Best Friend (EriSolsprite X Moirail!Reader)

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"What hair dye should I use?"
I shove two bottles into my friend's face, startling him from a selection of shampoos.
He examines them, a war obviously going through his head. I see the blue and red tell-tale signs of frustration.
"II wwant purple," he growls before switching, "Yelloww ii2 obviiou2ly far more 2uperiior." He snarls at himself and shakes his head.
"I'll just get both," I say, soothing him. "Maybe an ombré effect, sunflower yellow to lavender purple?"
Behind his blocky glasses I can see relief.
"Ye2. That 2ound2 wwonderful."
"Let's go then!"

"Skittles or M&M's?" I ask out loud. I contemplate the need for fruity flavors and chocolate, because I'm not some sadist and get chocolate covered gummy bears. "I do love both, is there a sale?"
A screech echoes throughout the aisle. I look over to see EriSol crouching down with lightning spurting out of his horns.
"2kiittle2, no, M&M'2, no you bliitheriing iidiiot! 2kittle2!"
I rush over with a pack of both.
"Shoosh, I'll get both. I'll get both, okay?" I kiss his forehead lightly, making him relax. We go up to pay for the candy.

"Hey ES! I'm putting on a show, come over and watch it with me!" I press the play button on the remote as the sounds of pattering feet come down the hall. He jumps over the couch and onto me, making me wheeze.
"You're squishing me," I say with dying breath. For a sprite, he's really fucking heavy for my twig body to handle. "Get off, ES."
"Nah, II'm comfy here." He snickers, almost splitting between the two people in him.
"Fine, hand me some candy then, okay?" He grabs the bowl and I take the skittles to munch on.
He carefully sorts out the colors of the two candies; two yellow, two orange, two red, and two green. He pops the M&M in first before crunching down on a skittle. A strange taste, but I can't judge. He looks over at me and blushes one side yellow, one side purple.

"Wwhy are you evven friiend2 wwiith me?" I look down at EriSol who was laying his head in my lap, reading a Marvel comic.
He sighs and looks over at me, putting his arms down.
"Wwhy are you evven friiend2 wwiith me?" He repeated. I put down my comic and stare at him in the eyes. Or, I would if he didn't have his weird shades on.
"EriSol Captora, just because you think you're awful doesn't mean everyone else does." He looks away from my eyes. "I happen to think you are kind, caring, a sarcastic ball of perfect. Both of you."
"Both of u2," He murmurs, his voice splitting into two. The English, whiny drawl different from the lispy analytical one.
"But, a2 Erii2ol, wwe're 2tiill awwful."
I shake my head.
"ES, I would go to the moon and back for you. You are my best friend and I wouldn't trade you out of anyone. Who was there when I got detention for the senior prank?"
He points to himself.
"Who flopped of the teachers when we ran out of the rally to go to Denny's?"
He points to himself and smiles at the memories.
"Who helped me through my math and history homework, just so I could be able to go to the same college?"
"That's right, you." I grab his face so he's looking into my eyes again. I take off his chunky glasses.
"You are the best friend any person wishes to have. I'm honored to be yours."
His colored eyes started to well up and he curls up on me, hiccuping slightly from the tears. I shoosh-pap him and rub the top of his horns, as he explained it was comforting.
He kisses me lightly on the forehead.
"Pale for you, Y/n."
"Pale for you too, ES."
He slowly starts calming down and falls asleep on me. I don't leave, afraid to wake him up. My eyes start to drop and I yawn, letting y eyes close for tonight.

**Sorry it's been such a long time, Junior year is starting for me. Gotta love AP classes! Also, I got into the student directed play again, with a fantastic character! My ex is one of the directors, but tbh, he's one of my best friends now so I don't feel so uncomfortable anymore. It's really nice to find some relief in that. I hope everyone has a good day/night :o)**

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