(Cronus X Greaser!Reader)

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He can always smell smoke in her jacket, but she never smokes at school. Maybe because Y/n knew she would get in trouble, or for courtesy of the sea dwellers and their sensitive fins. Cronus goes with the latter, being a sea dweller himself and clearly in love with the girl. 

"Love me, love me, say that you love me." He can hear her singing in the halls, her leather bomber jacket wrapped tight. Her bright red-framed sunglasses made her face more angular and sharp. Cronus could only stare at the girl radiating confidence. She walked past with headphones covering her ears, singing out loud and not giving a fuck.

"Fool me, fool me, go on and fool me." Y/n glanced over at the boy with ink black hair and amethyst eyes. He never knew she stared at him, never looking with the trademark glasses. His hair was slightly greased back, his horns making him taller than most of the school population. The white shirt made his chest slightly more defined, making the girl at least a little jealous of the six pack. She passes him in the hall, him staring with reckless abandon and a look of awe. She smirks before singing the rest of the lyrics to her classroom.

")(ello fellow classmates!" Feferi, the sophomore that somehow got into their AP English class. "Today is t)(e sign up for t)(is year's talent s)(ow, please sign up at the counseling office by t)(e-" And who cares? Y/n yawns and reads her book while Cronus listens intently. In the corner of his eye, he can see Y/n with her sunglasses off and reading some fantasy book. 

An idea, for once in his life, seemed good and able for him to do. Cronus writes down a reminder in his planner before getting to the English work he should've done last night. He hears a laugh and looks up. Y/n smiles at him, her hand reaching out with a paper full of answers. He blushes a little before thanking her and writing them down. He's definitely doing the idea.

"love me, love me, pretend that you love me." Y/n sings as she plugs in her phone to her car. The song plays from the car's speakers before she pulls out a cigarette. A lighter with purple stripes lights the cancer stick. She drives out to the song blaring, sunglasses on, and windows down. Cronus looks from his car with Tame Impala playing softly. He honks his horn, waiting for his sophomore brother Eridan to hurry up and stop macking on the Captor boy. As Y/n's car goes out of sight, he logs into one of his favorite websites: guitarchordsforidiots.com. 

Y/n is dressed in a cute red crop top and high waisted black jeans, Cronus notes, his heart racing. The bomber jacket and red frames match amazingly. Cronus slicks back his hair once more before going to the theater to set up his guitar. While she continues the English class, wondering where the cute fish boy was, he was picking at the guitar strings and doing vocal warm-ups. Seniors see the talent show last. He takes a deep breath and slides on his own leather jacket with a mock cigarette in his mouth, a la Augustus Waters and his lame-ass metaphor. Time to shine.

Y/n walks through the halls, for some reason worried that fish boy isn't making his usual adorable appearance. Whatever, he probably has a cold, she thinks. Why does she care? Y/n moves to the back of theater as violinists preform, leaning against the wall, her leg propped. A nerdy freshman spins some tracks, Meenah does some rad moves with her breakdancing posse, and there's always a karate kid. Honestly, Y/n would just like this over with. At least she doesn't have to go to Agricultural Sciences right now. 

"Dear, I fear wve're facing a problem." She looks up with the strum of a guitar and the lyrics of her favorite song playing.

"You lovwe me no longer, I knowv it." Cronus smirks at Y/n, the song obviously directed at her. A black leather jacket hangs on him, the sleeves rolled up.

"Maybe there is nothing that I can do to make you do." Y/n's face flushes a little. This has never happened to her, not that she's not enjoying it. His voice is gorgeous with the song as well.

"My ma tells me I shouldn't bother, that I ought to stick to another man." Cronus hits the notes perfectly and the guitar is properly tuned. He made sure of it at least fifty times backstage. "A man wvho surely deservwes me, but I think you do."

Y/n taps her foot to the music, her phone out recording the entirety of it. Fish boy is definitely going into her memory, his smile, his guitar skills, his suave gesture to get her attention.

"So I cry and I pray and I beg you." His voice goes slightly higher, which matches her favorite version of it.

"Love me, love me, say that you love me." Y/n lip-syncs the words as he focuses downwards. 

"Fool me, fool me, go on and fool me.

Leave me, leave me, just say that you need me.

So I cry and I beg for you to love me, love me

Say that you love me!

Leave me, leave me, just say that you need me.

I can't care about anything but you."

After the song is done, Y/n claps the loudest and is the last to leave the theater, hoping to catch fish boy on his way out. Seems like he snuck out a different way. She heads to her car a little dejected. 

"Cro, did you really do that just to impress that girl wwhats-her-name?" She hears a childish voice say with a snort.

"That'2 kiinda chee2y, don't you thiink?" Another guffaws.

She looks over to see two sophomores whose arms are wrapped around each other's middles and fish boy leaning against a lavender chevy. Perfect. She saunters over, placing her sunglasses over her twinkling eyes. 

"Shut up, Eridan, like you wvouldn't havwe done that for Fef in eighth grade!" The troll with no fins laughs at his boyfriend's blushing face.

"Hey," Y/n throws a smile at Cronus, making his face the color of a plum. "Do you think I can talk to you alone, Cro?" The sophomores gawk and Cronus tries to hide a giant grin.

"I think yeah I can, um, let me uh." He shoos away the two boys. "Yeah. Wvhat's up?"

"Just wanted to say I loved your performance up there." Cronus's fins fluttered in happiness. "You up for a drive in movie date?"

"YES-- I mean, yeah that'd be pretty cool." Y/n giggles at his attempts to be cool. 

"Nice. See you at seven, tomorrow?" She kisses his cheek for a second before walking off to go home.

Cronus puts a hand on the kissed cheek, his grin big and goofy. He pops into his car and as Y/n speeds off with his voice blasting from the speakers, he whoops loudly. 

"Aww, shut up Cro!" A sock in the arm reminds him of his brother and boyfriend that he's supposed to take to the library.

"So you got a date with the hottest girl in senior year, let's go."

As the two go in, they realize Cronus is putting 'Lovefool' on repeat.

"I can't care about anything but you."

**Hey everybody. So, my closing show was cancelled today due to fires close to my home and the smoke was too much. It was a very saddening day, and all of the actors and actresses were crying with the senior directors. We went to a cafe where they gave us ice cream, and we played tag like the kids we are, so at least I got to hang out with them today. I hope everyone likes the oneshot and has had a good day/night. Bye.**

Homestuck X Reader PART 2Where stories live. Discover now