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I woke up feeling thirsty and immediately strolled to my bathroom for a sip of water. After that, I took a shower and washed my face. With a towel wrapped around my head, I swiftly did my makeup before taking the towel off and drying my hair. I let my hair fall straight and, with another towel around my body, made my way to my closet to pick out an outfit for the day. My birthday party wasn't starting until 8 PM, so I had the whole day ahead of me.

When I stepped into the living room, I was immediately greeted and wished a happy birthday by everyone. Seconds later, I felt hands snake around my waist before being spun around and passionately kissed by Tom. "Hey, birthday girl!" he whispered close to my ear.

As I pulled away, I noticed Bill standing nearby, a flicker of pain flashing across his face as he saw the kiss. He quickly masked his emotions, but I caught it. I decided not to say anything and instead turned my attention back to the group.

"Happy birthday, Lolita!" Kath exclaimed, pulling me into a warm hug. "We've got some surprises for you today."

"Yeah, we couldn't wait until the party to give you a little something," Georg chimed in, holding up a small, brightly wrapped package.

I took the gift, grinning from ear to ear. "You guys are the best. You really didn't have to!"

"We wanted to," Kath insisted. "Go ahead, open it!"

I carefully unwrapped the package, revealing a beautiful, delicate bracelet. "It's gorgeous!" I exclaimed, immediately putting it on. "Thank you so much!"

"There's more where that came from," Tom said with a wink, handing me another gift. "This one's from me."

I unwrapped the second present to find a pair of stylish earrings that matched the bracelet perfectly. "Tom, they're beautiful! Thank you!"

As we continued chatting and exchanging small gifts, I couldn't help but notice Bill's smile. It was genuine, but there was a hint of something else in his eyes. Before I could dwell on it, Gustav handed me another present.

"This one's from the band," he said with a smile.

I tore open the wrapping to find an old, worn journal with the band's logo on the cover. My eyes widened as I flipped it open and saw handwritten lyrics, doodles, and notes from their early days. "This is amazing," I said, feeling a lump form in my throat. "I can't believe you're giving this to me."

"We knew how much our music means to you," Bill said softly, "and we wanted you to have a piece of our journey."

Tears welled up in my eyes as I clutched the journal to my chest. "Thank you so much," I whispered, my voice thick with emotion. "This means the world to me."

Georg smiled warmly. "We have another surprise planned for tonight, so make sure you're ready by 8 PM."

I nodded eagerly. "I can't wait."

Tom wrapped an arm around my shoulders. "Until then, how about we grab some brunch? There's a new café that just opened up downtown."

"Sounds perfect," I agreed, my heart still fluttering from the thoughtful gifts.

As we headed out the door, I noticed Bill lingering behind, his eyes following us with a distant look. I wanted to say something, to reassure him, but the moment passed too quickly. Tom tugged me along, and soon we were all piled into the car, chatting and laughing as if nothing had changed. Bill had decided to go home.

The café was bustling with activity, and we managed to snag a cozy corner booth. The conversation flowed easily, but my mind kept drifting back to the journal and the unspoken tension with Bill. I couldn't shake the feeling that there was more to his pain than just seeing me with Tom.

"So, Lolita," Katherine said, breaking me out of my reverie, "any big plans for your actual birthday party tonight?"

I smiled, trying to push my thoughts aside. "Just having everyone I love together is all I need. But I'm excited to see what you guys have planned."

Tom leaned in, his eyes twinkling with mischief. "Oh, you're in for a treat. Let's just say it's going to be a night to remember."

As we finished our brunch and headed back home, I couldn't help but wonder what the evening would bring. More importantly, I wondered how I could mend things with Bill. Tonight wasn't just about celebrating my birthday; it was about cherishing the people who meant the most to me and making sure none of them felt left out.

The rest of the day flew by in a blur of last-minute preparations and excited anticipation. Before I knew it, it was almost 8 PM, and I was standing in front of the mirror, putting the final touches on my outfit. The bracelet and earrings sparkled in the soft light, a constant reminder of the love and effort my friends had put into making my birthday special. But the most special part of my outfit was the dress Bill had picked for me; it was stunning.

As I took one last look at myself, I made a silent promise to find a moment alone with Bill tonight. I needed to understand what he was feeling and, if possible, make things right.

With that thought in mind, I stepped out of my room, ready to embrace whatever the night had in store.

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