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"Lolita? Bill?" Georg's voice echoed throughout the house, interrupting our small talk. Bill and I had been sitting in the backyard, enjoying the warm October evening. After Georg's call followed the sound of chatter, which meant that Tom and Gustav were with him. However, weirdly, there was another voice. A female one.

I immediately turned to Bill, just to see that he had obviously noticed the same thing. We both got up from our seats by the closed pool and made our way back into the house to greet them. As we entered through the back door, we were met with Georg, Gustav, Tom, and a young woman.

She looked around my age, maybe a bit older. Her long blonde hair fell perfectly around the soft features of her face, bringing out the blue in her eyes. She was wearing a leopard-print tube-top with a pair of flared jeans with small pink flowers sewn into them and high-heel boots. It was obvious that she had a great sense of style.

"Hi, my name is Leon, I'm your new manager," The girl ran towards me, shaking my hand.

"A manager?" Bill was as confused as me.

"We had a call from Leon's company, offering us their best options and Bill mentioned before that a manager would be necessary if you decide to pursue a modeling career, so we got one for you so you don't need to search for yourself," Georg explained.

"Bill was going to get me a manager he's acquainted to so the person is familiar," I said. I felt bitter. That would have been something that connected me and Bill; he would have been more involved.

"It's okay, Lolita, I'm sure Leon is very experienced and will suit you well," Bill placed his hand on my shoulder, comforting me. It wasn't even that deep, but I felt really emotional about all this. It was probably all the stress from the photoshoot, the situation with Bill, and Markus being on my tail. Speaking of which, I haven't heard from Markus for a suspiciously long time. He was probably plotting something again.

"I saw your photos, Lolita, they were magnificent!" Leon complimented me, but I wasn't feeling like having a friendly conversation, so I just ignored her.

I walked towards Gustav, pulling him back out by his elbow. I needed to have a smoke. We left the house and started walking down the street. Weirdly, no one questioned me. I took a cig out of the pack in my pocket and lit it, holding it between my teeth.

"So, tell me, how was America?" I broke the silence. "Don't 'how was America' me. We have to talk about all this," he demanded, taking the cig out of my mouth and taking a drag from it. I pulled another one out and tried to light it, but my lighter was empty. "Fuck," I exclaimed, throwing the lighter in the closest trashcan.

"You can have this one back if you want to," Gustav offered, passing the cig back, but I declined, deciding that I could just buy a new lighter in the nearby shop.

"You asked me how was America," Gustav began, "It was shit."

"What do you mean?" I asked, offering him a piece of gum.

"I mean, we did everything we needed to do, so that's that," he took the gum and started chewing it. "But Tom wouldn't fucking shut up about you."

I kept silent. The last thing I wanted to talk about was Tom. "He wants to be with you, he says he has never felt like this before," Gustav continued. He stopped, and I turned back to look at him. "Lolita, you have to talk to him."

At this point, it was impossible to hold back tears; they just kept streaming down my face. Thank God there weren't many people on the street, because otherwise, there would be some beautiful tweets of me later.

"You know what I have never felt like before?" I asked, gritting my teeth. All the anger that had pent up since that night just boiling over. "This fucking disgusted of myself. I feel like a whore. I do love them both, but I had something with Bill, and I threw it all away just because I was angry."

"And you know what?" I asked, raising my voice. "I'm angry now, so why don't I fuck everything up more?" I yelled through tears and ran back towards the house.

I kicked open the front door and stormed in the direction of where everyone was sitting on the couch. The Leon-girl was gone, which I was thankful for, because I didn't need any audience.

Seeing me, everyone stood up, trying to understand what was happening. I grabbed Tom's face and pulled him into a kiss, which he immediately answered. A few seconds later I pulled away and turned to Bill, wanting to see his reaction. He was not happy.

"It fucking hurts, doesn't it?" I asked, a smirk appearing on my teary face. He didn't react, which made me crazy. "Doesn't it?" I raised my voice, taking a step closer to him. Georg was just watching me, disbelief in his eyes.

"This whole time, I was telling myself that it was all my own fault, that I slept with Tom because I'm a whore and didn't deserve you. And you let me believe it. You were walking around with your hurt-kitten's act, while I was once again blaming myself for all the shit that has ever happened to me." I cried. Bill was starring so deep into my soul that it felt like he might just kill me with his deadly eyes.

"It was so fucking painful to see you kiss her. My best friend. Someone who I have known almost my whole life. And not just that, but you made me angry at her; I threw her out of the damn house. And, yes, I fucked your brother, but, you and me, we are both at fault here. You took something that was perfectly fine and ruined it just because of something I said when I was blackout drunk. Yes, I love Tom, but I was in love with you." The last sentence was barely a whisper. I rushed to the kitchen, grabbed a lighter from the cupboard, and left the house, running past Gustav on my way out.

Georg's pov:

"Yes, I love Tom, but I was in love with you." Lolita whispered before storming into the kitchen, grabbing a lighter, and rushing out. As she passed Gustav, who had just returned, he could definitely sense that something was not good.

"You missed the show," Tom said, greeting Gustav.

"Don't you start with your comments, Tom!" I pushed him away from Gustav, my frustration boiling over. Tom looked at me, shocked. "You two," I pointed at him and Bill, "You two are idiots. I specifically told you not to mess with my sister's feelings, and look what you've done!"

"As far as I know, she was playing us both," Tom tried to defend himself, pouring a glass of whiskey.

"You were not allowed to go near her if you had intentions to be more than friends with her. And let alone have sex with her," I glared at Tom.

"She came to me!" he protested. Bill didn't say a word the whole time, he just kept staring at the front door.

"She was hurt and drunk; you could have taken her back home! You know what? I don't want to have this conversation right now. I'm going home. And you two better pray that she comes back fine because otherwise, I will kill you both." I left the house, got in my car, and drove home.

Lolita wasn't reachable for the next few days. All I had was a text message saying 'I'm fine' in response to all the missed calls. When she finally did come back, she had changed. Not just physically, but also emotionally.

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