𝕿𝖍𝖊 𝖒𝖔𝖗𝖓𝖎𝖓𝖌

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I woke up to light burning my eyes. I didn't even take my makeup off yesterday. Luckily, I didn't have a headache, probably because when I went to sleep, I had sobered up a bit, thinking about what happened. I looked around the room at all the posters, memories slowly flooding back, as I remembered yesterday's events. And then, it hit me. I kissed Bill. Or did he kiss me? Well, all I know is that we kissed, and I don't know what to do about it now.

I took my phone from the nightstand and flipped it open; I had four missed calls and six messages, all from Kath.

"Heyy, girl"

"How are you doing there?"

"Did you meet them?"

"Lolita, you there?"

"Where u at?"

"Girl, call me when u come back to life, x"

I immediately called her back, and after a few seconds, she picked up. "I actually thought you were dead," she said. "If only you knew what went down yesterday," I laughed. "Girl, start talking," she demanded.

I told her everything from meeting the twins and how they acted to how we spent the evening. " Girl, I've never wished to be you more in my whole life. So after y'all put the posters up, what did you do?" I smiled to myself, remembering all the dancing and the fun we had. "Well, we moved to the living room and put on some music and danced; it was so much fun, " I said, twirling a string of hair between my fingers. " Kath, listen, something happened after that. Me and... " I stopped. Tom was peeking inside my room. "Kath? I'll call you later, okay?" I said, hanging up. "How did you sleep, princess?" He asked, now coming in and closing the door behind him. "I, uh, good, I guess." I got out of my bed and walked to my dresser to get some clean clothes. "Nice ass," he said, sitting down on my bed. I looked down and realized I was only wearing my underwear and the shirt from yesterday. "Oh, come on," I sighed. Why do things like these keep happening to me lately. I was desperately looking for something to cover myself up with in my dresser, then I heard the door open. "Wha-..." I froze. Bill was standing in the doorway, staring at me. I grabbed a t-shirt from my dresser and covered up. "What are you two... Tom, what the fuck?" He was glaring at him, still standing in the doorway. I looked at them, confused. Then I realized. "Oh no, that is not what's going on here." I laughed. " He came in a few minutes ago, asking how I slept. I got out of bed without realizing I had no pants on." An awkward silence filled the room. We looked at each other and burst into laughter. "I'm glad this is settled, but can I please put some clothes on now?" Tom stood up to leave, giving me a wink before closing the door.

Tom's pov:

"Bill, what the hell?" I asked him after we had entered the living room. "Did you really think I would sleep with her on the second day we know each other? She is literally Georg's sister." He just sighed. "I'm sorry, okay? It's just what you usually do." Ouch. My own twin just literally called me a manwhore. I looked at him, expecting another apology. "I know I overreacted and I had no right to do that, since I..." He stopped. He looked... sad? "Dude, what is it? What did you do?" I asked, confused. "Well, yesterday, after you passed out," he sat down on the couch, looking down at his hands. "I kind of kissed her."

Not going to lie, I was quite shocked. Usually, I'm the first at everything, especially when it comes to girls. That's why I was already thinking about making a move on her, trying to flirt with her and be touchy, even though Georg made me promise I won't. She is just so pretty, and not being allowed to have her made me want her even more. But now, knowing that Bill likes her too and has already kissed her, I don't know how to act around her.

"So how was it?" I don't know why I asked it; that's the first thing that I thought of. He turned to me, a little shocked. "What?" he asked, but I knew he heard me. "When you kissed her, how was it?" I asked again. "She didn't even hesitate and kissed me back immediately." He looked back down at his hands, examining and picking his nails like he usually does when he is nervous. "Then she pulled away. Told me that we should go to sleep." He sighed. "But thankfully, I don't think she remembers."

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