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The touch was very gentle. His breathing was rapid, and then suddenly, his tongue entered my mouth. His heart beat faster and faster; I could feel it with the palm I had placed on his chest. His hands slid down to my ass, and he picked me up, wrapping my legs around his hips without breaking the kiss. He placed me on the bed, quickly climbing on top. His cornrows were softly caressing my face as his hands explored my body. His lips slowly moved to my neck, and I dug my nails into his back from the sensation. 

As our bodies were pressing together, I could feel the lump in his pants getting harder. His right hand slid under my shirt, and he softly rubbed his thumb against the skin that wasn't covered by the laced fabric. At the same time, his left hand had already undone the hooks on my back, and my bra was quickly replaced by his warm hands.

Wait, what am I doing?

He has someone like me in his room almost every night, if what people are saying is true. What was I even thinking when I decided to let them stay the night here—two horny guys and a girl who doesn't know anyone around here? I knowingly fell into their trap with my own free will, and they did not even have to make an effort to have me. And now, what the hell am I going to do now?

"Tom," I exhaled, completely out of breath. He didn't even bother to look at me; he just kept nibbling on the zipper, trying to get my pants off. I took his face in my hands, forcing him to stop kissing my neck.

"Tom," I said, louder this time. He froze, a confused look on his face.

"Stop," I whispered.

Disappointment quickly replaced the lust in his eyes as he stood up and left without even glancing back. He just left me there, lying on my bed, without my bra, tears now streaming down my face. I bet the 'You can always talk to me' was just an act to get me in bed.

I sat up, wiping my tears with the sleeve of my shirt. Wait, where even is my bra? Did that jerk take it with him? I jumped up, running after him, but was only met by Bill standing outside, about to knock.

"Oh, sorry, uhm, have you seen Tom?" He looked at my face. "Lolita, are you alright? Why are you crying, darling?"

"I'm fine, just not feeling well," I murmured, looking around past his shoulder.

"Bullshit. Come on, tell me, what's wrong." He took my wrist in his hand and walked me to the living room. "Did something happen? Is it your parents?" He asked as we sat down on the couch. "Look if this is about the kiss, I'm sorry, alright? I was drunk and wasn't thinking straight. I'm sorry if that made you feel uncomfortable."

"No, Bill, it's fine. I'm sorry for rejecting you like that. I didn't mean to be rude; it was just unexpected," I replied, managing a faint smile. "But it's something else, I promise."

"Alright, if you say so," he said, smiling and pulling me into a warm hug. His scent was sweet, but I couldn't quite place it. His embrace was comforting, and his breathing steady.

I knew I liked Tom; otherwise, I wouldn't have let him touch me like that. But there was something about Bill that just made me feel safe—something I didn't feel when I was with Tom. He was unpredictable. And now, more than anything, I regretted pulling away and breaking the kiss with Bill yesterday. It's funny though—I had just met them not even twenty-four hours ago, and so much had already happened since then.

As I tried to collect myself, the door to the guest bedroom slowly creaked open. My heart skipped a beat as I saw Tom step out of their room. The atmosphere grew tense, and I felt a wave of discomfort wash over me. I could sense his lingering desire, and it made my skin crawl.

"Hey, Tom," Bill greeted, oblivious to the tension in the room. "Lolita and I were just talking. She's not feeling too well."

Tom's gaze locked onto me, and I felt like a trapped animal under his scrutiny. He didn't say anything; he simply stood there, his presence overwhelming the room.

"I think I should call Georg," I finally said, my voice trembling. I needed an escape from this awkward situation.

Bill nodded in understanding, still unaware of the full extent of the situation. "Sure, we'll be right here."

I got up quickly, escaping from Bill's embrace, and rushed to my room to get my phone. I dialed Georg's number with trembling fingers, praying that he would answer.

"Georg, hi, how are you doing?" I said urgently when he picked up. "When are you guys coming home?"

Georg's voice sounded concerned on the other end of the line. "We're on our way; we have about an hour left to drive. Are you alright?"

I sighed. "Yeah, I'm fine. See you soon."

"Bye, sis," he said before I hung up.

Relieved that my brother was on his way, I walked to the kitchen to get some food. I could feel Tom was still watching me intently, his gaze unwavering. Bill tried to engage Tom in conversation to diffuse the tension, but I could tell that Tom was not in the mood for small talk.

As I cooked my pasta, I couldn't help but wonder about the decisions I had made in such a short span of time. Little did I know that this was just the beginning.

Bill's pov:

I couldn't shake the feeling that something had gone wrong between Tom and Lolita. I watched Tom closely, noting the storm brewing behind his eyes. Tom's gaze remained fixated on Lolita, even though she was trying to act normal in the kitchen.

As I observed them from the armchair, I couldn't help but notice the intensity of Tom's stare. It wasn't the usual playful, flirty look anymore that I had seen Tom use with other girls. No, this was different, and I could sense it. It was as if Tom was trying to convey something through his eyes, something that left a lingering feeling of discomfort in my chest.

We had spent our whole lives together, and I had seen him with countless women, but this situation felt different. There was an air of tension and unease that hung over the room, making me wonder if I had missed something significant. Had Tom crossed a line with Lolita? Or maybe It was about what happened this morning? I couldn't be sure, but I knew I needed to find out.

I decided to ask Tom cautiously, sitting down next to him on the couch and putting on a nonchalant smile. "Hey, Tom, everything okay?"

Tom's response was guarded. "Yeah, man, just got a bit carried away, you know? Sorry about that."

I nodded, though I couldn't shake the feeling that Tom was holding something back. "No worries, we've all been there. So where did you disappear earlier?"

Tom's gaze shifted back to Lolita, who was now sitting at the kitchen table, eating her pasta. The way he looked at her made me uneasy, like a predator assessing its prey. I knew I needed to do something about it, especially if Tom had taken things too far with her.

Tom finally tore his gaze away from Lolita and met my eyes, though his expression remained guarded. "I needed some air," he replied, his voice lacking its usual confidence. "Just wanted to clear my head."

I nodded, though I wasn't entirely convinced by his explanation. "Alright, man," I felt like there was more to this story than he was letting on.

As we sat there, waiting for Georg and Gustav to arrive, I decided to keep an eye on Tom. We were twins, and sometimes I could just sense when there was something wrong.

Tom's pov:

I understand that I shouldn't have done that. I wasn't planning to at first, but when she answered my kiss, I couldn't hold myself back. And then, when she asked me to stop, instead of respecting her boundaries and having a mature conversation about it, I acted like a jerk and left without a word. Bill's words echoed in my mind. He was right about me always doing this to fans.

I knew that I had crossed a line, especially considering that Lolita was Georg's sister. I can imagine the anger and disappointment that Georg would feel if he ever found out about what went down between us. I know I should tell him, since we're best friends, but Bill is the reason I was in her room in the first place, and telling him would only tear our band apart, and I can't do that to Bill.

And if Bill finds out, he will be as hurt as Georg would be. He told me that he liked her, and they already kissed. Why did I have to step in? He is my brother, and I love him more than anything, but the thought of him ever being with Lolita is killing me.

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