How He Gained His Scars (Dualscar X Seadweller!Reader)

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**Currently I am in math class, bored out of my mind. My teacher can't teach. Art is not mine.**

She was so beautiful. Her hair lush, her skin a grey-purple hue. Her eyes have the irises of color, showing that she was an old soul.

Now, all I can see is black, black fury taking over her mind. 

Y/n L/n, thrashes around on the floor with her teeth almost barred like an animal's. I raise my hand to the thick glass, my reflection looks as if I'm standing next to her. I'm not.

I'm on the other side of it.

"Sir, Ms L/n isn't possibly in stable condition for you to go in." A healer says. 

I don't care. It's been weeks since this, this disease had taken her over! Taken her from our children! Taken her from our home!

Taken her from me.

"You have heard my orders," I say, my voice rough and dead. "I will visit Y/n today or there will be no more of you." I glare at the doctor and he pales. His gils flutter in the cold, Atlantic water. He nods and gets the key for the door.

Just a few steps. People outside take precautions with tranquilizers, guns, chains in hand. She's not an animal, she's just got some disease!

I walk in and the doctor closes the door hurriedly. Y/n turns her head fast, too fast to not have hurt. She growls and her pupils constricting. I edge close to her, my hands up like I'm being arrested. Her fins stiffen on her back, ripping the hospital robe. 

"Hello lovwe," I whisper, my voice being the only noise besides the throaty growls coming from her. I walk slowly, my steps short. "It's me, Dually. Remember?"

She just backs up. 

It makes my bloodpumper sink, but I keep talking.

"Eridan and Cronus are wvaiting for you to come home. They said they're going to make f/f. They collected coral for you." 

She hisses.

I get closer, almost backing her into a corner.

"Darling, you knowv me. It must be difficult right nowv, but babe, I knowv you can get through this." I try to touch her arm, to give her a soothing touch.

I yell as pain erupts on my face, a jagged scraping making purple leak onto the floor. It pours into my mouth, the salty, coppery taste makes me want to vomit. An alarm goes off and people in suits pull me out of the room.

"No, she didn't mean it!" I roar from pain and desperation. "She wvas just scared, don't you dare hurt her!"

They close the door and I instantly go towards the glass. Y/n growls, her hands covered in my blood, her nails shining like it had a fresh coat of nail polish. It floats in the water, the purple making the blue-green sea water murky. 

The people in suits raise their tranquilizers and aim. 

I look away.

I see her asleep, someone having moved her to her bed. Her sleeping face is so peaceful, so much like the Y/n I used to know. I look at her as people patch up my face. 

"There will be scars, sir," The healer gently places a seaweed solution on my face. "They may be there for the rest of your life."

"I don't care." My voice is hollow. "I don't care."

"She will have to stay until the end of this sweep."

"I don't care."

"She might be cured by the end!"


"Sir? Are you sure you wish to leave?"

I face the healer, behind him, the glass, and behind that, her.

"I will visit her at the end of the sweep."

I turn away so no one may see my violet tears. 

So no one may see the scars she gave me.

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