Days of Rest

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"(S/N)-san, your potions have helped us immensely," the Third Seat of Squad 4, Iemura Yasochika says to her. He bows. "Thank you."

(Y/N) nods with a tired smile spread across her face. She doesn't expect this from him, who always seems so uptight about everything yet still has the weird quirk of speaking his thoughts aloud as he writes in his journal. She doesn't expect anything from anybody really. But including this blond, close to twenty members of the 4th Squad have approached her with many words of thanks for the potions that she entrusted to Ikkaku and Yumichika.

Speaking of the two, where are they anyway? She really wants to thank them.

"It's nothing really," the girl says to the man. "I knew many injuries would occur, so I thought of a way to help relieve your squad's burdens. I hope it was of help."

"It helped us immensely, I tell you," he repeats. "When many patients started to come in, the nurses worried that the potion might not be enough, but they actually refill by themselves after thirty minutes or so. They were extremely useful. All of the patients recovered almost immediately."

Well, I'll be... (Y/N) only just knows about that fact. And here she was, worrying that the potions might not be enough for everyone. I learn more about my own ability every day.

Her eyes wander around at the frantic scene before her. The members of Squad 4 are doing their best to aid the injured. Earlier, she deployed her mini phoenixes everywhere to aid the medical Soul Reapers, so she hopes that she can help them here.

Her other companions are seated around Ichigo, resting it seems. Orihime was denied of using any more of her abilities by (Y/N) when the latter knew about the fact that she has exhausted her energy by a lot in the whole duration of their being in Soul Society. But everyone else was against her on using her own abilities to help Ichigo. Alas, she only sent them a mischievous grin before stating that she already used them to heal him earlier.

Meanwhile, Rukia is sitting beside her brother. They are having a conversation it seems. Perhaps a melancholic one, judging by their expressions. Both have received treatment from both (Y/N) and her phoenixes with the aid of Squad 4.

"Captain Unohana!" a Soul Reaper exclaims.

"I'll be taking my leave now, (S/N)-san," Iemura says. "Thank you again."

The girl nods, and she watches as the man approaches his Captain. She sighs and returns her gaze to the front.

After Aizen and the others have gone, and the medics start to arrive, (Y/N) has taken a spot right beside the cliff. Her eye sight has improved a long hour past. Perhaps it is because of the rush of adrenaline, she didn't realize it at that time. All the same, she can see normally now.

After days upon days, hours upon hours of panic, worry and rush, to be able to sit like this, so calm and quiet (ignoring the commotion behind her) is a blessing for her who normally doesn't engage in such chaotic events. Yet what choice did she have when her friend's life was on the line?

But, that aside... Aizen's words are bugging her the most. It's true that she only asked about that second method to stall for time for Byakuya to arrive before anything happens to Rukia. Yet, she can't help her curiosity now. There is so much she doesn't know about her ability; the origins, the potentials, all of that were never explained to her. As the youngest child, her older sister was relied on more in regards to using this ability. So that by the time they passed, she doesn't know much except the basic uses of it.

And then, there's Soleil. Why would Aizen go so far as to take Soleil away from her? What would he need with a phoenix? Unless... Yes, it is a possibility, that what she doesn't know is what the man most definitely knows.

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