Next Week's Meeting (Gamzee X Druggie!Reader)

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**I don't condone the underage use of alcohol or drugs. It's just in the story. Also, I'm looking for an editor of my short stories, fanfics, and oneshots. If anyone would like to read my bullshit, DM me and I'll send you my google drive stuff!**

Another meeting, another day of bullshit saying of happiness and recovery. I tap my foot on the ground rapidly, all energy focusing on that point. The 'doctor' comes bouncing along, her honey curls and too-bright smile makes me wretch.

"Hello, my lovelies!" She squeals, I cringe at my oversensitivity. I tap my foot louder. 

"Today we have a new person joining our ranks, so brave, so brave," She pretends to wipe a tear from her eye. "So, please be kind to this lovely new addition to our group." 

We clap monotonously. She turns and beckons to someone, someone wrapped up in black clothing and two hands shoved deep into pockets. She waves a little before taking a seat next to me. I ignore her. 

"Let's introduce ourselves. Hi, I'm Alyssa and I've been working here..." We go around in the circle, I zone out as I don't care about these people. I need to get another fix of a sopor pie soon, I feel the chucklevoodoo in me start to rumble. My foot taps louder.

"I'm Y/n L/n, just arrived at NA. So far, I'm bored and I could use a hit to take the edge off."

"What a funny joke, sweetie!" Alyssa giggles and I wince once more. My foot taps even louder until I feel a soft hand placed on my knee. I look over, my eyes an instant glare. It was the new girl.

I stop glaring. Piercing e/c eyes look at me with a surge of ferocity. I stop bouncing my leg and stare into the eyes. They stop glaring and glance at Alyssa. I look up to see the 'doctor' looking at me expectantly. 

"I'm GaMzEe MaKaRa, BeEn HeRe SiNcE sKaIa WaS fOrMeD," I mumble. "sTiLl ReLyInG oN sOpOr."

"But getting better every day!" Alyssa says brightly. I roll my eyes and look back at Y/n. She was still staring at me, more with curiosity than previous the previous look. I get that, with my ICP look and giant troll horns. I growl a little bit, but she doesn't stop looking at me, she just adopts the look of 'really?'. I respect that, people usually back off.

"WhY aRe YoU hErE?" I ask out of the corner of my mouth. She looks at me through the corner of her eye.

"'Cause I wanted to see the circus, what about you?" Snarky. I like it. "I came here because my friends were worried about my need for alcohol, drugs, you name it, I've done it." She rubs her tired eyes and sighs.


"You're telling me."

We sit in silence, the only sound being the droning voice of the 'doctor'. I can't wait to get out of here. I bounce my leg again, slowly so that Y/n doesn't get bothered. She notices but doesn't say a word. Mutual respect, I guess. I bounce my leg slowly and she taps her fingers on her leg as we continue this shitty meeting.

The end of the meeting comes faster than normal, but then again, I had someone to talk to instead of sitting and zoning out. I enjoyed today's meeting, but only for Y/n's sarcastic comments and use of exaggeration in answers to Alyssa's questions.

I get up from my chair, grab my backpack, and head out of the room. I carefully tuck my horns into my hoodie and look out at the gloomy sky. Karkat said he'd pick me up today to take me home.

"Hey, Makara."

I look over to see Y/n and her piercing eyes. She scans me and I feel like she's looking through me. It makes me shiver but I don't look away from her.

"See you next meeting?"


"Good." She looks into my eyes and I see a shine, a glimmer of some sort. She grins and I notice that it looked like a child ready to unleash a prank. "See you then."

I stare at her as she walks down the steps and around the corner, she's gone. 

She's gone til next week.

Homestuck X Reader PART 2Where stories live. Discover now