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"Did you see who did this?" Bill asked as he stepped out of his car, wearing a pair of tight black jeans, heavy boots, and a leather jacket, his iconic mohawk still intact. I, on the other hand, felt a bit out of place in my sweatpants, standing beside him as he surveyed the damage.

"I don't know for sure, but I have two suspects," I replied. He turned to me expectantly. "Either it's the group of girls giving me dirty looks earlier, or Markus trying to scare me again."

"Hm," he mused, walking around and inspecting the tire damage. "Whoever did this really despises you. You need completely new tires; these are beyond repair. And let's not even talk about the word 'slut' engraved on the side. Good thing you have a new car," he smirked.

"Yeah, but I don't know where it is. And who knows, maybe someone will slash those tires too."

"Don't worry about it. Let's go get your car, and then we'll find you a bodyguard. Unless you want it to be me," he winked, and I felt my cheeks burning.

After he transferred my shopping bags to his car, I took Bee's bag and got into the passenger's seat.

"Do you have the keys, though?" he asked, starting the engine.

"Yes, they're in my purse," I replied, rummaging through my bag. As I took them out, the note from the waiter fell into my lap. Without thinking, I opened my window and let it flutter out as we sped out of the parking lot towards the nightclub we visited the night before.

I watched the buildings pass by, recognizing the route we took in the limo yesterday. Lost in thought, I didn't notice Bill's warm hand on my thigh, sliding up and down, slowly, but noticable enough to make me blush. I felt like his passenger princess.

"How was shopping?" he suddenly asked, pulling me out of my trance. I turned to face him, and he looked back at me, glancing at the road a few times.

"It was good. Would have been more fun with company, though," I said, placing my palm on his hand to prevent it from moving closer to my inner thighs. It didn't make me uncomfortable; I just wasn't ready for that.

He gave me a concerned look, but his fingers interwined with mine, and his thumb brushed against the back of my palm.

"Oh, really," he smirked. "Then I shall accompany you next time." I smiled and looked out the window. I noticed him glance at me a few times, but he didn't say a word.

When we arrived at the club where the party had taken place, the territory was completely empty. For someone unfamiliar with parties, it would be hard to guess that this place is a lively club at night.

Bill parked right next to my new car, turned off the engine, and turned to me. "I know you probably don't want to talk about it, but you'll have to clarify a few things for me because I'm really confused and it's driving me crazy," he explained, taking both my arms in his.

"What?" I chuckled at his serious tone.

He took a deep breath, clearly debating whether to ask or not. "Who is Markus, and what the hell did he do?"

My smile faded, and my blood ran cold. I could feel the light fading from my eyes as I emptily stared through him. Memories flooded back, overwhelming me. Why is he so curious?

"It's nothing that should concern you. Please, let's go home," I tried to unfasten my seatbelt, but he stopped me.

He caressed my cheek before tucking a loose strand of my black hair behind my ear. I looked down to avoid eye contact. "Please, I just have to know," he pleaded with a sad tone.

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