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"Tom Kaulitz is officially dating Lolita Listing."

"The rising modeling angel Lolita Listing, in a relationship with Tokio Hotel's lead guitarist Tom Kaulitz."

"Fangirls are frustrated: Tom Kaulitz is taken."

"Will Tom Kaulitz and Lolita Listing last?"

"Turns out Tom Kaulitz had his eye on his best friend's sister after all."

"Will boys and lesbians accept their girl being stolen by a rockstar?"

Gustav read today's hottest headlines. Bill didn't join us for breakfast this morning, and Georg wouldn't look me in the eyes. However, Tom's hand on my thigh and playful stare distracted me from all that.

I was finally in a relationship again after all these years, and I wasn't really sure how I was supposed to feel or act. "I'm hanging out with Gabrielle and her friends today," I spoke up, my mouth full of the scrambled eggs I had just cooked for everyone.

"You have to talk to Bill, Tom," Georg finally looked up from his phone. "We're going on tour soon, and he hasn't been coming to the rehearsals lately."

"Okay, I'll try if I see him, but I can't promise he'll talk to me," Tom replied.

"There is no need, he just stoped in the driveway," Gustav said, leaning to look out the window. We all turned to the front door, which opened, revealing an excited Bill standing in the doorway, holding a magazine with... me on the front page?

"Holly shit, it's out!" I squeked, running towards him and snatching the magazine out of his hand. "You look stuning, Lolita," he smiled and I thanked him with a tight hug. I turned back toward the others and noticed Tom eying me unhappily.

"Where have you been, Bill?" Gustav asked as he walked over to shake Bill's hand.

"I had a nails appointment," he answered, keeping his arm around my waist.

"Okay, please show," I said, reaching for his other hand. He had done what he always does—black nails with a white French tip. The only difference this time was that the nails of his middle finger and ring finger were pink. I looked up into his eyes, and our gazes met. I felt a slight blush creeping up my cheeks. He did that on purpose.

Tom's pov:

That little piece of shit. I should have strangled him with the umbilical cord before we were born, so he wouldn't be trying to impress my girl now. He had his fucking chance and then he was all mad and shit, but now that I finally got her, he's going around pulling out all his best tricks and flirting like crazy. Fucking bastard.

I stood up and walked over, thinking of a sarcastic joke, but I couldn't come up with anything funny. I grabbed the hand he had around Lolita's waist, held it up, and examined it. "Gustav, I fear he's one of those lesbians who's gonna get all jelly because I'm dating his favorite girl," I smirked at Bill, who pulled his hand away, glaring like crazy. Gustav didn't chuckle like he usually does.

"I think we should go," Lolita said, pulling me toward the front door. I wrapped my arm around her shoulder and pulled her closer on our way out, but she seemed a little resistant.

"Why do you have to be such a jerk, Tom? He is your fucking brother!" Lolita scolded the second we got in the car. I sighed. Damn it, she was right.

"I'm sorry, alright? I might be a little jealous myself," I said, maybe even a bit embarrassed. "Look. I could have kept quiet, but he has no right to flirt with you now, because when he did have the chance, he didn't take it."

She let out a huge sigh. "Can you please drive?" she said, keeping all her attention on the road. We drove in silence to Gabrielle's apartment. The tension in the car was thick, making the short drive feel much longer. When we finally arrived, Lolita didn't say a word as she got out and walked briskly to the front door. She disappeared inside without a backward glance, leaving me alone with my thoughts. It didn't really feel like she wanted to be with me.

As I got closer to my house, I started wondering: maybe I need to really show her how much she means to me; maybe take her out on a date or something. Right now, our relationship feels like that of an old couple—there's no passion. All this feels one-sided. I need to step up my game.

Lolita's pov:

Gabrielle and I had been smoking, listening to music, and chatting for the past two or three hours when I suddenly received a phone call from Gustav. I picked it up cautiously; he never calls me, and when he does, it's never good.

"Gustav?" I said as soon as I pressed the 'answer' button.

"Yes. You need to come home now. There's a car waiting for you outside. Hurry up!" He informed me and then ended the call before I could even respond.

"Everything alright?" Gabrielle asked, taking a drag of my watermelon vape.

"Probably. I swear to God, if this is a stupid prank again, someone is getting killed," I said, grabbing my jacket and vape. "See ya!"

I ran down the stairs and hopped into the backseat, immediately met with Tom's gaze. "What's going on?" I suspiciously inquired.

"I'm taking you out on a date, Lolita," he smiled, handing me a bouquet of roses. "Since the beginning, I haven't really been treating you right, well, except for the car and the princess treatment you did receive, but that's not the point. The point is, I want you to see that I'm not that horrible of a person, Lolita. And I really like you, so I wanted to give you something nice for once," his eyes never left mine as I took the bouquet. He didn't even peek at my breasts like he usually does.

"I-I-I don't know what to say, Tom," I whispered. I was shocked; this was really unexpected.

"Then let me do the talking, love," he said, wrapping his arm around my shoulders and pulling me closer. This time, I rested my head on his shoulder and closed my eyes, thinking of every other time we had spent together. He was always very flirty and sometimes annoying, but he was also really nice to me. I wondered, what made him think that he was a horrible person. Yes, there were a few things I'd rather forget, but it made me sad knowing that he thought I didn't like him.

"You look beautiful as always, by the way," he whispered, interrupting my thoughts. "Thank you, Tom," I smiled before receiving a kiss on my forehead.

A few more minutes passed until we reached our destination: a small restaurant on the corner of the same street where the college I used to attend was located. As soon as we stopped in front of the restaurant, Tom hopped out of the car and ran around to open the door for me and help me out. While going inside, I held onto his elbow, feeling a little anxious as heads turned to look at us.

We were led through a door labeled 'Staff Only,' then through a series of other doors, and finally up a flight of stairs until we were standing on a balcony with a breathtaking view of the entire street. In front of us was a beautifully decorated table with two glasses and a bottle of champagne already waiting.

"You look sad," Tom stated, seemingly worried.

"I'm not sad," I assured him. "It's just that... no one has ever taken me on a real date before, Tom." He pulled me into a warm hug, tightly wrapping his arms around me.

"I know, I've already said this, but I genuinely apologize for my previous behavior. It really breaks my heart knowing what you had to go through. Not only before, but also now that you're here with us. Please forgive me?" he said, gently stroking my back. I felt each one of his words vibrating in his chest, but they still didn't feel real. None of this felt real.

"I forgive you, Tom," I whispered, slowly pulling away from the embrace. He held me by the shoulders and stared right into my eyes. "Promise?"

"I promise," I smiled and pulled back the chair to sit down. He loosened his grip around my shoulders and made his way to the other side of the table to sit down himself.

"Champagne?" he offered.

"Sure, why not," I said, passing him my glass.

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