𝕿𝖍𝖊 𝖒𝖆𝖑𝖑

404 11 20

I squinted my eyes as I read the text on my phone: "Had some errands to run, see u later." Why the fuck is he up so early?

Then I checked the time and realized it was already noon. I rolled out of bed and strolled over to my bathroom. I examined myself in the mirror, and the only thing I could feel was disgust. I'm acting like a slut. Even though I haven't slept with anyone, the way I'm acting around my brother's friends makes me sick.

I bet if I could meet my younger self, she'd skin me alive for the way I'm treating my idols. I know I can't choose between them, so it's probably better if I just stay friends with both.

After a quick shower, I threw on some sweats and headed to the kitchen for what could only be called lunch.

Bee greeted me with a lazy yawn from the armchair as she stretched her little body after a good nap. I opened the fridge and realized it was once again empty. I took my phone out of my pocket and dialed Bill to ask if he'd mind picking up some groceries on his way back. No answer. I sighed and decided to drive to the shops myself.

Returning to my room for my sunglasses, I gave up on the idea of makeup—no strength left in me—and it seemed way sunnier outside than I'd like. I placed Bee in her bag because I wasn't leaving her alone again, grabbed my purse, brand new car keys, and headed to the garage.

As guilty as I felt for accepting their gift, it felt kinda nice to finally have a new ride.

"Ugh, fuck," I exclaimed, remembering that yesterday we got home by taxi, and my brand new car was left God knows where. I sighed as I hopped into my previous car, placing little Bee's bag on the passenger seat.

On my way, thoughts swirled about how to tell them both that nothing is going to happen between us, even though I wanted it so much. I enjoy the relationship I have with Bill, but I can't keep myself away from Tom. Yet, Bill seems more romantic and sometimes even a bit more emotionally mature. However, when they found out about Markus, they were both so careful and gentle, making me feel like I finally found something I was so desperate for before. But it turns out this is just as complicated as it was then, just in a different way.

Today, I made the spontaneous decision to visit the mall, deeming it a safer alternative for a day out. As I pulled in the parking lot, memories flooded back – the very spot where I first met Tom and Bill. A small smirk played on my lips, recalling the events of that unforgettable night.

When I reached a stop, a group of teenage girls caught my attention. They were whispering and casting glances in my direction. Unfazed, I grabbed my cat, my purse, and gracefully exited the car, their hushed conversations trailing me. A slight unease crept in, but I pressed on towards the mall's entrance.

Starving, I decided to quell my appetite before diving into shopping. A charming coffee shop nestled between a toy store and an alcohol shop caught my attention. The menu looked very appetising and the atmosphere in general was really welcoming.

I was waiting for someone to attend the counter so I could order, but no one seemed to notice me. Eventually, I rang the small bell, and from the kitchen emerged a guy who was undeniably attractive. His curly brown hair, dark brown eyes, buttoned nose, and full lips captured my attention.

"Hi! Sorry for the wait, what can I offer you today?" he greeted me with a soft tone. I ordered a cup of white chocolate latte and waffles with blueberries, feeling his gaze on me as he prepared the order. "Would that be all?" he inquired, his eyes meeting mine.

"Yes, thank you. How much do I owe you?" I searched for my wallet in my purse.

"Nah, it's on the house," he said, offering a shy smile.

"Thank you," I whispered, feeling a blush creep onto my cheeks.

Seated at a table by the window, he delivered my order a few minutes later. "One white chocolate latte and waffles with blueberries, here you go, ma'am. Enjoy," he said, the same shy smile on his face. As he handed over my meal, he slipped a small paper to me. When I unfolded it, I discovered a phone number. "Call me sometime, cutie," he winked before returning to the counter. A satisfied smile lingered on my face as I savored a delicious bite of my waffle.

Afterward, I decided to peruse the clothing stores, feeling the urge to add some new additions to my wardrobe.

After buying a few new clothes and everything I needed for home, I made my way outside towards the car, Bee's bag in one hand and all the shopping bags in the other. I noticed a few people checking my car out, but I thought they just recognized it.

As I walked closer, I realized there was something else. All four tires were slashed, and with huge letters, the word 'SLUT' was carved into the driver's side. I let out a gasp, shocked by the fact that someone would do that. Those were probably the girls I saw earlier, maybe they had seen the photos of me and Bill on Twitter.

I got into the car, locked it, and took out my phone to try to call Bill again. Thankfully, this time he picked up.

"Hi, how are you doing?" he chirped.

"You need to come get me right now," I blurted out, boiling with anger.

"What? Are you alright? Where are you?" he asked, concern filling his voice.

"I'm at the mall where we first met. When you get here, you'll see, but I'm alright for now," I tried to stay as calm as I could, but it wasn't quite working out for me.

"Okay, I'm close by. See you in about ten minutes," he said and hung up.

I took Bee out of her bag, placed her in my lap, and started petting her to try to feel a bit calmer. It helped a little, so I just kept cuddling her while I waited for Bill to arrive.

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