35- Love, Laugh, Live

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Vidyut pov:

"I still can't beleive that this is happening. This looks so good." She said admiring her ring.

"I am glad you like it." I said as I parked the car in my parking.

"So.... you actually asked my parents? You should have told me before. I could have helped you." She said giggling.

"I am a fully grown man for your reminder. I can handle such things on my own. More over, your parents were so sweet. It was a cake walk for me." I replied.

"Fine.... whatever..." she said giving me a side eye.

"Shall we go in? Ma would be waiting for us."

"Sure." She said.

My mother invited us for dinner and Manvi was up for it instantly. The fact that they both liked each other had me at peace. I do not have to suffer the typical MIL - DIL drama.

"I can hold that for you." I said as we headed out of the car pointing at her hand bag.

"It's fine fiance. I can hold it for myself "

She said casually making my heart beat faster. The word from her did things to me.

"Fiance." I said it out slowly enjoying the term.


Yesh's POV:

"They looked so good together." Akshaya said for the 100th time that evening.

"Oh yeah they did. But... I think we look so much better together." I said.

"Seems like someone is getting jealous. Aww cutiee...." she said squeezing my cheeks with one hand while she had her beer on the other.

"That is enough for the day. You are drunk. Give the bottle to me." I said avoiding her statement.

"I am not drunk." She pouted.

"You are. Give it to me." I said reaching for the bottle.

"Admit that you are jealous. I will admit it that I am drunk."


"I know that something is bothering you. Tell it out loud so that I will know what it is."

"Fine. It's bothering me..... to see you with Vidyut. It hurts me when I see him make you smile. It is not that I doubt you or something. But, I just can't help feeling this way..... oh god this is so embarrassing."

"Come closer." She said tapping at the spot next to her on the bed. I moved closer.
She cupped my face in her hands and looked straight at my eyes. It just felt like magic.

"I am sorry that I made you feel insecure. There is nothing to be embarrassed in this. It is completly normal to feel this way when you like someone."

"I love you." I said immedatwly correcting her. She smiled and continued.

"It is true that Vidyut is important to me. I care about him. I do not think that would change too. But I promise that I have no feelings for him like I do for you. He can never make me smile like you make me do. You are special to me Yesh. You have to beleive me when I say it." She said and it melted my heart immediately. It felt very lame of me to have even said something like that to her. But in some way I am happy that I said it. It made me hear all this from her.

I just bent forward and kissed her. She welcomed it with a smile and kissed me back. It was nothing like the other kisses we shared. It felt different. It was slow and passionate. Just the feeling of two people in love.

"I love you Akshaya." I said as we pulled away from the kiss panting.

"I love you too." She smiled.


Manvi's POV:

"It is so good. So good." Akshaya said smiling at the article.

"Glad to know." I said.

We both decided to hang out today and even named it "The girls day". We said the boys not to call us for the whole day. We even promised that we wouldn't get back home until late in the evening. Turns out we are now in my office as an urgent work came up and she is reading a random article that I once wrote and I am working on my laptop.

"Sorry that I spoiled the mood." I said as guilt took up.

"No issues dear. I am loving it in here. Get things done at the earliest so that we could head out ASAP." She said giggling.

"Sure. We are never gonna tell them about this."

"We are never gonna tell them about this." She repeated laughing at it.

"It feels so good to call someone my friend atlast. I'm so greatful to have you." I said.

"Don't mention it. Oh... that guy looks stunning." She said pointing her finger out.

"That's my boss Shiv. Maybe I should tell Yesh this."

"They will figure out that we were at your office then." She said and we both started laughing at it.

My heart felt light and good. It felt so good to have someone to laugh with. To have someone to be called a friend and have the chit chat with.

"I think I am done with it. Let me inform Shiv and we are good to go." I said packing my stuffs.

"Maybe I can do the informing part for you." She said and we started laughing again.

Author's note:

That would be the last chapter of the book. The epilogue will be updated shortly. Thanks for loving the book.
Love you all!

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