Almost (Eridan X Reader)

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I look over at the faces of my friends, their eyes full of wonder and their mouths open in awe. The sky is so blue, like how it used to be on Earth. The trolls look mystified, but I could tell, they loved the light blue with wisps of white and grey. The world had rolling fields of green, speckled with patches of white and yellow flowers.

"Wooo!" Rose screams and tackles Kanaya, and they roll down the hills laughing and smiling and being together. It hurts and feels good at the same time, to see them. Everyone was smiling at the lovers, but I couldn't muster it up. I look over to see him.

Eridan. He was smiling and holding Feferi like she was the most precious thing in the world. The monster inside of me, the one that gnawed at my stomach, growled at the scene. I look away before he could see me staring.

I take a deep breath and head down with everyone, running down the hill, with gravity making me go faster than I have in a while. The rush of the wind and the cold air slaps me but feels so familiar and fresh, I don't mind. It wiped the tears out and away from my face.

We all collapse on the ground, the grass so soft under us, Dave sneezing a little because he's a total nerd and has a grass allergy. My arms are covered by John and Jade, the two looking up at the sky. I watch as interesting clouds pass us by and I keep thinking. Thinking of him, even though he is only a few feet away. I can feel tears welling up, I'm so tired of crying over him.

"I'm going to walk around, okay?" I stand up and the group protests. I look over at them and smile as best as I can.

"That's a good idea, I think I'll join them." I look over at Karkat and he stares at me, almost looking through me.

"Aww, is my Karkat getting excited about the planet?" Dave smirks and sneezes once more. "Going on a little nature walk?"

"Shut up douchenozzle, I just want to scout out where we could have our civilizations not interfere, now go fuck off." He grabs my hand and starts speed-walking away from the group. I stumble a little and we walk towards a grove of trees. He slows down as we get out of sight from the others. He sits down on a stump and stares at me again. I don't look at him.


I don't say a word.

"Y/n, look at me."

I oblige as I know he'll annoy me until I do so. His black eyes are turning red due to troll puberty. They hold too much pity for me. I feel the tears dribbling down my cheeks now, and I can't hold back any longer. I start sobbing full, open-hearted sobs, and I feel his warm arms around him.

"I can't believe him," I say, my voice raw and gritty. "I save his ass so many times and I gave him everything. Feferi did nothing for him except be a shitty moirail."

"I know."

"I tried my best, I really did, to make him a better person. He even is civil with Sollux, but he chose the girl who doesn't do shit for him or help him."

"I know, Y/n."

"Then why am I almost there?"

I look deep into the pity-filled eyes and my face breaks again. My face feels hot and I can't tell if it's tears or snot running down my face. Karkat pulls out a handkerchief and I clean my face.

"I'm never the first person anyone chooses," I say hollowly. "It's always bridesmaid, never the bride."

Karkat tugs me towards him and I cuddle deep into his soft turtleneck. He starts petting my head and I sob quietly into his chest.

"I don't get it, Karkat." My fingers grab onto the soft material and tighten, twisting the sweater all around in my hands. "I want to be loved, but why can't anyone love me?"

Suddenly, a snap. I freeze, not leaving the warm chest of the male. His arms tighten around me. My heart beats fast, so fast.

"Kar? Wwhat's happenin'?" I feel myself go rigid.

"Get the fuck away." He replies coolly.

"No, I should knoww wwhat's going on, she's my human best friend and I-"


I cautiously peer out and I see Eridan's bright violet eyes staring straight back at me. I tremble, too anxious and sad and tired to deal with him. Karkat's arms become even tighter. Eridan walks slowly back, his eyes still on us. He finally turns and the swish of his cape makes me relax. Karkat shoosh-paps me and I calm down.

"How about you, me, and Dave hang out more?" He suggests, his voice lower and calmer. "It'll be us three like old times."
I nod numbly and hold onto Karkat's arm as he messaged Dave. We exit the forest and Dave meets up with us, jabbering about who knows what, and keeping my mind off of everything. I look back to the main group.
Kanaya and Rose are making daisy chains. John and the Mayor are making building plans.
Feferi is in Eridan's lap and kissing his cheek. He looks at me once more.

But this time, I have to turn back. Because I almost was about to break down once more.

Homestuck X Reader PART 2Where stories live. Discover now