So This is Love (Kankri X Reader)

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**Hi, I can't fall asleep and I'm so close to crying because I have work tomorrow at 7:15, which means I have to wake up at 6:00 and I won't even have five hours of sleep. I'm so tired.**

Lo-fi never seemed like an option for me, but it makes her happy. I prefer the silence, or maybe a good podcast, but listening to the random drums of a ukulele or a beat made via computer works just as well.
Y/n's head is in my lap and I can't help but weave my hand through her hair, the colors merging in the lamp light, mesmerizing, shifting. My other hand is open to the page in which Sophie from Howl's Moving Castle has finally had enough of Howl and I'd ready to leave once more. But she never can, can she? It's obvious she's in love.

I think I know a few things about love; love at first sight was only a silly dream for me, but I think I felt that when I saw Y/n. She was smiling at me apologetically, her hand retracting from the book we were both reaching for. I couldn't stop staring at her eyes, so bright and full of life, something I fear my yellow tinted eyes could never be. She let me take the book, even though I insisted I could always find another copy.

We stayed so long, after two hours the employee had to tell us to move so that they may restock. Her cheeks were a beautiful flush of color, and I think mine were too. So we went to a coffee shop after, just to sit and talk and catch each other staring.

Then again, I thought deep love was also a myth, considering relationships with others in the past; you can break your heart so many time to believe it will never be fixed. But Y/n came along and it was like she had a first aid kit with her always, teaching me the ropes a healthy, good, strong relationship. She would let me be with my friends, have my alone time, stopped when I said stop, and I did the same for her. She understood that while my vow of celibacy was broken, I am an asexual, and respected when I felt uncomfortable doing things. She cares for me, and I truly think I'm in love with her. I trust her with my life.

"Yes, my darling?" I look down to see her face covered in her hair and I stifle a laugh.
"What are you thinking about?"
I smile at her question and place a bookmark in the book. I put my hands around her face and kiss her gently, the light feeling of sticky gloss and slight taste of berries on her lips.
"Why, I was thinking a69ut y9u and h9w much I ad9re y9u."

Her face flushed with color, oh how I adore it. She smiles and kisses me once more before curling back up on the bed and into my lap.

I continue to play with her hair and read my book and she hum along to the beat of the lo-fi music, content with how we've become.

And I wouldn't have it any other way.

Homestuck X Reader PART 2Where stories live. Discover now