A Day in the Life of A Highschool Student

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Ah, crap.

A certain highschool girl who happens to be leaning against a shaded part on top of the school rooftop, is now checking her wristwatch. And what she sees is not pretty...

It's so late already? She stretches and yawns loudly since she is sure that no one is around. Heck, no one is even at school anymore, so why worry? I haven't even planned what to eat for dinner.

The (h/c)-haired girl stands from her spot and starts to pop the bones on her back. A satisfied sigh leaves her lips when her back makes the exact sound she wants to hear.

Should I just buy something at the convenience store? But I'm almost out of money right now... She groans as she picks up her school bag from the floor. Should I just go to sleep without eating like every other busy nights?

She makes her way downstairs, across long hallways and corridors and finally reach the ground floor where she bumps into a baffled male student who just arrived a few seconds prior. She pays no mind to the boy's stare and continues on her walk home.

I can't believe I slept for that long... Her fingers are left to run through her hair in distress. Last night's patrol really took a toll on me today, huh? Guess it's the right decision to finish all my school work in between classes.

Her eyes strays upwards, searching the sky. Then, she lets them wander all around her carefully, as her ears strain to hear anything out of the norm.

Nothing, hm? Soul Reaper-san is truly not someone to be trifled with.

Dull (e/c) orbs closes as she walks past the river. She loves the sound of running water, and in this moment of silent at dusk, she wants to drink it all in. She finds this a form of meditation, thus why she opts to go home late every evening to wait until no one is around to disturb her walk.

Her feet lead her into a convenience store not long after, where she finally opens her eyes. Not many people are inside, only around two or three, counting her and save for the cashier. Eager to go home, she quickly grabs a packet of (p/f)*-flavoured bread and a large bottle of plain water from the fridge. Wordlessly and expressionlessly, she pays for them and hurries out of the store. By then, the sun has set and the street lamps are the only guidance she has.

It's quiet tonight. She closes her eyes as she walks along an alley. Did Soul Reaper-san kill those Hollows already? With those injuries...

Well, fate seems to want to prove her wrong... Because she suddenly senses a huge presence in a certain direction, and surprisingly, said Soul Reaper is there as well. She halts in her steps.

Do I go or not go...? Soul Reaper-san is there already... She runs a hand through her (h/l) (h/c) hair, ruffling it out of the neat (h/s) she made earlier that morning. But if I leave her be, my conscience is going to suffer for the rest of the night and perhaps tomorrow as well...

A groan then leaves her lips, before she changes her direction towards the presences. The further down she goes, the more she recognizes this route...

Hold up... Her brows crease. Isn't this...the way to Kurosaki-san's house...?

She speeds up as she remembers a crucial detail to his family. He has younger sisters, damnit.

As she gets closer, the pressure becomes stronger, to the point that she struggles to keep her breath steady. She promptly pulls up the sleeve of her school uniform, and from her bag, takes out a pocket knife. As she runs, she brings the blade of the knife towards the underside of her arm where a small, blood red tattoo of a phoenix can be seen, and pierces said tattoo to the point of drawing blood.

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