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After the car ride, which felt like forever, the car suddenly came to a stop. The driver got out of the car and walked around it to open the door for us. The first to get out was Bill, and then he extended his hand to help me out. When I took a look around, I noticed that this place looked really shady. We were at another warehouse. However, compared to the first one I've been to, this didn't look like a place for a party at all.

"Where are we?" I asked, holding on to his elbow while we moved closer to the huge building. He wrapped his arm around my shoulders and pulled me closer.

"We need to get you a new car," He looked down at me.

"But the car I have is quite alright, it just needs to get fixed," I was a bit confused by his words. Why would I need a new car?

He gave me a quick smirk before unlocking the rusty door. We walked inside the pitch black dark, and I was about to ask another question, but I was blinded by the lights that suddenly turned on, lighting up the inside of the building. I looked at Bill, who was standing next to an electricity box, and then I turned my gaze in the direction he was looking into. I let out a huge gasp when I saw the expensive-looking sports cars.

"Me and Tom agreed to give you one of our cars as a gift," He gave me a warm smile. I just stood there, not able to figure out how to react. These cars are probably expensive as fuck, why would they gift me something like that?

"I, uh, thank you, but I can't accept something that huge."

His smile dropped. "Of course, you can," he walked over to me and took my hand in his. "Your favorite color was black, right? Then this one would suit you well," he said, pointing at a matte black Audi R8. "Or what about this one?" He took the white cloth off a Porsche 911.

"Why are you guys doing this for me?" I asked him.

"Because you're our best friend's sister, and we kind of hate your car," he said, looking down at his boots, trying to hide his smile.

"You fake ass bitches," I let out a fake gasp, acting offended. "What's wrong with my car?"

"It's ugly," He looked up at me, smirking ear to ear.

"How dare you?" I jokingly slapped him, but then I froze in fear. Flashbacks of a similar situation flooded my mind. Suddenly I was back there, in that house. I was her again.

*I ran down the stairs and into the living room. "Hey, what's with the pink dress on my bed?" I asked as he was working on his computer. He stood up, and his masculine body towered over me.

"I got you a dress for prom," he answered, his voice playful and his lips arched into a smirk.

"But I already have a dress, what's wrong with that one?" I inquired. The pink dress looked really good, but I had been dreaming to wear the black one to my first prom since I got it on my 10th birthday.

"I don't know, makes you look emo," he laughed.

"But you know I love that dress," I softly caressed his cheek with my fingertips.

"Look, it's ugly, alright?" He said, still smiling.

I giggled. "How dare you?" I jokingly slapped the cheek my hand was on. His smile dropped. He grabbed my neck and pushed me up against the wall. Tears started welling in my eyes as I was gasping for air. He leaned closer to my face, his heavy breath hitting my face. "M-M-Markus? You're hurting me," I informed him as if that wasn't his intention in the first place.

"You don't like the dress I got you? Would you rather wear your ugly funeral cloth?" he asked through gritted teeth.

"N-n-n-no" I stuttered with the air left in my lungs.

"Good." He said, letting me go. I immediately fell onto the floor, hot tears streaming down my cheeks.

That was the first time he had hurt me. If only I hadn't tried to testify him, thinking that I just offended him and he didn't actually mean to hurt me, I would have saved myself all this trauma.*

"Lolita? Are you alright?" I was pulled out of my thoughts by Bill's worried voice.

"Y-yeah, I'm fine," I answered him, trying to sound fine.

"Want to talk about it?" He tucked a strand of hair behind my ear. I just shook my head. He watched me for a few more seconds. "I know what might help you, I know I had them here," he said, opening the door to a red Ferrari California and starting to rummage around in the glove compartment. "Ah, there they are," he said, taking out a pack of cigarettes and a lighter. He handed one to me, which I put in my mouth, and then took one out for himself. First, he lit his and then leaned closer to light mine with his. I took a drag, a warm feeling filling my lungs. It had been a while since I last smoked.

"Now, we don't want to be late, so please choose a damn car so we can get going," he said, blowing out smoke through his nose. I looked around the garage, examining the beautiful rides until my eyes locked on a black Chevrolet Corvette Z06. I know it's really expensive; I've seen a video about it on YouTube, but oh my god, how much I've always wanted it.

"So, you have your eyes on the Chevrolet?" He opened the door to the driver's seat and motioned for me to get in. I dropped the cigarette, stepped on it to put it out, and then sat in the leather seat. Gripping the steering wheel with my left hand, I ran my fingers over the gear shifter with my right one.

"Do you like it?" He sat in the passenger's seat and glanced over at me.

"Do I like it? I love it! Thank you!" I leaned closer and gave him a lingering kiss, my lips teasing his. He looked surprised, but then he smirked.

"If Tom finds out, that this was your reaction, he is going to want a kiss too," he said, placing his hand on my thigh, his touch sending a shiver down my spine.

"Are you going to let that happen?" I gave him a challenging look, my eyes locking onto his with a playful intensity. His gaze darkened, and a mischievous grin spread across his face.

"Maybe I'll let him watch."

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