke. I felt Tom's fingers wrapping around my elbow. Why does he keep touching me?

"Can I see your room?" He asked in a tone I've never heard him use before in real life. It wasn't the usual 'I wanna get in your pants' tone anymore; he sounded really sweet and friendly. Usually, I would be the one offering to show my room, but we're talking about Tom Kaulitz here.

"Yeah, I wanna see it too," Bill said as he sat up on the couch. Fantastic.

"I mean, there's not much to see," I nervously laughed, "I haven't even put my posters up yet." My eyes darted from Tom to his hand holding my elbow, and then to Bill, who was getting off the couch and coming in our direction. "Tom and I could help you put them up," he said. "That would be very generous of you," I smiled. Tom let go of my arm and went to get the bottles. "But we are taking these with us," he said, lifting them in the air.

I led them to my room and opened the door. Only now did I realize how basic it was. It was stylish, yes, but it felt empty. Tom placed the bottles and three glasses he had found in the kitchen on the dresser. He then proceeded to mix our drinks and handed them to us. "To finally meeting Lolita," he said, raising his glass. "To finally meeting Lolita," Bill repeated. I could feel myself blushing as I raised my glass with them. I drank half of my drink and set it on the dresser next to the whiskey bottle. 

"So where are the posters?" Bill asked, rubbing his hands together. I went to open the box that sat in the corner of the room, with Bill following right behind me. "Wait, let me guess. There are posters of me." Tom smirked and I froze. Shit. Of course, I have a ton of his posters, just like I have a ton of posters of Bill. They are in the majority of my collection. How could I forget? This evening is going to be interesting. "Oh, I look so good in this one," Bill said, taking out a poster of both of them from 2007. I finished the rest of my whiskey-cola, then unscrewed the bottle to pour in some more.

He continued to pull out posters from the box as I stood there, feeling a mix of embarrassment and amusement. They were engaged in reminiscing over their past photos, laughing and making comments about their younger selves. It was surreal to see them act so normal in my room, as if we were old friends hanging out. Tom was particularly engaged in the posters, occasionally teasing me about my 'fangirl' tendencies.

Bill, who was now sitting on the edge of my bed, looked around the room and pointed at another box. "Are those some old CDs over there?" I turned to where he was pointing and nodded. "Yeah, those are some of your early songs and albums, as well as those of other artists like Avril, Eminem, Evanescence, Tupac, and more. I've been collecting them over the years."

Tom walked over to the stack and picked up one of their bands CDs, examining it. "Wow, these bring back memories," he mused. "We've come a long way since then." Bill joined him, flipping through the CDs. "Yeah, it's crazy to think about how much has changed." Tom took out some more. "I like your music taste by the way." I just smiled at him while pouring some more drinks for us. As we continued to chat about their music and past experiences, I found myself growing more comfortable around them. The initial awkwardness had melted away, replaced by a genuine warmth that I hadn't expected.

After a while of joking around, reminiscing, and laughing our asses off, we were a bit more drunk than planned, but at least the posters were all up now. "We should head to the living room and play some music. I think I left my CD player in my car, which I'll get tomorrow," I said, picking up the almost empty bottles and stumbling towards the door. Tom and Bill exchanged a look, then burst into laughter. "Okay, boss," Bill chuckled, his words slightly slurred from the drinks. "Hey, what can I say? It's been a memorable night," I replied, smiling as I managed to open the door. The room spun a little, and I steadied myself against the doorframe. Tom stepped up to my side, offering a hand to help me keep my balance. "Careful there, princess," he said with a playful grin. I took his hand, and we made our way to the living room together, Bill trailing behind us.

As we settled into the living room, I tried to ignore the lingering effects of the alcohol. Tom found a CD, put it in the player and pressed 'play', filling the room with Tupac's voice. The atmosphere was relaxed, and the three of us danced and sang along, forgetting the world outside for a while. At one point, Bill grabbed my hand and pulled me into a dance, twirling me around the room. I couldn't help but laugh, feeling a mix of excitement and a rush of energy. Tom, not one to be left out, joined in as well, and soon we were all moving to the music in a carefree, drunken dance party. 

As Bill and I continued dancing, we realized that Tom wasn't around anymore. We stopped to search for him and found him passed out in the hallway. I started giggling, kneeling down beside him, with Bill standing behind me. At some point, I lost my balance, and Bill caught me just before I hit the floor. He helped me stand up, and I noticed that something was different. He looked very serious. He held me by my shoulders, staring deep into my eyes.I glanced at his lips as he licked them, and then it happened. He leaned closer and our lips collided. His lips were soft and warm, his breath tasted like alcohol. I wrapped my arms around his neck as he snaked his around my waist. How did this happen? You know what? It doesn't matter, because what matters now is that I am standing in the hallway of my brother's house, next to Tom Kaulitz, who is passed out on the floor, and kissing Bill Kaulitz. BILL FUCKING KAULITZ. 

Wait, this is wrong; I've only known him for a few hours, and he is my brother's best friend. As much as I'm enjoying this, I can't let this happen.

Bill's pov:

She pulled away, and only now did I realize what I had done. Georg warned Tom and me to stay away from her, but I just couldn't resist. She is so beautiful. I think Tom likes her too, but he seems to like every single lady he meets, so I'm not sure.

"Bill," a quiet whisper escaped her lips," I think we should call it a night, Its getting really late, and I have a lot of things to do tomorrow." As much as I didn't want this moment to end, I agree with her. "Yeah, you're right. I'm going to take Tom to bed; we will sleep in the guest bedroom." I turned to look at Tom, sprawled out on the floor. "Goodnight, Bill," she whispered, her soft voice filling the hallway and echoing in my head. "Goodnight, Lolita." I whispered back.  She turned around, and I watched her walk away until she disappeared into her room.

I tried to wake Tom up by shaking him a bit, but no luck, he was completely out. I took his hand and pulled him through the hallway to the closest guest room, still reminiscing the moment I had with Lolita. Her soft lips caressing mine, her hands around my neck pulling me deeper into the kiss. I know what I did was not right, but why did she pull away though? Did Georg say something to her too? Or maybe she has someone else? Fuck, what if she remembers it tomorrow? I hope not. Wait, why do I care? I know she is Georg's sister, but she is just a girl. What is so special about her?

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