Every Passing Day is Tiring...

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(Y/N)'s not so amazing morning begins when she wakes up with a start from a nightmare. It isn't even bright outside yet, and when she looks at the clock, it's still only three in the morning. But she is unable to go back to sleep after that. After a whole hour spent with tosses and turns and groans when she accidentally irritates her healing wound, she gives up. She doesn't feel like going back to sleep anymore.

She sits at her desk, poring over her textbook for the lessons of next day. Then, finally, her alarm rings at 5 a.m. She stores away her book, hangs her headphones in its original spot and gets herself ready for the day despite her exhaustion.

When she is already dressed up in her school uniform, it is still early for her to set out. So she did a few house chores, like washing the clothes she didn't manage to the night before and sweeping the floor. Not much needs to be done since she is rarely ever home to mess anything up.

Before she actually sets out, she grabs her bag, and the light meal she was supposed to eat the night before. With that, she is off, alone with her thoughts as it always is.

She is just casually walking along the riverside since it is still very early until the bell rings. She inhales deeply and exhales to relax.

Oh, my head...


At the call from the familiar voice, (Y/N) swivels around and sees Rukia running towards her...and wearing the same uniform she is.

"Soul Reaper-san?"

She waits until the noirette has caught up to her before she asks, "What are you doing in a school uniform?"

"I'll be going to your school for a while," the Soul Reaper explains. The two starts to walk. "I can't do my job without my powers, nor can I remain in my Soul Reaper form. And someone has to keep watch over Ichigo, right?"

(Y/N) nods in understanding. "Say, Soul Reaper-san, I never got your name."

"It's Kuchiki Rukia. I assume your name is (S/N)?"

"Yes, I am. (S/N) (Y/N) to be exact."

The two turns around a corner where they can almost see the school building at the distance. "I am curious about your abilities, actually...can I call you (Y/N)?"

"You are free to do so, yes," the girl says with a nod.

"Do you have any connections to a Soul Reaper, (Y/N)? Your family, perhaps?"

The mention of her family leaves a sting in her heart, but the girl pushes it away and tries to ignore it. "No. But I come from a long line of Hollow exterminators."

"So... you... have associations to... Quincies?"

There is a certain edge in the woman's voice that indicates her nervousness. (Y/N)'s light chuckling however, makes that disappear.

"I have no connections to Soul Reapers, and nor do I associate myself with Quincies, Kuchiki-san." Yet, a certain glasses-wearing classmate of hers comes to mind. "It is hard to explain this to you, but for generations now, my family has been trying to keep the peace on this side of the world by helping souls and destroying Hollows. We are not very well-known, which is why your higher-ups might have never told you anything about us."

"But then..."

"We don't simply kill them off, Kuchiki-san, don't worry. We understand that balance must be kept between these worlds. Oh, will you look at that! We have arrived."

And indeed, they are already at the school gates. As expected, not many are there since it is very early in the morning. But there still are students and teachers around.

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