Be My Model (Damara X Artistic!Reader)

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The lowblood sighs as another customer come in, stopping her conversation with her best friend, Meenah Peixes. She flashes a smile at the low-life before turning back to the seadweller. Meenah chews on her bubblegum before popping it annoyingly.

"Honestly, I don't even get why we have these shitty jobs," She scoffs. "I'm practically royalty and I'm cool with splitting shit with you, Damara."

"The Ancestors wanted us to, Meenah," Damara helps the man in grubby clothes with his change. "Have a good day! It's to help us learn more about human customs."

"Ugh, whatever. Like I ever cared about them." Meenah unwraps another stick of bubblegum and smacks her lips. "Hey, you wanna go to this party after work? I heard it's a rager." She taps a couple of digits on her phone and pulls up the information. 

Damara nods her head as a girl comes in, just barely their height. She is wearing baggy jeans with what looks like troll blood, but a quick sniff could discern it as paint. Her oversized hoodie hangs on her like a blanket and her hair is messily put up. A wisp or two frames her face. Damara looks at her once, glances back to see one of the most beautiful faces. Sure, there may be a few blackheads and she isn't smiling, but her eyes instantly captivate Damara. She scans the store slightly before stopping at the clerks behind the 7-11 counter. Her eyes focus on Damara's face and she could feel her face turn to rust red.

"Where's your most caffeinated drink and cheapest food?" She stuffs her hands into her pockets. Meenah, bored, points at the aisles and turns to Damara. She stares at the lowblood with concern. 

"Hey. Damara. Mara?" She waves her hand in front of her. Damara snaps out of staring and blush an even brighter red. Meenah looks back at the girl grabbing a black coffee and a couple of Lean Cuisine dinners. She notices the pretty face and whistled lowly.

"I know her. She's on campus with us. Freaky human, and a total drunk, all she buys are mini vodkas." Damara hits her and fumbles with the cash register as the girl comes up to the counter.

"Will that be all for today?" Damara looks anywhere but at the face of the captivating girl.

"No, one mini of vodka." She slaps two twenties down and Meenah silently passes her the bottle. "Thanks." She gets her change back then eyes Damara once more. Damara just blushes. The girl shuffles something around in her pocket. She pulls out a card, slightly bent from being in her pocket. She places it in Damara's hand.

"Go to the address. I'd like to meet you there." She waves and goes out the door with her shitty dinner. The doorbell rings.

"Holy. Fucking. Shit. Did you get asked to go to her place? Her hang out place? What the fuck!" Meenah shakes Damara, who was frozen in spot, due to a certain someone's hand brushing hers. "Dude, did you hear me? You have to go!" Damara nods in a daze and slips the small piece of paper into the pocket of her jeans. Holy shit.

Damara checks the address once more before stepping up to the warehouse. It pulses with indie music and laughter, making the troll girl straighten the red halter top and white cardigan in nervousness. She knocks on the metal door and it quickly opens. She barely flinches before making a smile. 

"Oh, are you a friend of Y/n's?" A girl with crazy-dyed hair asks. She smiles widely as Damara shakes her head, then nods, then shrugs. "Well, that's good enough for me." She grabs Damara's perfectly manicured hand and pulls her into the warehouse, lit with yellowish lights. The music was playing from loudspeakers and pieces of magnificent art were hung everywhere. Damara stares at them; pieces created with oils, pieces created with pastels, some just ink and what seemed to be a mixture of charcoal and water. She didn't question it, only who made it. The girl with multi-colored hair points into the thick part of a pulsing crowd. Damara thanks her before heading straight in. She shoves her way to the front, where a white canvas was placed on a large easel. Next to it, she had to catch her breath.

A girl in her natural element. Y/n, her hair still messily up, but her jeans traded for skinny ones, her shirt exchanged for a shirt fitting her figure perfectly. Her eyes looked wild, going crazy with the color that was being splashed on. Orange, yellow, a pop of white canvas almost instantly being covered. Damara had never seen such ferocity with art. She steps back, but Y/n looks over the crowd and spots her. She beckons, Damara goes.

"I saw you staring." She smiles, her eyes close up look like a kaleidoscope of pictures and thoughts and colors. Like her paintings. "Couldn't help notice you, with your symmetric eyeliner, you take time doing it perfectly. Flawless skin tone. The lights here shine perfectly on you." Damara didn't know what to do with the onslaught of compliments and statements. 

"Thank you, uh, Y/n. I was staring because- because I thought you were pretty." Damara says lamely. She curses at herself in her head, but Y/n just laughs. She flicks her hair from her face before eyeing her up and down. 

"I want to paint you."


"I said I want to paint you."

"But, I'm just a low blood troll, you should really paint someone of higher caste--"

"Darling, I'm a human. We don't give a fuck about the castes. You okay with me painting you?"

Damara had to think for a second. A beautiful girl with amazing talent wanted to use her paint and canvas and time to paint her. 


"Perfect. Come here tomorrow, at 10 AM. It'll be quieter, don't you think?"


"Radical. See you around, Damara."

She kisses her cheek before taking off into the crowd, the bottle of vodka she bought was by the canvas, poured out among the paints. Damara logs that into her brain to tell Meenah. Wait.

Y/n kissed Damara's cheek.

Y/n kissed Damara's cheek!!

Damara wants to melt into a puddle of happiness, but she's currently in public. Her face turns as red like cranberry juice and heads out the door. She looks one last time at the paintings, the style so calming and colorful. She looks over the warehouse and her eye catches once more on Y/n, who was laughing and talking along with the colorful-haired girl and many other art majors. She makes eye contact and winks slyly. Damara blushes brighter somehow and closes the warehouse door behind her.

She lets out a huge breath she didn't know she was holding. Tomorrow, she meets with Y/n once more. 

Homestuck X Reader PART 2Where stories live. Discover now