And Everything Was Perfect (Cronus X Oldest Sibling!Vantas!Reader)

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Kankri and Cronus were always in the same class. From kindergarten to senior year, they've always been in at least one same class together each year, which annoyed the hell out of Kankri, but Cronus was always happy to at least have one friend with him. He was able to copy off Kankri's notes and bother him about subjects that were wholly useless to what the homework was about. They always studies at Kankri's house as well, which left his annoying brother and his obsession with non-magic magic  and his father with ever cycling ladies coming through the doors, away from his studies and his friendships. Signless understood why he came over and always made sure the boy was fed and comfortable, a portable recuperacoon always available if Cronus lost a few hours of sleep due to his family's antics. 

Kankri was, in Cronus' eyes at least, his best friend. He previously thought there wee flushed feelings somewhere there, but after a week of figuring his thoughts out, it was instantly rejected. Kankri and Karkat were like brothers to him, but better and less pompous about the stupidest stuff. 

It was Kankri's sister that always made him feel uncomfortable, hot under the collar, if you will. He tried his best to hide his feelings throughout the years, dated other girls and guys to get her out of his head, but something about her made him instinctively gravitate towards her. He shared the feelings with Kankri, who ultimately thought it was disgusting since it was his sister, and Cronus left it at that. 

Y/n was one year older, graduating from high school when Cronus and Kankri were juniors, Karkat just finishing sixth grade. When she went off to college, Cronus' bloodpumper hurt, but he knew it would never fully, truly work. After all, she went off to start her life again, while he was finishing the last of high school. An adult with someone who is still acting like a child.

Cronus heard nothing about Y/n for years, it's like she disappeared off the planet, Kankri not talking too much about his older sister, as his studies to become a Political Scientist, and Karkat getting his shit together for once and starting to look into Film, even at six sweeps old. His friend Dave was producing and helping with recording as Karkat wrote completely off-the-wall scripts that Cronus had the pleasure of acting out. Thinking of some of the actions he had to do made Cronus cringe in absolute embarrassment. 

Soon, he too left the small town the Amporas and part of the Vantases lived, to pursue his musical career. A college a few towns over had accepted him with scholarship, his major of Music Education helping him start an album up. The only thing he was missing was a guitarist to really get the perfect sound. So, like any college student needing a musician for one thing or another, he posted flyers around campus listing his phone number and what he's looking for, his scratchy words everywhere. 

Only a few guitarists reached out to him, the vibe not quite fitting. One was too focused on punk rock, which Cronus can appreciated, but it was too harsh a sound for him. And he liked the person who wanted to do more folksy type music, but he couldn't stand their arrogance on how they were the best around. And the metalhead just couldn't understand why he couldn't just change the entire song to specifically fit his idea of 'superior' music. Cronus was starting to give up and work on Garage Band (the mechanics always confused him), until one last person decided to contact him. It was a short text conversation, something Cronus had not too much hope for, but he still set up an audition for the artist and looked forward to it the next day.

Cronus thought he was dreaming when Y/n Vantas stepped through the door, nervously, holding a guitar in a black case with f/band stickers and white paint pen markings. She smiled lightly at the boy, making a violet flush appear across his cheeks and fins. She set up her guitar, an amplifier ready for the audition, and she played.

He was gobsmacked, to say the least. She played the song "Before It's Gone" By The She's, and while not technically difficult to play, the strings were hit just perfect and the fingerpicking was fluid, something Cronus cared very much about. She didn't sing the song, more mumbling the words as to focus more on the chords and hand movements. Cronus didn't care; she was perfect for what he needed, and she was perfect to be with in any sense. 

So they practiced and played and sang, the two working together to make the mix of the song pleasant, better, perfect. Along the way, Y/n noticed the boy; she's always been fond of Cronus when he'd come over, always kind to Karkat who has struggled with emotions for the longest time, and she realized that after being with Kankri for the day, the constant lecturer would be quiet, keeping his thoughts to himself and working on making a better argument in journals rather than pushing people away with his constant talking. He was pretty too, with the typical jet black hair of a troll but a streak of violet down the center of his forehead making his grey skin and purple undertones pop out. His eyes were golden scleras and orange pupils, a light purple showing that he has started his last molt before become a full fledged adult at twelve sweeps. 

Cronus and Y/n talks for  ages, the almost two years lost making them bond closer than before, making feelings on both ends become stronger than previous years. Cronus couldn't talk without a permanent smile near him. Y/n couldn't be with him for too long without laughing at even the lamest of jokes. Happiness between the two was more than they could hope for, of course, after recording the song.

Cronus was anxious when he sent it to executives as several record labels known for their connections in the music industry. The waiting only took two weeks before hearing of something.

When Cronus opened the email sent to Skaia Records held by Andrew Hussie, he expected nothing but rejection. When he saw anything but rejection, he ran all the way to Y/n's dorm room, the two having hung around there after practice. He knocked on the door before hastily opening the door right at her words to let him in. He jumps into the bed next to her and scrambles to her close, opening his email on his phone. Y/n was startled for a moment, not quite understanding his excited words tumbling out of his mouth, the phone shoved in her face. She wrenches it out of his hand and Cronus gets up off the bed, realizing where he was. As she processed the words, she starts to stand, looking back and forth from the words to the boy, disbelief written across her face. He starts to grin, the smile stretching across his face nad they jump up and down, practically screaming in excitement. Y/n hugs the boy close, the feeling of love and encouragement, triumph and adrenaline make them squeeze each other tightly. 

When he asked to kiss her, she enthusiastically answered with a yes, the warmth of the moment making them feel like their bloodpumpers were to burst at any moment. When they parted, smiles larger than life reflected on their faces. 

Instantly, Y/n pulls up a journal as they sit together to start their new collaboration, with their new relationship starting. Everything was perfect. 

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