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While Lolita was pouring drinks for us, we both watched her from the couch.

"Do you think her friend is hot?" Tom asked me. I turned to him, not even trying to hide the way I was judging all his life choices right now. "You know what? Ask her yourself, I'm done with you," I replied, a playful smirk on my lips. He wouldn't.

"Lolita," he tauntingly called out. I elbowed his ribs. He let out a quiet groan before punching my shoulder.

"Yes?" She asked, leaning on the kitchen counter.

"Bill was just wondering, is your friend hot?" he shifted his eyes back to me, grinning.

"Tom. You. Are. Fucked. In the head." I threw one of the couch cushions at him. Unfortunately, he dodged it.

"Well, if you are so interested, call her. I'm sure she'll be happy to talk to you. Let me get her number for you," she walked past us to her room, giving me a wink on her way.

She came back with a piece of paper and handed it to Tom. "Here, wrote it down for you," she walked back to the kitchen to get our drinks.

"I should have eaten you in the womb," I hissed at him. He just chuckled. How is Lolita still tolerating us? She must have a really short memory span and a huge amount of patience.

She came back with three glasses of whiskey-cola and handed us our drinks. I knew she had school tomorrow, but I guess when me and Tom asked for something stronger to drink, she didn't want to be left out.

After a few glasses, I was already feeling a bit tipsy, and that's when Georg finally came home from whatever 'errands' he had to run. He flopped down on the couch and wrapped his arm around Lolita's shoulders, taking a sip from her drink.

"Oh, this is strong, don't you have school tomorrow?" He asked.

Her reply didn't follow; she simply rested her head on his shoulder and closed her eyes. We started chatting, and even if she answered a few general questions and told a few sloppy jokes, eventually she fell asleep. I guess she was just exhausted from today.

Georg wanted to get himself something to eat, so I offered to take Lolita to bed. I picked her up and made my way to her room. In my hands, she was barely awake, her body completely relaxed. However, she understood when I asked her to open the door because it was quite a challenge for me with my both hands occupied.

"Bill," she whispered, tugging on my shirt after I had placed her on her bed and was about to go. "Stay, princess," she blurted. I chuckled. Well, I could stay until she falls asleep.

I laid down next to her, holding her in my arms as she snuggled against my chest.

"Your shirt," she mumbled. "It's rough, take it off," she raised her head and just stared at me. I was taken aback by her demand but did as she said. She laid back down on my now bare chest, her hair brushing against my skin. Her hand was sliding over my stomach, gently exploring every bit, drawing figures and lines with her soft fingertips, causing shivers to run through my whole body as she did.

"I love your skin, it's so soft," another mumble escaped her lips against my chest. "What?" I asked confused. Never heard that kind of compliment. "Nevermind. If you don't hear the first time, you don't hear at all," she whispered, that sassy tone in her voice. "No, I heard, Lolita, I heard."

"You know what I also love?" She whispered once again. I could see a small smile forming on her lips through the darkness. "Yes, baby?"

"The way you say my name."

I smirked. She was such a cutie when she was drunk.

"And do you love me as well?" I just risked it.

"Well," she held a pause. "Maybe I do," I felt my heart sink. She loves me?

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