2- The Sun Shine

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Manvi pov:

I dressed up myself faster and came down. I had planned to leave the house as earlier as possible. I was not in a mood to stay over there.

But a sudden question raised in my mind 'Where is Choco? How can you leave without seeing her? You din't see her for a so long time.'

Actually choco is my cute little poodle dog. I have her with me for the past 4 years. The only symbol of my dark past.

It can even be said that she is the only one whom I trust in this entire world.

I went in search of her and found her playing with a ball. So happily.....
I picked her up from the ground and jumped on to my sofa as my inner sense commanded me to play with her for a while before leaving.

My entire mood changed.
She changed it.

But..... but... the only thing is....
She constantly reminded me that I had a very bad past. I must be brave and face all troubles in life all alone......

Thoughts blocked my mind.

I came out of my world of thoughts when I finally heard my mother calling out my name loud enough for the entire street to listen. She was basically asking me to eat before I leave.

"Ma I have to go now. I am engaged to my new project and I have to go and visit that place today to start my work. Only if I leave now I can go to my office first and then to that company. I will get my lunch from the office canteen, don't worry ma. Bye" I replied and closed the door behind me.
She said something and her voice slowly fadded before I left from which I could understand nothing.


To my great surprise I saw only the watchman in the whole ground floor where genrally 100's of people would be seen.

Even I found the lift to move up having only me inside it. It seemed to be like a holiday. Everything around me was so still. I heard my own breath.

As I stepped into the office I used to wish people inside and they would wish me back. But today none of them were in their place. The coffee corner was also empty which added to the suspense.
I reached my place, kept my bag and phone on the table and blinked in amusement.

'Oh god. Everything seems so strange. What the hell is just going on? Ok let me continue with my work' I said to myself and took few files regarding my new project.
I turned on my heels and started moving towards my boss's room . I heared the sound of my heels as I just moved . I guessed every one must have gone on a sudden leave or a trip or something like a strike without even informing me. I slowly opened the cabin door and stepped in the room.


There came a sudden blast of sound making me still for few seconds.

'What the hell did just happen?'

I slowly realised that my entire team, oh sorry, the office had built up this suspense saying it to be a surprise. I found almost every soul in the office there inside my boss's room including he himself.
'Is he also a part of this crap?'

All chorused "congrats Manvi. You are now into a great project." at once. Then it followed the individual wishes. Lot of boquets and greetings.

'Is it my birthday today? Did I even forget that?'

No. That is not possible.

I pasted a constant smile on my face.

All except my boss atlast left the room and resumed with their work. I just turned around and came near him to show the files that I had bought regarding the new project. But to my surprise he just took it from my hand and kept it on the table. He atlast opened his mouth-

"You are going to start a work which many could never even imagine doing in their life.
Not only your fame but our entire team's pride is in your hands now. Be careful.
I will check the files later. You first start from here and be there right on time. I have made all the necessary arrangements for you. In case of any help contact either me or our team at any time. We all are here to support you. ALL THE BEST " he said and gestured me to leave.
I smiled and left his room without any reply.

Now I got back to the same sour feel that I should meet him again.
It blocked my mind when I made my way to the canteen.

"Hi madam. Good morning" Ravi (person who runs the canteen) said.

"Hi. Good morning Ravi. I need a fried rice for lunch." I said and he nodded his head in approval. He took a box and placed on the table.

Before I left, he said
"All the best for your new work madam. Do it well."
I was a bit surprised that even he knewed about it in just one day.

'Nothing to get surprised when it comes to Vidyut.' I smiled at the fact and walked away from the place. My car was waiting to pick me up near the entrance. Actually to drop me at that horrible place. I slowly stepped in the car when my driver said
"Good Morning mam" with a bright smile. I wished him back and gestured him to start the car.

My mind again started opening those junk files from my memory.

Only the voice "Mam we reached the place" of my driver may be I don't know after how much time , made me come back into the present world.
"Thanks" I replied and stepped out of the car.
Bright sun shined and I closed my little eyes.....


Author note:

Hi guys. I really apologise for my late update. Sorry to make you guys wait for it. The past few weeks of my life was so bad which din't allow me to post. I promise that I make my next update as soon as possible. Love you all!

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